A Cross-Layer Survey on Secure and Low-Latency Communications in Next-Generation IoT
2024-01-01 Martalo', Marco; Pettorru, Giovanni; Atzori, Luigi
Controlling Media Player with Hands: A Transformer Approach and a Quality of Experience Assessment
2024-01-01 Floris, Alessandro; Porcu, Simone; Atzori, Luigi
Digital Twin Framework for Personalized Building Management in Ambient Assisted Living
2024-01-01 Marcello, Francesca; Chouquir, Azzedine Youssef; Atzori, Luigi; Pilloni, Virginia
QoE Estimation of WebRTC-based Audio-visual Conversations from Facial and Speech Features
2024-01-01 Bingol, Gulnaziye; Porcu, Simone; Floris, Alessandro; Atzori, Luigi
WebRTC-QoE: A dataset of QoE assessment of subjective scores, network impairments, and facial & speech features
2024-01-01 Bingol, Gulnaziye; Porcu, Simone; Floris, Alessandro; Atzori, Luigi
A Clustered Federated Learning Approach for Estimating the Quality of Experience of Web Users
2023-01-01 Porcu, S; Floris, A; Atzori, L
An Analysis of the Trade-Off Between Sustainability and Quality of Experience for Video Streaming
2023-01-01 Bingol, Gulnaziye; Porcu, Simone; Floris, Alessandro; Atzori, Luigi
Analysis of Application-layer Data to Estimate the QoE of WebRTC-based Audiovisual Conversations
2023-01-01 Hamidi, Mohammadali; Bingöl, Gülnaziye; Floris, Alessandro; Porcu, Simone; Atzori, Luigi
Are Quality and Sustainability Reconcilable? A Subjective Study on Video QoE, Luminance and Resolution
2023-01-01 Bingol, G; Floris, A; Porcu, S; Timmerer, C; Atzori, L
Energy Saving Architecture based on Android TV in a Smart Home Environment
2023-01-01 Floris, Alessandro; Porcu, Simone; Atzori, Luigi; Fadda, Mauro; Anedda, Matteo; Gavrilă, Cristinel; Popescu, Vlad; Giusto, Daniele
Low-Complexity Classification of Unencrypted IoT Traffic Based on Skewness and Protocol Information
2023-01-01 Martalo', Marco; Portas, Michele; Atzori, Luigi
Review of the theory, principles, and design requirements of human-centric Internet of Things (IoT)
2023-01-01 Ystgaard, Kaja Fjørtoft; Atzori, Luigi; Palma, David; Heegaard, Poul Einar; Bertheussen, Lene Elisabeth; Jensen, Magnus Rom; De Moor, Katrien
Toward the EthicNet: Challenges and Enablers for Ethics-Aware Networks
2023-01-01 Atzori, Luigi; Campolo, Claudia; Iera, Antonio; Morabito, Giacomo
Trustworthy Task Allocation in IoT: a Cognitive Game-Theoretical Use Case
2023-01-01 Pilloni, V.; Martalo', M.; Atzori, L.
A dataset of labelled device Wi-Fi probe requests for MAC address de-randomization
2022-01-01 Pintor, L; Atzori, L
A dynamic hand gesture recognition dataset for human-computer interfaces
2022-01-01 Fronteddu, G.; Porcu, S.; Floris, A.; Atzori, L.
A Social IoT-based platform for the deployment of a smart parking solution
2022-01-01 Floris, A.; Porcu, S.; Atzori, L.; Girau, R.
Analysis of the quality of remote working experience: a speech-based approach
2022-01-01 Porcu, Simone; Floris, Alessandro; Atzori, Luigi
Beep4Me: automatic ticket validation to support fare clearing and service planning
2022-01-01 Tuveri, G.; Garau, M.; Sottile, E.; Pintor, L.; Atzori, L.; Meloni, I.
CB-FL: Cluster-Based Federated Learning applied to Quality of Experience modelling
2022-01-01 Porcu, S; Floris, A; Atzori, L