An assessment of the impact of boundary conditions in dynamical downscaling techniques for fetch-limited waves
2024-01-01 Ruju, Andrea; Viola, Francesco
A Four-Year Video Monitoring Analysis of the Posidonia oceanica Banquette Dynamic: A Case Study from an Urban Microtidal Mediterranean Beach (Poetto Beach, Southern Sardinia, Italy)
2023-01-01 Trogu, Daniele; Simeone, Simone; Ruju, Andrea; Porta, Marco; Ibba, Angelo; Demuro, Sandro
Ecosystem services of reed and seagrass debris on a urban Mediterranean beach (Poetto, Italy)
2022-01-01 Ruju, A.; Buosi, C.; Coco, G.; Porta, M.; Trogu, D.; Ibba, A.; Demuro, S.
Assessing the role of reed and seagrass wracks in coastal protection. An example with numerical modelling integrated with videomonitoring system data in a southern Sardinia beach
2021-01-01 Trogu, D.; Ruju, A.; Buosi, C.; Porta, M.; Biondo, M.; Ibba, A.; Demuro, S.
Ecogeomorphology and vulnerability in a Mediterranean ria-type coast (La Maddalena Archipelago, NE Sardinia, western Mediterranean)
2021-01-01 Demuro, Sandro; Buosi, Carla; Biondo, Manuela; Ibba, Angelo; Ruju, Andrea; Trogu, Daniele; Porta, Marco
Short-term effects of storm events on the coastline morphology of a Mediterranean microtidal wave-dominated beach (Piscinnì, SW Sardinia)
2021-01-01 Trogu, D.; Buosi, C.; Ruju, A.; Porta, M.; Biondo, M.; Ibba, A.; Demuro, S.
Horizontal Runup and Seagrass Beach Cast-litters: Modelling and Observations
2020-01-01 Passarella, M.; Ruju, A.; Demuro, S.; Coco, G.
Natural vs. Anthropic influence on the multidecadal shoreline changes of mediterranean urban beaches: Lessons from the Gulf of Cagliari (Sardinia)
2020-01-01 Biondo, M.; Buosi, C.; Trogu, D.; Mansfield, H.; Vacchi, M.; Ibba, A.; Porta, M.; Ruju, A.; Demuro, S.
Spectral wave modelling of the extreme 2013/2014 winter storms in the North-East Atlantic
2020-01-01 Ruju, A; Filipot, Jf; Bentamy, A; Leckler, F
What Happens to a Mediterranean Microtidal Wave-dominated Beach during Significant Storm Events? the Morphological Response of a Natural Sardinian Beach (Western Mediterranean)
2020-01-01 Trogu, D.; Buosi, C.; Ruju, A.; Porta, M.; Ibba, A.; Demuro, S.
An operational wave system within the monitoring program of a Mediterranean beach
2019-01-01 Ruju, Andrea; Passarella, Marinella; Trogu, Daniele; Buosi, Carla; Ibba, Angelo; Demuro, Sandro
Geomorphology, beach classification and seasonal morphodynamic transition of a Mediterranean gravel beach (Sardinia, Gulf of Cagliari)
2019-01-01 Buosi, Carla; Ibba, Angelo; Passarella, Marinella; Porta, Marco; Ruju, Andrea; Trogu, Daniele; Demuro, Sandro
Numerical Assessment of Infragravity Swash Response to Offshore Wave Frequency Spread Variability
2019-01-01 Ruju, A.; Lara, J. L.; Losada, I. J.
An Assessment of Swash Excursion Predictors using Field Observations
2018-01-01 Passarella, Marinella; Demuro, Sandro; Ruju, Andrea; Coco, Giovanni
Assessing the performance of an operational wave system within a Mediterranean beach monitoring programme
2018-01-01 Ruju, Andrea; Passarella, Marinella; Trogu, Daniele; Ibba, Angelo; Demuro, Sandro
Geomorphological processes of a Mediterranean Urbanized Beach (Sardinia, Gulf of Cagliari)
2018-01-01 Demuro, Sandro; Porta, Marco; Pusceddu, Nicola; Frongia, Paolo; Passarella, Marinella; Ruju, Andrea; Buosi, Carla; Ibba, Angelo
The role of hydrodynamic forcing, sediment transport processes and bottom substratum in the shoreward development of Posidonia oceanica meadow
2018-01-01 Ruju, Andrea; Ibba, Angelo; Porta, Marco; Buosi, Carla; Passarella, Marinella; Demuro, Sandro
Interaction between Posidonia oceanica meadows upper limit and hydrodynamics of four Mediterranean beaches
2017-01-01 Demuro, Sandro; Ruju, Andrea; Buosi, Carla; Porta, Marco; Passarella, Marinella; Ibba, Angelo
Large-scale Barrier Dynamics Experiment II (BARDEX II): Experimental design, instrumentation, test program, and data set
2016-01-01 Masselink, G.; Ruju, A.; Conley, D.; Turner, I.; Ruessink, G.; Matias, A.; Thompson, C.; Castelle, B.; Puleo, J.; Citerone, V.; Wolters, G.
Sediment transport dynamics in the swash zone under large-scale laboratory conditions
2016-01-01 Ruju, A.; Conley, D.; Masselink, G.; Puleo, J.