Effects of morphine on place conditioning and ERK1/2 phosphorylation in the nucleus accumbens of psychogenetically selected Roman low- and high-avoidance rats.
2018-01-01 Rosas, Michela; Porru, Simona; Sabariego, M; Piludu, MARIA ANTONIETTA; Giorgi, Osvaldo; Corda, MARIA GIUSEPPA; Acquas, ELIO MARIA GIOACHINO
Sex-specific differences in cannabinoid-induced extracellular-signal-regulated kinase phosphorylation in the cingulate cortex, prefrontal cortex, and nucleus accumbens of Lister Hooded rats
2018-01-01 Rosas, Michela; Porru, Simona; Giugliano, Valentina; Antinori, Silvia; Scheggi, Simona; Fadda, Paola; Fratta, Walter; Acquas, Elio; Fattore, Liana
Differential effects of the MEK inhibitor SL327 on the acquisition and expression of ethanol-elicited conditioned place preference and aversion in mice
2017-01-01 Rosas, Michela; Porru, Simona; Longoni, Rosanna; Spina, Liliana; Peana, Alessandra T; Collu, Maria; Acquas, ELIO MARIA GIOACHINO
Is catalase involved in the effects of systemic and pVTA administration of 4-methylpyrazole on ethanol self-administration?
2017-01-01 Peana, At; Pintus, Fa; Bennardini, F; Rocchitta, G; Bazzu, G; Serra, Pa; Porru, Simona; Rosas, Michela; Acquas, ELIO MARIA GIOACHINO
Mystic acetaldehyde: The never-endings story on alcoholism
2017-01-01 Peana, Alessandra T.; Sánchez-Catalán, Maria J.; Hipólito, Lucia; Rosas, Michela; Porru, Simona; Bennardini, Federico; Romualdi, Patrizia; Caputi, Francesca F.; Candeletti, Sanzio; Polache, Ana; Granero, Luis; Acquas, Elio
New insights on the effects of Withania somnifera on the motivational properties of addictive drugs
2017-01-01 Bassareo, Valentina; Porru, Simona; Rosas, Michela; Frau, Roberto; Talani, Giuseppe; Sanna, Enrico; Acquas, ELIO MARIA GIOACCHINO
Role of nucleus accumbens μ opioid receptors in the effects of morphine on ERK1/2 phosphorylation
2016-01-01 Rosas, Michela; Porru, Simona; Fenu, Sandro; Ruiu, S; Peana, At; Papale, A; Brambilla, R; DI CHIARA, Gaetano; Acquas, ELIO MARIA GIOACHINO
Analisi dell’espressione della fosfoERK quale strumento di indagine per la caratterizzazione della sensibilità alle sostanze d’abuso in linee di ratti geneticamente selezionati
Differential effects of cocaine on extracellular signal-regulated kinase phosphorylation in nuclei of the extended amygdala and prefrontal cortex of psychogenetically selected roman high- and low-avoidance rats
2015-01-01 Giorgi, Osvaldo; Corda, MARIA GIUSEPPA; Sabariego, M; Giugliano, V; Piludu, MARIA ANTONIETTA; Rosas, Michela; Acquas, ELIO MARIA GIOACHINO
Role of ethanol-derived acetaldehyde in operant oral self-administration of ethanol in rats
2015-01-01 Peana, At; Porcheddu, V; Bennardini, F; Carta, A; Rosas, Michela; Acquas, ELIO MARIA GIOACHINO
Tea component, epigallocatechin gallate, potentiates anticataleptic and locomotor-sensitizing effects of caffeine in mice
2015-01-01 Kasture, Sb; Gaikar, M; Kasture, V; Arote, S; Salve, B; Rosas, Michela; Cotti, Elisabetta; Acquas, ELIO MARIA GIOACHINO
Withania somnifera Dunal (Indian ginseng) impairs acquisition and expression of ethanol-elicited conditioned place preference and conditioned place aversion
2015-01-01 Spina, Liliana; Longoni, Rosanna; Rosas, Michela; Collu, Maria; Peana, At; Espa, Elena; Kasture, S; Cotti, Elisabetta; Acquas, ELIO MARIA GIOACHINO
Acquisition and expression of conditioned taste aversion differentially affects extracellular signal regulated kinase and glutamate receptor phosphorylation in rat prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens
2014-01-01 Marotta, R; Fenu, Sandro; Scheggi, S; Vinci, S; Rosas, Michela; Falqui, Andrea; Gambarana, C; De Montis, Mg; Acquas, ELIO MARIA GIOACHINO
Differential sensitivity of ethanol-elicited ERK phosphorylation in nucleus accumbens of Sardinian alcohol-preferring and -non preferring rats
2014-01-01 Rosas, Michela; Zaru, A; Sabariego, M; Giugliano, V; Carboni, Ezio; Colombo, G; Acquas, ELIO MARIA GIOACHINO
Effects of Withania somnifera on oral ethanol self-administration in rats
2014-01-01 Peana, At; Muggironi, G; Spina, Liliana; Rosas, Michela; Kasture, Sb; Cotti, Elisabetta; Acquas, ELIO MARIA GIOACHINO
Effects of L-cysteine on reinstatement of ethanol-seeking behavior and on reinstatement-elicited extracellular signal-regulated kinase phosphorylation in the rat nucleus accumbens shell
2013-01-01 Peana, At; Giugliano, Valentina; Rosas, Michela; Sabariego, M; Acquas, ELIO MARIA GIOACHINO