Increased Response-Time Variability Across Different Cognitive Tasks in Children With ADHD
2014-01-01 Adamo, N; DI MARTINO, Adriana; Esu, L; Petkova, E; Johnson, K; Kelly, S; Castellanos, Fx; Zuddas, Alessandro
[HTML] from oxfordjournals.org Title The balance between feeling and knowing: affective and cognitive empathy are reflected in the brain's intrinsic functional dynamics
2012-01-01 Cox, Cl; Uddin, Lq; DI MARTINO, Adriana; Castellanos, Fx; Milham, Mp; Kelly, C.
Dimensional Brain-Behavior Relationships in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
2012-01-01 Chabernaud, C; Mennes, M; Kelly, C; Nooner, K; DI MARTINO, Adriana; Castellanos, Fx; Milham, Mp
In vivo assessment of age‐related brain iron differences by magnetic field correlation imaging
2012-01-01 Adisetiyo, V; Jensen, Jh; Ramani, A; Tabesh, A; DI MARTINO, Adriana; Fieremans, E; Castellanos, Fx; Helpern, Ja
Low frequency oscillations of response time explain parent ratings of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity
2012-01-01 Mairena, Ma; DI MARTINO, Adriana; Domínguez Martín, C; Gómez Guerrero, L; Gioia, G; Petkova, E; Castellanos, F. X.
Resting state functional connectivity correlates of inhibitory control in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
2012-01-01 Mennes, M; Potler, Nv; Kelly, C; DI MARTINO, Adriana; Castellanos, Fx; Milham, Mp
Toward Systems Neuroscience of ADHD: A Meta-Analysis of 55 fMRI Studies
2012-01-01 Cortese, S; Kelly, C; Chabernaud, C; Proal, E; DI MARTINO, Adriana; Milham, Mp; Castellanos, Fx
Aberrant striatal functional connectivity in children with autism
2011-01-01 DI MARTINO, Adriana; Kelly, C; Grzadzinski, R; Zuo, Xn; Mennes, M; Mairena, Ma; Lord, C; Castellanos, Fx; Milham, Mp
Differential development of human brain white matter tracts
2011-01-01 Imperati, D; Colcombe, S; Kelly, C; DI MARTINO, Adriana; Zhou, J; Castellanos, Fx; Milham, Mp
Examining autistic traits in children with ADHD: Does the Autism Spectrum Extend to ADHD?
2011-01-01 Grzadzinski, R; DI MARTINO, Adriana; Brady, E; Mairena, Ma; O’Neale, M; Petkova, E; Lord, C; Castellanos, Fx
Linking inter-individual differences in neural activation and behavior to intrinsic brain dynamics
2011-01-01 Mennes, M; Zuo, Xn; Kelly, C; DI MARTINO, Adriana; Zang, Yf; Biswal, Bb; Castellanos, Fx; Milham, Mp
Preliminary evidence of altered gray and white matter microstructural development in the frontal lobe of adolescents with attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder: A diffusional kurtosis imaging study
2011-01-01 Helpern, Ja; Adisetiyo, V; Falangola, Mf; Hu, C; DI MARTINO, Adriana; Williams, K; Castellanos, Fx; Jensen, Jh
Response-Time Variability Is Related to Parent Ratings of Inattention, Hyperactivity, and Executive Function
2011-01-01 Gómez Guerrero, L; Domínguez Martín, C; Mairena, Ma; DI MARTINO, Adriana; Wang, J; Mendelsohn, Al; Dreyer, Bp; Isquith, Pk; Gioia, G; Petkova, E; Castellanos, Fx
Resting-state functional connectivity indexes reading competence in children and adults
2011-01-01 Koyama, Ms; DI MARTINO, Adriana; Zuo, Xn; Kelly, C; Mennes, M; Jutagir, Dr; Castellanos, Fx; Milham, Mp
Growing together and growing apart: regional and sex differences in the lifespan developmental trajectories of functional homotopy
2010-01-01 Zuo, Xn; Kelly, C; DI MARTINO, Adriana; Mennes, M; Margulies, Ds; Bangaru, S; Grzadzinski, R; Evans, A; Zang, Yf; Castellanos, Fx; Milham, Mp
Inter-individual differences in resting-state functional connectivity predict task-induced BOLD activity
2010-01-01 Mennes, M; Kelly, C; Zuo, Xn; DI MARTINO, Adriana; Biswal, Bb; Castellanos, Fx; Milham, Mp
The oscillating brain: complex and reliable
2010-01-01 Zuo, Xn; DI MARTINO, Adriana; Kelly, C; Shehzad, Z; Gee, Dg; Klein, Df; Castellanos, Fx; Biswal, Bb; Milham, Mp
[HTML] from nih.gov Title Functional brain correlates of social and nonsocial processes in autism spectrum disorders: an activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis
2009-01-01 DI MARTINO, Adriana; Ross, K; Uddin, Lq; Sklar, Ab; Castellanos, Fx; Milham, Mp
L-dopa modulates functional connectivity in striatal cognitive and motor networks: a double-blind placebo-controlled study
2009-01-01 Kelly, C; de Zubicaray, G; DI MARTINO, Adriana; Copland, Da; Reiss, Pt; Klein, Df; Castellanos, Fx; Milham, Mp; Mcmahon, K.
Relationship between cingulo-insular functional connectivity and autistic traits in neurotypical adults
2009-01-01 DI MARTINO, Adriana; Shehzad, Z; Kelly, C; Roy, A; Gee, D; Uddin, Lq; Gotimer, K; Klein, Df; Castellanos, Fx; Milham, Mp