, Peut-on envısager des réparatıons ıntergénératıonnelles dans le contentıeux clımatıque devant les organes de contrôle du respect des droıts de l’homme ?
In corso di stampa Ippolito, Francesca
Le migrant confronté aux discriminations selon l’origine
In corso di stampa Ippolito, Francesca
Oasis or mirage? Assessing the recent ECHR climate decisions through the lens of IACtHR pronouncements
In corso di stampa Ippolito, Francesca
Environmentally induced displacement: when (ecological) vulnerability turns into resilience (and asylum)
2024-01-01 Ippolito, Francesca
Fields of gold up in the air: la sovranità alimentare nelle relazioni esterne dell’Unione europea
2024-01-01 Ippolito, Francesca
Children’s environmental rights under international and EU law. The changing face of fundamental rights in pursuit of ecocentrism
2023-01-01 Ippolito, Francesca
La contribution de l’Union européenne à la lutte internationale contre le changement climatique
2023-01-01 Ippolito, Francesca
Protecting Migratory Species of Wild Animals from Climate Change
2023-01-01 Seatzu, Francesco; Ippolito, Francesca
Unraveling the Janus mistery of children and future generation’s enviornmental rights
2023-01-01 Ippolito, Francesca
Individualisation et recevabilité des pétitions dans le système interaméricain des droits de l’homme Un mécanisme à mi-chemin entre actio popularis et requête individuelle
2022-01-01 Ippolito, Francesca
Is a new UN human rights treaty the solution that adolescents and youths need ?
2022-01-01 Ippolito, Francesca; Seatzu, Francesco
Le passage de la soft law à la hard law pour la gestion et la régulation internationale des pesticides : une étape nécessaire ou inutile ?
2022-01-01 Ippolito, Francesca; Seatzu, Francesco
The Best interests of the child: another string to environmental and climate protection’ bow ?
2022-01-01 Ippolito, Francesca
COVID-19 and International Organizations: challenges and opportunities from the perspective of good governance and the rule of law
2021-01-01 Ippolito, Francesca; Beqiraj, Julinda
Introduction to the forum Covid-19 and international organizations: challenges and opportunities from the perspective of good governance and the rule of law
2021-01-01 Ippolito, Francesca; Beqiraj, Julinda
Isolated Should Not Mean Excluded: the Non-Derogable Status of Partıcıpatory Rıghts of Indıgenous People at the Tıme of the Covıd-19 Pandemıc
2021-01-01 Ippolito, Francesca
Re-Evaluating triage in international justice during COVID-19 - Complying with the rule of law?
2021-01-01 Ippolito, Francesca
The pitfalls of the Italian response to international obligations of criminalization of gender violence
2021-01-01 Ippolito, Francesca
Vulnerability and the fundamental rights in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
2021-01-01 Ippolito, Francesca
'Handle with care' in Strasbourg: the effective access of vulnerable irregular migrants to minimum social-economic rights
2020-01-01 Ippolito, Francesca; Pérez González, Carmen