Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 95.288
NA - Nord America 7.449
AS - Asia 1.052
OC - Oceania 29
SA - Sud America 15
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
AF - Africa 1
Totale 103.837
Nazione #
IT - Italia 93.034
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.390
UA - Ucraina 744
CN - Cina 658
SE - Svezia 486
GB - Regno Unito 298
DE - Germania 233
SG - Singapore 191
FI - Finlandia 187
FR - Francia 142
VN - Vietnam 81
CA - Canada 46
NL - Olanda 36
IN - India 35
AU - Australia 29
RU - Federazione Russa 26
HK - Hong Kong 22
CH - Svizzera 18
BE - Belgio 17
ES - Italia 16
IR - Iran 13
TR - Turchia 12
BR - Brasile 11
KR - Corea 10
IL - Israele 8
NO - Norvegia 8
RO - Romania 8
DK - Danimarca 7
JO - Giordania 6
CR - Costa Rica 5
IE - Irlanda 5
PT - Portogallo 5
MX - Messico 4
TW - Taiwan 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
EU - Europa 3
JP - Giappone 3
PK - Pakistan 3
PL - Polonia 3
AT - Austria 2
CL - Cile 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 2
EC - Ecuador 2
GR - Grecia 2
MT - Malta 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
SM - San Marino 2
AL - Albania 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BZ - Belize 1
EE - Estonia 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MU - Mauritius 1
PA - Panama 1
SI - Slovenia 1
Totale 103.837
Città #
Cagliari 85.556
Uta 5.264
Fairfield 921
Woodbridge 846
Chandler 596
Houston 568
Boardman 536
Ashburn 464
Ann Arbor 444
Jacksonville 390
Wilmington 384
Seattle 348
Nyköping 342
Cambridge 293
Milan 193
Rome 189
Boston 141
Nanjing 121
Dearborn 112
Beijing 91
Dong Ket 80
Singapore 79
Helsinki 71
Shanghai 63
San Diego 61
Redwood City 53
Shenyang 45
Padova 43
Charleston 40
Nanchang 38
Verona 35
Guangzhou 31
Turin 30
Bari 29
Changsha 27
Hebei 27
Sassari 27
Toronto 27
Jiaxing 26
Norwalk 25
New York 24
London 23
Los Angeles 23
Washington 22
Florence 20
Orange 20
Tianjin 20
Jinan 18
Pune 17
Auburn Hills 16
Ningbo 16
Naples 15
Palermo 15
Bologna 14
Sydney 14
Zhengzhou 14
Falls Church 12
Genoa 12
Torino 12
Atlanta 11
Brescia 11
Brussels 11
Catania 11
Messina 11
Mountain View 11
Parma 11
Saint Petersburg 11
Nuremberg 10
Redmond 10
Vicenza 10
Chicago 9
Kunming 9
Amsterdam 8
Frankfurt am Main 8
Las Vegas 8
Perugia 8
Stockholm 8
Venice 8
Busto Arsizio 7
Casale Monferrato 7
Castelverde 7
Faenza 7
Fidenza 7
Hangzhou 7
Montepulciano 7
Monza 7
Pescara 7
Pisa 7
Rimini 7
Taizhou 7
Venezia 7
Amman 6
Borås 6
Casavatore 6
Central 6
Livorno 6
Manchester 6
Mumbai 6
Phoenix 6
Sesto San Giovanni 6
Totale 99.312
Nome #
Child and Adolescent Behavior Inventory (CABI): Standardization for age 6-17 years and first clinical application 1.857
Prospective observational study protocol to investigate long-term adverse effects of methylphenidate in children and adolescents with ADHD: The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Drugs Use Chronic Effects (ADDUCE) study 1.727
Systematic review of quality of life and functional outcomes in randomized placebo-controlled studies of medications for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder 1.702
Cognitive Function of Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in a 2-Year Open-Label Study of Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate 1.570
Practitioner Review: Current best practice in the use of parent training and other behavioural interventions in the treatment of children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 1.504
Cardiovascular Effects of Stimulant and Non-Stimulant Medication for Children and Adolescents with ADHD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Trials of Methylphenidate, Amphetamines and Atomoxetine 1.463
Neurological and psychiatric adverse effects of long-term methylphenidate treatment in ADHD: A map of the current evidence 1.446
Reports of Perceived Adverse Events of Stimulant Medication on Cognition, Motivation, and Mood: Qualitative Investigation and the Generation of Items for the Medication and Cognition Rating Scale 1.437
Comparative efficacy and tolerability of pharmacological interventions for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children, adolescents and adults: protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis 1.397
Cognitive training for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Meta-analysis of clinical and neuropsychological outcomes from randomized controlled trials 1.378
Supplementation with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 1.352
Development and psychometric properties of the Suicidality: Treatment Occurring in Paediatrics (STOP) Suicidality Assessment Scale (STOP-SAS) in children and adolescents 1.328
Unmet needs in paediatric psychopharmacology: Present scenario and future perspectives 1.323
Effects of methylphenidate on height in ADHD children. The monitoring of bone age within the ADDUCE project 1.276
The Italian autism network (ITAN): A resource for molecular genetics and biomarker investigations 1.264
Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate in Children and Adolescents with ADHD: A Phase IV, 2-Year, Open-Label Study in Europe 1.218
Growth and Puberty in a 2-Year Open-Label Study of Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate in Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 1.171
null 1.153
ADHD and hyperkinetic disorder 1.131
Corrigendum: Child and adolescent behavior inventory (CABI): A new instrument for epidemiological studies and pre-clinical evaluation 1.126
ADHD management during the COVID-19 pandemic: guidance from the European ADHD Guidelines Group 1.104
Re-thinking treatment targets in child and adolescent psychiatry 1.100
Effects of long-term methylphenidate use on growth and blood pressure: Results of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS) 1.091
null 1.045
Pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome: A data mining approach to a very specific constellation of clinical variables 986
null 980
Psychosocial risk factors for suicidality in children and adolescents 942
Methylphenidate long-term effects on psychiatric outcomes in a Sardinian ADHD population: preliminary results from the prospective ADDUCE project 894
A neurodevelopment approach for a transitional model of early onset schizophrenia 775
null 754
null 749
Long-acting methylphenidate formulations in the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review of head-to-head studies 741
Artificial neural networks analysis of polysomnographic and clinical features in pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome (Pans): From sleep alteration to “brain fog” 738
1H-NMR-Based Metabolomics in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome 732
Erratum to: Long-acting methylphenidate formulations in the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A systematic review of head-to-head studies[ BMC Psychiatry. (2013)13, 237] 721
CRS-R. Conners’ Rating Scales. Revised. Manuale 713
null 699
null 688
null 675
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: Screening Tools for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents 668
null 665
Efficacy of lisdexamfetamine dimesylate throughout the day in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: results from a randomized, controlled trial 660
null 658
Metabolomic Characterization of Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) 657
Prevalence and correlates of mental disorders among adolescents in Italy: The PrISMA Study 649
null 632
Unbalanced risk-benefit analysis of ADHD drugs – Authors' reply 609
null 603
null 595
null 588
null 581
null 581
null 568
null 564
The poor outcome of conduct disorders: a need for innovative, more effective therapeutic interventions 551
null 549
null 536
Neuropsychological characterization of aggressive behavior in children and adolescents with cd/odd and effects of single doses of medications: The protocol of the matrics_wp6-1 study 535
The management of ADHD in children and adolescents: bringing evidence to the clinic: perspective from the European ADHD Guidelines Group (EAGG) 529
Long term methylphenidate exposure and growth in children and adolescents with ADHD. A systematic review and meta-analysis 528
Comparative efficacy and tolerability of medications for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, adolescents, and adults: a systematic review and network meta-analysis 522
Identifying Neurobiological Markers in Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder: A Study Protocol for a Cross-Sectional Study in Subgroups of Differing Phenotype 522
null 519
The pharmacological treatment of aggression in children and adolescents with conduct disorder. Do callous-unemotional traits modulate the efficacy of medication? 519
null 517
Post hoc analyses of the impact of previous medication on the efficacy of lisdexamfetamine dimesylate in the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in a randomized, controlled trial 509
null 506
null 501
null 501
null 497
null 491
Profili cognitivi e disturbi psicopatologici. Evidenze neurobiologiche, diagnosi, trattamento 485
Vortioxetine for Major Depressive Disorder in Adolescents: 12-Week Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Fluoxetine-Referenced, Fixed-Dose Study 483
Increased Response-Time Variability Across Different Cognitive Tasks in Children With ADHD 481
I Disturbi depressivi in età evolutiva 478
null 477
Omega-3/6 supplementation for mild to moderate inattentive ADHD: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled efficacy study in Italian children 475
A crucial role for basic emotion awareness in the development of emotion regulation? 468
null 467
Methylphenidate effects on height and bone age in ADHD children. 24 month follow up within the prospective ADDUCE project 458
A post hoc comparison of the effects of lisdexamfetamine dimesylate and osmotic-release oral system methylphenidate on symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents 449
Eziologia 448
null 444
Use of atomoxetine in patients with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and comorbid conditions 434
Association of Risk of Suicide Attempts With Methylphenidate Treatment 432
Clinical characteristics, neuroimaging findings, and neuropsychological functioning in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: Sex differences 432
null 428
The MTA at 8 426
The neuropsychological characterization of aggressive behaviour in children and adolescents with CD/ODD: preliminary results from a multicentric case-control study (MATRICS_consortium) 420
Maintenance of efficacy of lisdexamfetamine dimesylate in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: randomized-withdrawal study design 402
null 400
Management and treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder 399
null 399
European clinical guidelines for hyperkinetic disorder - first upgrade 380
The quality of life of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review 380
null 379
null 378
Non-pharmacological interventions for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Systematic review and meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials of dietary and psychological treatments 369
Plasma poly-unsatured fatty acids profile in children with inattentive ADHD - preliminary results of an efficacy Italian study with omega 3/6 362
Totale 74.479
Categoria #
all - tutte 143.790
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 143.790

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202010.695 0 0 0 501 3.549 2.340 1.909 538 444 340 479 595
2020/202116.858 777 510 925 3.862 3.262 1.867 1.869 953 511 590 483 1.249
2021/20227.717 573 518 324 892 763 432 371 602 813 872 740 817
2022/202314.642 1.096 1.876 1.615 1.119 1.080 1.161 683 1.973 984 874 1.515 666
2023/202417.145 834 685 636 1.068 1.981 2.656 2.826 1.023 853 1.235 1.807 1.541
2024/202523.096 5.788 8.957 5.420 2.931 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 104.311