The Relationship Between Fear of Missing Out and Phubbing Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Addictive Smartphone Behaviors Among University Students
2024-01-01 Muggianu, F.; Sechi, C.; Buyukbayraktar, C. G.; Cabras, C.
Cyber-victimisation and cyber-bullying: the mediation role of the dispositional forgiveness in female and male adolescents
2023-01-01 Sechi, C.; Cabras, C.; Sideli, L.
Gender and country differences in academic motivation, coping strategies, and academic burnout in a sample of Italian and Russian first-year university students
2023-01-01 Cabras, C.; Konyukhova, T.; Lukianova, N.; Mondo, M.; Sechi, C.
Present and future undergraduate students’ well-being: role of time perspective, self-efficacy, self-regulation and intention to drop-out
2023-01-01 Mascia, MARIA LIDIA; Agus, Mirian; Cabras, Cristina; Bellini, Diego; Renati, Roberta; Penna, MARIA PIETRONILLA
Gender and age differences in forgivingness in Italian and Polish samples
2022-01-01 Cabras, Cristina; Kaleta, Kinga; Mróz, Justyna; Loi, Giorgia; Sechi, Cristina
How the mere desire for certainty can lead to a preference for men in authority (particularly among political liberals)
2022-01-01 Baldner, C.; Pierro, A.; di Santo, D.; Cabras, C.
Insegnanti, stereotipi di genere e pratiche educative inclusive. Progetto PARIS: la PArità impaRIamola a Scuola
2022-01-01 Cabras, Cristina; Atzara, Sara; Muggianu, Francesca; Mosca, Oriana
Sexually objectifying work environments and affective commitment in a sample of Italian waitresses: The mediating role of anxiety and job satisfaction
2022-01-01 Cabras, Cristina; Sechi, Cristina; Mula, Silvana
The propensity to forgive and self-esteem in catholic and islamic contexts: Italy and Turkey
2022-01-01 Cabras, Cristina; Buyukbayraktar, Çağla Girgin; Loi, Giorgia; Sechi, Cristina
To be assertive or not to be assertive: that is the question! Students' reactions to sexual harassment in academia
2022-01-01 Cabras, Cristina; Sechi, Cristina; Agus, Mirian; Cois, Ester; Casula, Clementina; Raffo, Luigi; Mosca, Oriana
A Multilevel Analysis of the Impact of Unit Tightness vs. Looseness Culture on Attitudes and Behaviors in the Workplace
2021-01-01 Di Santo, D.; Talamo, A.; Bonaiuto, F.; Cabras, C.; Pierro, A.
Addictive internet behaviors: the role of trait emotional intelligence, self-esteem, age, and gender
2021-01-01 Sechi, C.; Loi, G.; Cabras, C.
Don’t call It smart: working from home during the pandemic crisis
2021-01-01 Barbieri, Barbara; Balia, Silvia; Sulis, Isabella; Cois, Ester; Cabras, Cristina; Atzara, Sara; De Simone, Silvia
Psychometric evaluation of three versions of the Italian Perceived Stress Scale
2021-01-01 Mondo, Marina; Sechi, Cristina; Cabras, Cristina
The influence of sexual objectification on guilt assessment on a sample of Italian graduates
2021-01-01 Cabras, C.; Tumatis, R.; Mondo, M.; Sechi, C.
The mediating role of narcissism in the effects of regulatory mode on positivity
2021-01-01 Di Santo, D.; Lo Destro, C.; Baldner, C.; Talamo, A.; Cabras, C.; Pierro, A.
The Mediational Role of Desire for Cultural Tightness on Concern With COVID-19 and Perceived Self-Control
2021-01-01 Mula, S.; Di Santo, D.; Gelfand, M. J.; Cabras, C.; Pierro, A.
The Vicious Cycle: Problematic Family Relations, Substance Abuse, and Crime in Adolescence: A Narrative Review
2021-01-01 Saladino, V.; Mosca, O.; Petruccelli, F.; Hoelzlhammer, L.; Lauriola, M.; Verrastro, V.; Cabras, C.
Diventare, non diventare genitori
2020-01-01 Cabras, Cristina; Mondo, Marina; Sechi, Cristina
Do Personal Factors Make Women and Men more Susceptible to Self-Objectification and the Development of Dysfunctional Eating Attitudes?
2020-01-01 Cabras, Cristina; Sara, Marmillata; Roberta, Tumatis; Sechi, Cristina