ECPUB5 Polyubiquitin Gene in Euphorbia characias: Molecular Characterization and Seasonal Expression Analysis
2024-01-01 Cannea, Faustina Barbara; Diana, Daniela; Rossino, Rossano; Padiglia, Alessandra
HLA Genotyping in Children With Celiac Disease Allows to Establish the Risk of Developing Type 1 Diabetes
2024-01-01 Schirru, Enrico; Rossino, Rossano; Diana, Daniela; Jores, Rita D.; Baldera, Davide; Muntoni, Sandro; Spiga, Claudia; Ripoli, Carlo; Ricciardi, Maria R.; Cucca, Francesco; Congia, Mauro
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells reactivity in recent-onset type I diabetes patients is directed against the leader peptide of preproinsulin, GAD65271-285 and GAD65431-450
2023-01-01 Jores, Rita D; Baldera, Davide; Schirru, Enrico; Muntoni, Sandro; Rossino, Rossano; Manchinu, Maria F; Marongiu, Maria F; Caria, Cristian A; Ripoli, Carlo; Ricciardi, Maria R; Cucca, Francesco; Congia, Mauro
Antibodies targeting the European lobster (Palinurus elephas) vitellogenin developed by mRNA isolation and in-silico-designed antigenic peptides
2022-01-01 Cannea, Faustina B; Follesa, Cristina; Porcu, Cristina; Rossino, Rossano; Olianas, Alessandra; Rescigno, Antonio; Padiglia, Alessandra
Celiac Disease and HLA Molecular Typing
2022-01-01 Cannea, FAUSTINA BARBARA; Rossino, Rossano; Padiglia, Alessandra
Toward the renal vesicle: Ultrastructural investigation of the cap mesenchyme splitting process in the developing kidney
2022-01-01 Piras, M.; Gerosa, C.; Congiu, T.; Cau, F.; Fanni, D.; Pichiri, G.; Coni, P.; Lachowicz, J. I.; Schirru, E.; Congia, M.; Rossino, R.; Muntoni, S.; Jaremko, M.; Piludu, M.
Low-Risk Human Leukocyte Antigen Genes and Mild Villous Atrophy Typify Celiac Disease With Immunoglobulin A Deficiency
2021-01-01 Schirru, E.; Jores, R. D.; Rossino, R.; Corpino, M.; Cucca, F.; Congia, M.
Cryptic Chromosome rearrangements detected by BAC Genome Array-CGH
2015-01-01 Cabras, V; Montaldo, Caterina; Rossino, Rossano; Caria, Paola; Nucaro, Al
Anti-actin IgA antibodies identify celiac disease patients with a Marsh 3 intestinal damage among subjects with moderate anti-TG2 levels
2013-01-01 Schirru, E; Danjou, Fabrice; Cicotto, L; Rossino, Rossano; Macis, M. D.; Lampis, R; Jores, R. D.; Congia, M.
Utility of Anti-actin Iga Antibody in Combination with the New ESPGHAN Guidelines for Coeliac Disease Diagnosis
2013-01-01 Schirru, Enrico; Danjou, Fabrice; Cicotto, Lucia; Musu Maria, Paola; Frau, Fulvia; Virgiliis Stefano, De; Rossino, Rossano; Macis Maria, Doloretta; Lampis, Rosanna; Jores Rita, Désirée; Congia, Mauro
High frequency of low-risk human leukocyte antigen class II genotypes in latent celiac disease
2011-01-01 Schirru, E; Jores, Rd; Cicotto, L; Frau, F; De Virgiliis, S; Rossino, Rossano; Macis, Md; Lampis, R; Congia, M.
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T gene polymorphism and homocysteine levels in the Sardinian population
2011-01-01 Muntoni, Sa; Leoni, Vp; Atzori, L; Rossino, R; Muntoni, Se
Ring chromosome 14 mosaicism: an unusual case associated with developmental delay and epilepsy, characterized by genome array-CGH.
2010-01-01 Nucaro, Al; Falchi, M; Pisano, T; Rossino, Rossano; Boscarelli, F; Stoico, G; Milia, A; Montaldo, C; Cianchetti, C; Pruna, D.
The impact of NOD2/CARD15 SNPs on the severe gastrointestinal GVHD following allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in Sardinia population
2010-01-01 OROFINO M., G; Diana, D; Rossino, Rossano; ADDARI M., C; Cossu, F; Piroddi, A; Rizzo, F; Congia, M; Vacca, A; LA NASA, Giorgio; Badiali, M.
A family with segregation of an unbalanced translocation (7;13) (q36;q32) in three patients with severe mental retardation, microcephaly and dysmorphic features, detected by subtelomere FISH: genetic counselling and prenatal diagnosis
2008-01-01 Nucaro, A; Crisponi, G; Minafra, L; Rossino, Rossano; Cianchetti, C.
Familian traslocation t(3;10)(p26.3;p12.31)leading to trisomy 10p12.31..pter and monosomy 3p26.3..pter in seven members
2008-01-01 Nucaro, Al1; Meloni, M; Pisano, T; Melis, P; Rossi, E; Rossino, R; Corona, S; Loi, M; Achena, F; Zuffardi, Orsetta; Cianchetti, C.
Turner syndrome mosaicism: an unusual case with a de novo large dicentric marker chromosome: mos 45,X/46,X, ter rea(X;X)(p22.3;p22.3)
2008-01-01 Nucaro, Al; Melis, P; Casini, Mr; Rossino, Rossano; Cau, Milena; Melis, Ma; Loche, S.
Decline of lactase activity and c/t-13910 variant in Sardinian childhood
2007-01-01 Schirru, E; Corona, V; USAI SATTA, P; Scarpa, M; Cucca, F; DE VIRGILIIS, S; Rossino, Rossano; Frau, F; Macis, Md; Jores, Rd; Congia, M.
2007-01-01 Schirru, E; Corona, V; USAI SATTA, P; Scarpa, M; Oppia, F; Loriga, F; Cucca, F; DE VIRGILIIS, S; Rossino, Rossano; DOLORETTA MACIS, M; Jores, Rd; Congia, M.
Frequency of the thiopurine S-methyltransferase alleles in the ancient genetic population isolate of Sardinia
2006-01-01 Rossino, Rossano; Vincis, C; Alves, S; Prata, Mj; Macis, Md; Nucaro, Al; Schirru, E; Congia, M.