Characterization of olfactory sensilla of the olive fly: Behavioral and electrophysiological response to volatile organic compounds from the host plant and bacterial filtrate
2013-01-01 Liscia, ANNA MARIA; Angioni, Piera; Sacchetti, P; Poddighe, Simone; Granchietti, A; Setzu, MARIA DOLORES; Belcari, A.
Morpho-functional characterization of taste labellar apparatus in the medfly Ceratitis capitata in the response to host-plants
2010-01-01 Masala, Carla; Sollai, G; Angioni, Piera; Loy, Francesco; Liscia, ANNA MARIA; Crnjar, R; Solari, Paolo
Functional anatomy and the motor programme at the base of calling behaviour in the female gypsy moth L. dispar
2008-01-01 Solari, Paolo; Altea, Nicola; Angioni, Piera; Sollai, G; Masala, Carla; Crnjar, R; Liscia, ANNA MARIA
L'attività dei motoneuroni correlati con il "calling behaviour" ed il meccanismo di rilascio del feromone della farfalla notturna Lymantria dispar è modulata dall'octopamina: evidenze elettrofisiologiche
Octopamine modulates the activity of motoneurons related to calling behaviour and the "sqeezing" mechanism of pheromone release in female gypsy moth Lymantria dispar
2007-01-01 Solari, P; Crnjar, R; Masala, Carla; Sollai, G; Angioni, Piera; Liscia, ANNA MARIA
Octopamine modulates the activity of motoneurons related to calling behaviour and the “squeezing” mechanism of pheromone release in female gypsy moth Lymantria dispar
2007-01-01 Solari, Paolo; Crnjar, R; Masala, Carla; Sollai, G; Angioni, Piera; Liscia, ANNA MARIA
Electrophysiological and behavioural responses to gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) sex pheromone analogues
2005-01-01 Sollai, Giorgia; Solari, Paolo; Masala, Carla; Angioni, Piera; Cerboneschi, A; Liscia, ANNA MARIA; Crnjar, ROBERTO MASSIMO
Taste chemoreception in the blowfly is affected by octopamine and serotonin by way of modulation of the transepithelial potential (TEP)
2005-01-01 Sollai, Giorgia; Crnjar, ROBERTO MASSIMO; Liscia, ANNA MARIA; Masala, Carla; Angioni, Piera; Solari, Paolo
Taste chemoreception in the blowfly is affected by octopamine and serotonin by way of modulation of the transepithelial potential (TEP)
2005-01-01 Sollai, G; Crnjar, R; Liscia, ANNA MARIA; Masala, Carla; Angioni, Piera; Solari, Paolo