Digital determinants of health as a way to address multilevel complex causal model in the promotion of Digital health equity and the prevention of digital health inequities: A scoping review
2024-01-01 Petretto, Donatella Rita; Carrogu, Gian Pietro; Gaviano, Luca; Berti, Roberta; Pinna, Martina; Petretto, Andrea Domenico; Roberto, Pili
Telemedicine, e-Health, and Digital Health Equity: A Scoping Review
2024-01-01 Petretto, Donatella Rita; Carrogu, Gian Pietro; Gaviano, Luca; Berti, Roberta; Pinna, Martina; Petretto, Andrea Domenico; Pili, Roberto
Children with autism spectrum disorders and severe visual impairments: Some general principles for intervention according to the perspective of clinical psychology of disability
2023-01-01 Petretto, Donatella Rita; Lucarelli, Loredana; Farris, Pericle; Penna, Valentina; Valinotti, Simona; Carrogu, GIAN PIETRO; Gaviano, Luca; Berti, Roberta; Pili, Lorenzo; Zolo, Bachisio; Pili, Roberto
Telemedicine: Issues in the Analysis of Its Use in Elderly People and in People with Disabilities, According to the Perspective of the Clinical Psychology of Disability
2023-01-01 Petretto, Donatella Rita; Gaviano, Luca; Carrogu, Gian Pietro; Berti, Roberta; Pinna, Martina; Pili, Roberto
Ageing and Disability According to the Perspective of Clinical Psychology of Disability
2022-01-01 Petretto, D. R.; Pili, R.
COVID-19 and the excess of mortality in Italy from January to April 2020: What are the risks for oldest old?
2022-01-01 Nicotra, E. F.; Pili, R.; Gaviano, L.; Carrogu, G. P.; Berti, R.; Grassi, P.; Petretto, D. R.
Autism and Visual impairment: A First Approach to a Complex Relationship
2021-01-01 Pili, Roberto; Zolo, Bachisio; Farris, Pericle; Penna, Valentina; Valinotti, Simona; Carrogu, Gian Pietro; Gaviano, Luca; Berti, Roberta; Pili, Lorenzo; Petretto, Donatella Rita
Dementia and major neurocognitive disorders: some lessons learned one century after the first Alois Alzheimer’s clinical notes
2021-01-01 Petretto, DONATELLA RITA; Carrogu, GIAN PIETRO; Gaviano, Luca; Pili, Lorenzo; Pili, Roberto
Longevity, lifestyles and eating: The importance of education
2021-01-01 Petretto, DONATELLA RITA; Pili, Roberto
Pattern of errors in Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices and their use in the clinical assessment of intelligence
2021-01-01 Petretto, DONATELLA RITA; Grassi, Paola; Masala, Carmelo; Nicotra, ERALDO FRANCESCO
Psychological aspects of students with learning disabilities in e-environments: a mini review and future research directions
2021-01-01 Cataudella, Stefania; Carta, STEFANO MARIANO; Mascia, Maria L.; Masala, Carmelo; Petretto, Donatella R.; Penna, Maria P.
Some lessons learned in the use of distance learning with students with Special Educational Needs during COVID-19 outbreak
2021-01-01 Petretto, Donatella Rita; Carta, Stefano Mariano; Cataudella, Stefania; Masala, Ilaria; Mascia, Maria Lidia; Penna, Maria Pietronilla; Piras, Paola; Pistis, Ilenia; Masala, Carmelo
Teaching in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Study on Teachers’ Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy in an Italian Sample
2021-01-01 Cataudella, S.; Carta, S. M.; Mascia, M. L.; Masala, C.; Petretto, D. R.; Agus, M.; Penna, M. P.
The use of distance learning and e-learning in students with learning disabilities: a review on the effects and some hint of analysis on the use during covid-19 outbreak
2021-01-01 Petretto, D. R.; Carta, S. M.; Cataudella, S.; Masala, I.; Mascia, M. L.; Penna, M. P.; Piras, P.; Pistis, I.; Masala, C.
Ageing and COVID-19: What is the role for elderly people?
2020-01-01 Petretto, D. R.; Pili, R.
La longevità nel benessere: sfide presenti e future
2020-01-01 Petretto, DONATELLA RITA; Pili, Roberto
School Closure and Children in the Outbreak of COVID-19
2020-01-01 Petretto, DONATELLA RITA; Masala, Ilaria; Carmelo Masala, And
Special educational needs, distance learning, inclusion and COVID-19
2020-01-01 Petretto, D. R.; Masala, I.; Masala, C.
Aging and disability: the need of a bridge to promote wellbeing
2019-01-01 Petretto, DONATELLA RITA; Gaviano, Luca; Pili, Lorenzo; Pietro Carrogu, Gian; Pili, Roberto
Factor mixture analysis of paranoia in young people
2019-01-01 Preti, A.; Massidda, D.; Cella, M.; Raballo, A.; Scanu, R.; Tronci, D.; Gabbrielli, M.; Muratore, T.; Carta, M. G.; Petretto, D. R.