Detecting House Price Bubbles in G7 Countries: New Evidence and Heterogeneous Determinants
In corso di stampa Zhang, Xiaoming; Zhu, Mengqing; Tian, Yiming; Zedda, Stefano
Cooperative credit banks and sustainability: towards a social credit scoring
2024-01-01 Zedda, Stefano; Modina, Michele; Gallucci, Carmen
Credit scoring: Does XGboost outperform logistic regression?A test on Italian SMEs
2024-01-01 Zedda, Stefano
Optimizing Energy Storage Profits: A New Metric for Evaluating Price Forecasting Models
2024-01-01 Sbaraglia, Simone; Zedda, Stefano; Fiori Maccioni, Alessandro
The Role of Credit Consortia in the Financial Structure of Sardinian Companies During the SARS-CoV-2 Crisis
2024-01-01 Desogus, Marco; Sergi, Enrico; Zedda, Stefano
Diagnosing default syndromes: early symptoms of entrepreneurial venture insolvency
2023-01-01 Modina, Michele; Zedda, Stefano
Exploiting the European Volatility Index Features: Anti-Persistence, Skewness, Kurtosis, and the Role of the Hurst Exponent
2023-01-01 Anelli, Michele; Patanè, Michele; Zedda, Stefano
Are Banks Still a Risk Source for Stock Market? Some Empirical Evidences
2022-01-01 Anelli, Michele; Patanè, Michele; Zedda, Stefano
Modeling and simulating cross country banking contagion risks
2021-01-01 Zedda, Stefano; Spinace-Casale, Antonella
The Role of Correlation in Systemic Risk: Mechanisms, Effects, and Policy Implications
2021-01-01 Zedda, Stefano; Patanè, Michele; Miggiano, Luana
Analysis of banks' systemic risk contribution and contagion determinants through the leave-one-out approach
2020-01-01 Zedda, Stefano; Cannas, Giuseppina
Analysis of China Commercial Banks’ Systemic Risk Sustainability through the Leave-One-Out Approach
2020-01-01 Zhang, Xiaoming; Wei, Chunyan; Zedda, Stefano
On the importance of traditional lending activity for banking systems stability
2020-01-01 Zedda, Stefano; Patané, Michele; Miggiano, Luana
The role of redenomination risk in the price evolution of Italian banks’ CDS spreads
2020-01-01 Anelli, Michele; Patanè, Michele; Toscano, Mario; Zedda, Stefano
Using Supra-Covered Bonds to Enhance Liquidity in the Euro Area: Assessment of Advantages for the Banking Sector
2020-01-01 Salto, Matteo; Zedda, Stefano; Zeugner, Stefan
Which interbank net is the safest?
2020-01-01 Zedda, Stefano; Sbaraglia, Simone
CDS-Bond Basis Dynamic and Credit Spread Price Discovery: A Test for European Corporate and Sovereign Bond Markets
2019-01-01 Patanè, Michele; Tedesco, Mattia; Zedda, Stefano
Portfolio strategies for renewable energy share maximization
2019-01-01 Zedda, Stefano
Price Spikes in the Italian Electricity Market: An Economic Analysis
2019-01-01 Zedda, Stefano; Masala, Giovanni Batista
Dinamiche di pricing di oro, petrolio e tasso di cambio Euro/Dollaro nelle logiche operative di portafoglio
2018-01-01 Patanè, Michele; Tedesco, Mattia; Zedda, Stefano