A Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) Fingerprint Approach Over LTE
2024-01-01 Serreli, Luigi; Fadda, Mauro; Girau, Roberto; Ruiu, Pietro; Giusto, Daniele D.; Anedda, Matteo
Definition and implementation of the Cloud Infrastructure for the integration of the Human Digital Twin in the Social Internet of Things
2024-01-01 Girau, Roberto; Anedda, Matteo; Presta, Roberta; Corpino, Silvia; Ruiu, Pietro; Fadda, Mauro; Lam, Chan-Tong; Giusto, Daniele
Edge-to-Cloud Continuum Orchestrator for Distributed Video Applications
2024-01-01 Ruiu, Pietro; Rubattu, Claudio; Anedda, Matteo; Lagorio, Andrea; Popescu, Vlad; Amarie, Nicusor; Giusto, Daniele; Fadda, Mauro
Enabling a Scalable and Adaptive Cloud Infrastructure for Virtual Users in the Social Internet of Things
2024-01-01 Corpino, Silvia; Anedda, Matteo; Fadda, Mauro; Giusto, Daniele; Girau, Roberto
MYRTUS: Multi-layer 360° dYnamic orchestration and interopeRable design environmenT for compute-continUum Systems
2024-01-01 Palumbo, Francesca; Zedda, Maria Katiuscia; Fanni, Tiziana; Bagnato, Alessandra; Castello, Luca; Castrillon, Jeronimo; Ponte, Roberto Del; Deng, Yansha; Driessen, Bart; Fadda, Mauro; du Fretay, Tristan Halna; de Oliveira Filho, Julio; Rao, Veena; Regazzoni, Francesco; Rodriguez, Alfonso; Schranz, Melanie; Sedda, Giulia
Uniss-FGD: A Novel Dataset of Human Gazes Over Images of Faces
2024-01-01 Ruiu, Pietro; Fadda, Mauro; Lagorio, Andrea; Nixon, Seth; Anedda, Matteo; Grosso, Enrico; Cadoni, Marinella Iole
6G—Enabling the New Smart City: A Survey
2023-01-01 Murroni, Maurizio; Anedda, Matteo; Fadda, Mauro; Ruiu, Pietro; Popescu, Vlad; Zaharia, Corneliu; Giusto, Daniele
An IoT-based electronic sniffing for forest fire detection
2023-01-01 Pettorru, Giovanni; Fadda, Mauro; Girau, Roberto; Anedda, Matteo; Giusto, Daniele
Using Artificial Intelligence and IoT Solution for Forest Fire Prevention
2023-01-01 Pettorru, Giovanni; Fadda, Mauro; Girau, Roberto; Sole, Mariella; Anedda, Matteo; Giusto, Daniele
A DAB+ Approach for Vehicular Tracking
2021-01-01 Bertolusso, Marco; Spanu, Michele; Fadda, Mauro; Giusto, Daniele D.
Additive Logarithmic Weighting for Balancing Video Delivery Over Heterogeneous Networks
2021-01-01 Desogus, Cristina; Anedda, Matteo; Fadda, Mauro; Murroni, Maurizio
Fingerprint-based Positioning Method over LTE Advanced Pro Signals with GAN training contribute
2021-01-01 Serreli, Luigi; Nonnis, Roberto; Bingol, Gulnaziye; Anedda, Matteo; Fadda, Mauro; Giusto, Daniele D.
On the suitability of HbbTV for unified smart home experience
2021-01-01 Gavrila, Cristinel; Popescu, Vlad; Fadda, Mauro; Anedda, Matteo; Murroni, Maurizio
Smart Cities Mobility Monitoring through Automatic License Plate Recognition and Vehicle Discrimination
2021-01-01 Spanu, M.; Bertolusso, M.; Bingol, G.; Serreli, L.; Castangia, C. G.; Anedda, M.; Fadda, M.; Farina, M.; Giusto, D. D.
Using user's position to improve video multicast subgrouping in 5G NR
2021-01-01 Anedda, M.; Fadda, M.; Giusto, D. D.; Murroni, M.
Quality of experience eye gaze analysis on HbbTV smart home notification system
2020-01-01 Porcu, S.; Floris, A.; Anedda, M.; Popescu, V.; Fadda, M.; Atzori, L.
Additive Logarithmic Weighting HetNet Selection Method for Video Services over 5G Networks
2019-01-01 Desogus, C.; Fadda, M.; Pizzi, S.; Genovese, G.; Murroni, M.
Group-Oriented Broadcasting of Augmented Reality Services over 5G New Radio
2019-01-01 Benenati, Nicola; Desogus, Cristina; Scopelliti, Pasquale; Iradier, Eneko; Montalban, Jon; Murroni, Maurizio; Araniti, Giuseppe; Angueira, Pablo; Fadda, Mauro
Using an IoT Platform for Trustworthy D2D Communications in a Real Indoor Environment
2019-01-01 Nitti, M.; Popescu, V.; Fadda, M.
When social networks meet D2D communications: a survey
2019-01-01 Nitti, Michele; Stelea, GEORGE ALEX; Popescu, Vlad; Fadda, Mauro
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autore(i) | Rivista | Editore |
A Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) Fingerprint Approach Over LTE | 1-gen-2024 | Serreli, Luigi; Fadda, Mauro; Girau, Roberto; Ruiu, Pietro; Giusto, Daniele D.; Anedda, Matteo | IEEE ACCESS | - |
Definition and implementation of the Cloud Infrastructure for the integration of the Human Digital Twin in the Social Internet of Things | 1-gen-2024 | Girau, Roberto; Anedda, Matteo; Presta, Roberta; Corpino, Silvia; Ruiu, Pietro; Fadda, Mauro; Lam, Chan-Tong; Giusto, Daniele | COMPUTER NETWORKS | - |
Edge-to-Cloud Continuum Orchestrator for Distributed Video Applications | 1-gen-2024 | Ruiu, Pietro; Rubattu, Claudio; Anedda, Matteo; Lagorio, Andrea; Popescu, Vlad; Amarie, Nicusor; Giusto, Daniele; Fadda, Mauro | - | - |
Enabling a Scalable and Adaptive Cloud Infrastructure for Virtual Users in the Social Internet of Things | 1-gen-2024 | Corpino, Silvia; Anedda, Matteo; Fadda, Mauro; Giusto, Daniele; Girau, Roberto | - | IEEE |
MYRTUS: Multi-layer 360° dYnamic orchestration and interopeRable design environmenT for compute-continUum Systems | 1-gen-2024 | Palumbo, Francesca; Zedda, Maria Katiuscia; Fanni, Tiziana; Bagnato, Alessandra; Castello, Luca; Castrillon, Jeronimo; Ponte, Roberto Del; Deng, Yansha; Driessen, Bart; Fadda, Mauro; du Fretay, Tristan Halna; de Oliveira Filho, Julio; Rao, Veena; Regazzoni, Francesco; Rodriguez, Alfonso; Schranz, Melanie; Sedda, Giulia | - | ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY |
Uniss-FGD: A Novel Dataset of Human Gazes Over Images of Faces | 1-gen-2024 | Ruiu, Pietro; Fadda, Mauro; Lagorio, Andrea; Nixon, Seth; Anedda, Matteo; Grosso, Enrico; Cadoni, Marinella Iole | IEEE ACCESS | - |
6G—Enabling the New Smart City: A Survey | 1-gen-2023 | Murroni, Maurizio; Anedda, Matteo; Fadda, Mauro; Ruiu, Pietro; Popescu, Vlad; Zaharia, Corneliu; Giusto, Daniele | SENSORS | - |
An IoT-based electronic sniffing for forest fire detection | 1-gen-2023 | Pettorru, Giovanni; Fadda, Mauro; Girau, Roberto; Anedda, Matteo; Giusto, Daniele | - | - |
Using Artificial Intelligence and IoT Solution for Forest Fire Prevention | 1-gen-2023 | Pettorru, Giovanni; Fadda, Mauro; Girau, Roberto; Sole, Mariella; Anedda, Matteo; Giusto, Daniele | - | - |
A DAB+ Approach for Vehicular Tracking | 1-gen-2021 | Bertolusso, Marco; Spanu, Michele; Fadda, Mauro; Giusto, Daniele D. | - | - |
Additive Logarithmic Weighting for Balancing Video Delivery Over Heterogeneous Networks | 1-gen-2021 | Desogus, Cristina; Anedda, Matteo; Fadda, Mauro; Murroni, Maurizio | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BROADCASTING | - |
Fingerprint-based Positioning Method over LTE Advanced Pro Signals with GAN training contribute | 1-gen-2021 | Serreli, Luigi; Nonnis, Roberto; Bingol, Gulnaziye; Anedda, Matteo; Fadda, Mauro; Giusto, Daniele D. | - | - |
On the suitability of HbbTV for unified smart home experience | 1-gen-2021 | Gavrila, Cristinel; Popescu, Vlad; Fadda, Mauro; Anedda, Matteo; Murroni, Maurizio | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BROADCASTING | - |
Smart Cities Mobility Monitoring through Automatic License Plate Recognition and Vehicle Discrimination | 1-gen-2021 | Spanu, M.; Bertolusso, M.; Bingol, G.; Serreli, L.; Castangia, C. G.; Anedda, M.; Fadda, M.; Farina, M.; Giusto, D. D. | - | - |
Using user's position to improve video multicast subgrouping in 5G NR | 1-gen-2021 | Anedda, M.; Fadda, M.; Giusto, D. D.; Murroni, M. | - | - |
Quality of experience eye gaze analysis on HbbTV smart home notification system | 1-gen-2020 | Porcu, S.; Floris, A.; Anedda, M.; Popescu, V.; Fadda, M.; Atzori, L. | - | - |
Additive Logarithmic Weighting HetNet Selection Method for Video Services over 5G Networks | 1-gen-2019 | Desogus, C.; Fadda, M.; Pizzi, S.; Genovese, G.; Murroni, M. | - | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) |
Group-Oriented Broadcasting of Augmented Reality Services over 5G New Radio | 1-gen-2019 | Benenati, Nicola; Desogus, Cristina; Scopelliti, Pasquale; Iradier, Eneko; Montalban, Jon; Murroni, Maurizio; Araniti, Giuseppe; Angueira, Pablo; Fadda, Mauro | - | IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
Using an IoT Platform for Trustworthy D2D Communications in a Real Indoor Environment | 1-gen-2019 | Nitti, M.; Popescu, V.; Fadda, M. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT | - |
When social networks meet D2D communications: a survey | 1-gen-2019 | Nitti, Michele; Stelea, GEORGE ALEX; Popescu, Vlad; Fadda, Mauro | SENSORS | - |