Federated Learning for Enhanced Cell Nuclei Segmentation in Histopathological Images
2024-01-01 Usai, Marco; Loddo, Andrea; Putzu, Lorenzo; Ruberto, Cecilia Di
Human-in-the-Loop Person Re-Identification as a Defence Against Adversarial Attacks
2024-01-01 Delussu, Rita; Putzu, Lorenzo; Ledda, Emanuele; Fumera, Giorgio
Synthetic Data for Video Surveillance Applications of Computer Vision: A Review
2024-01-01 Delussu, Rita; Putzu, Lorenzo; Fumera, Giorgio
BLUES: Before-reLU-EStimates Bayesian Inference for Crowd Counting
2023-01-01 Ledda, E.; Delussu, R.; Putzu, L.; Fumera, G.; Roli, F.
Human-in-the-loop cross-domain person re-identification
2023-01-01 Delussu, R.; Putzu, L.; Fumera, G.
On The Potential of Image Moments for Medical Diagnosis
2023-01-01 Di Ruberto, C.; Loddo, A.; Putzu, L.
Specialise to Generalise: The Person Re-identification Case
2023-01-01 Putzu, L.; Loddo, A.; Delussu, R.; Fumera, G.
On the effectiveness of synthetic data sets for training person re-identification models
2022-01-01 Delussu, R; Putzu, L; Fumera, G
On the Reliability of CNNs in Clinical Practice: A Computer-Aided Diagnosis System Case Study
2022-01-01 Loddo, Andrea; Putzu, Lorenzo
On the Evaluation of Video-Based Crowd Counting Models
2022-01-01 Ledda, E.; Putzu, L.; Delussu, R.; Fumera, G.; Roli, F.
Scene-specific crowd counting using synthetic training images
2022-01-01 Delussu, R.; Putzu, L.; Fumera, G.
Special Issue on Image Processing Techniques for Biomedical Applications
2022-01-01 Di Ruberto, C.; Loddo, A.; Putzu, L.
Automatic Myelofibrosis Grading from Silver-Stained Images
2021-01-01 Putzu, L.; Untesco, M.; Fumera, G.
How Realistic Should Synthetic Images Be for Training Crowd Counting Models?
2021-01-01 Ledda, E.; Putzu, L.; Delussu, R.; Loddo, A.; Fumera, G.
Invariant Moments, Textural and Deep Features for Diagnostic MR and CT Image Retrieval
2021-01-01 Putzu, L.; Loddo, A.; Di Ruberto, C.
On the Effectiveness of Leukocytes Classification Methods in a Real Application Scenario
2021-01-01 Loddo, Andrea; Putzu, Lorenzo
Online domain adaptation for person Re-identification with a human in the loop
2021-01-01 Delussu, R.; Putzu, L.; Fumera, G.; Roli, F.
An Empirical Evaluation of Cross-scene Crowd Counting Performance
2020-01-01 Fumera, Giorgio; Putzu, Lorenzo; Delussu, Rita
An empirical evaluation of nuclei segmentation from H&E images in a real application scenario
2020-01-01 Putzu, L.; Fumera, G.
Convolutional neural networks for relevance feedback in content based image retrieval: a content based image retrieval system that exploits convolutional neural networks both for feature extraction and for relevance feedback
2020-01-01 Putzu, Lorenzo; Piras, Luca; Giacinto, Giorgio