Estimation of differential pathlength factor from NIRS measurement in skeletal muscle
2024-01-01 Koirala, B.; Concas, A.; Cincotti, A; Sun, Yi; Hernández, Hernandeza.; Goodwin, M. L.; Gladden, L. B.; Lai, N.
In-situ resource utilization to produce Haematococcus pluvialis biomass in simulated Martian environment
2024-01-01 Casula, Mattia; Caboni, Pierluigi; Fais, Giacomo; Dessì, Debora; Scano, Paola; Lai, Nicola; Cincotti, Alberto; Cao, Giacomo; Concas, Alessandro
Optimization of Brilliant Blue R photocatalytic degradation by silver nanoparticles synthesized using Chlorella vulgaris
2024-01-01 Sidorowicz, A.; Fais, G.; Desogus, F.; Loy, F.; Licheri, R.; Lai, N.; Locci, A. M.; Cincotti, A.; Orru', R.; Cao, G.; Concas, A.
Osmotic injury and cytotoxicity for hMSCs in contact with Me2SO: The effect of cell size distribution
2024-01-01 Traversari, Gabriele; Locci, Antonio Mario; Concas, Alessandro; Lai, Nicola; Cincotti, Alberto
Sustainability of food packaging
2024-01-01 Kumar, Amit; Baranwal, Jaya; Barse, Brajesh; Piga, Isabella; Cincotti, Alberto; Gatto, Gianluca.
Third-Generation CALPHAD Modeling of Elemental Nb and Zr and Partial Re-Assessment of Their Binary Phase Diagram
2024-01-01 Traversari, Gabriele; Casu, Mariano; Orru, Roberto; Cincotti, Alberto; Concas, Alessandro; Cao, Giacomo; Locci, Antonio Mario
Modeling and experimental assessment of Synechococcus nidulans cultivation using simulated Martian medium and astronauts’ urine
2023-01-01 Concas, Alessandro; Fais, Giacomo; Enna, Marco; Zucchelli, Susanna; Caboni, Pierluigi; Lai, Nicola; Cincotti, Alberto; Cao, Giacomo
Recent advances on ISRU technologies and study of microgravity impact on blood cells for deep space exploration
2023-01-01 Cao, G.; Concas, A.; Orru', R.; Licheri, R.; Sani, E.; Dell’Oro, A.; Fais, G.; Manis, C.; Manca, A.; Uras, G.; Caboni, P.; Locci, A. M.; Cincotti, A.; Lai, N.; Congiu, T.; Faa, G.; Pisu, M.; Brelstaff, G.; Pantaleo, A.
hMSCs in contact with DMSO for cryopreservation: experiments and modeling of osmotic injury and cytotoxic effect
2022-01-01 Traversari, G.; Delogu, F.; Aparicio, S.; Cincotti, A.
Ultrasonic irradiation of nanoporous Au
2022-01-01 Barra, P.; Traversari, G.; Sogne, E.; Carta, M.; Cincotti, A.; Falqui, A.; Delogu, F.
Coupling of mechanical deformation and reaction in mechanochemical transformations
2021-01-01 Traversari, G.; Porcheddu, A.; Pia, G.; Delogu, F.; Cincotti, A.
Experimental and molecular modeling study on the binary mixtures of [EMIM][BF4] and [EMIM][TFSI] ionic liquids
2021-01-01 Trenzado, J. L.; Rodriguez, Y.; Gutierrez, A.; Cincotti, A.; Aparicio, S.
Insights into the model of non-perfect osmometer cells for cryopreservation: a parametric sweep analysis
2021-01-01 Traversari, Gabriele; Cincotti, Alberto
Kinetics of MgH2 formation by ball milling
2021-01-01 Porcheddu, A.; Cincotti, A.; Delogu, F.
Mechanochemical Ignition of Self-propagating Reactions in Zn-S Powder Mixtures
2021-01-01 Torre, F.; Carta, M.; Barra, P.; Cincotti, A.; Porcheddu, A.; Delogu, F.
Nanoscopic characterization of type II porous liquid and its use for CO2 absorption from molecular simulation
2021-01-01 Atilhan, M.; Cincotti, A.; Aparicio, S.
Structural Characterisation and Assessment of the Novel Bacillus amyloliquefaciens RK3 Exopolysaccharide on the Improvement of Cognitive Function in Alzheimer’s Disease Mice
2021-01-01 Gangalla, Ravi; Gattu, Sampath; Palaniappan, Sivasankar; Ahamed, Maqusood; Macha, Baswaraju; Thampu, Raja Komuraiah; Fais, Antonella; Cincotti, Alberto; Gatto, Gianluca; Dama, Murali; Kumar, Amit
A theoretical study on trehalose + water mixtures for dry preservation purposes
2020-01-01 Kumar, A.; Cincotti, A.; Aparicio, S.
Insights into the interaction between lipid bilayers and trehalose aqueous solutions
2020-01-01 Kumar, A.; Cincotti, A.; Aparicio, S.
Milling Dynamics and Propagation of Mechanically Activated Self-Sustaining Reactions
2020-01-01 Cincotti, Alberto; Traversari, Gabriele; Pia, Giorgio; Delogu, Francesco