"She's just this sort of bigoted woman": the mediatisation of a political gaffe in British broadsheet newspapers
2018-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL
EU immigration discourse in The Telegraph and The Guardian: how oppositional meanings trigger conceptual anchorage points
2017-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL
Political news in newspapers: oppositional meanings within and between adjacent topics
2016-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL
Brown’s “Duffy gaffe”. The use of evidentiality in broadsheet newspaper coverage of a political-electioneering incident
2014-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL
How different types of knowledge facilitate the construal of political-news: a typology of epistemological stances
2013-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL
How different types of knowledge facilitate the construal of political news: towards a typology of epistemological stances
2012-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL
Molyneux’s Problem: the Dialogic Structure of a Philosophical-Scientific Controversy
2012-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL
Section 6. Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
2012-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL
Section 6. Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales: Nations within the Nation
2012-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL
Persuasive discourse and language planning in Ireland
2011-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL; Mazzon, G.
Constructing reality in Palestinian discourse: the strategic function of concessives
2010-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL
Text-context links in matrimony advertisements and letters in 'The Times' 1785-1800)
2010-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL
Evidentiality and Nominal Phrases in British Tabloid Headlines
2009-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL
Political Oratory: The Use of Metaphor, Irony, Schemes and Deixis to Persuade
2009-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL
Towards a theory of how British newspaper headlines compress evaluation
2009-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL
Beyond a dichotomy of the global and local: towards a theory of hybridity in just-war rhetoric
2008-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL
Narratives of self in an age of expert systems
2007-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL
Subject positioning in age of promotional culture: an analysis of three executive-recruitment advertisements
2007-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL
Discovering puns and idioms: verbal humour and language play in English
2006-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL
Metafora: osservazioni sui meccanismi e le funzioni ideologiche nel linguaggio attuale
2006-01-01 Gray, GEOFFREY MICHAEL