Automatic topic title assignment with word embedding
2024-01-01 Zammarchi, Gianpaolo; Romano, Maurizio; Conversano, Claudio
Iterative threshold‑based Naïve bayes classifer
2024-01-01 Romano, M; Zammarchi, G; Conversano, C
A scientometric analysis of the effect of COVID-19 on the spread of research outputs
2023-01-01 Zammarchi, Gianpaolo; Carta, Andrea; Columbu, Silvia; Frigau, Luca; Musio, Monica
Evolution of Media Coverage on Climate Change and Environmental Awareness: An Analysis of Tweets from UK and US Newspapers
2023-01-01 Zammarchi, Gianpaolo; Romano, Maurizio; Conversano, Claudio
Linear random forest to predict energy consumption
2023-01-01 Zammarchi, Gianpaolo
Using sentiment analysis to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on Italy’s country reputation and stock market performance
2023-01-01 Zammarchi, G.; Mola, F.; Conversano, C.
A Statistical Model to Estimate the Airbnb Price
2022-01-01 Contu, Giulia; Frigau, Luca; Zammarchi, Gianpaolo
An analysis-ready and quality controlled resource for pediatric brain white-matter research
2022-01-01 Richie-Halford, Adam; Cieslak, Matthew; Ai, Lei; Caffarra, Sendy; Covitz, Sydney; Franco, Alexandre R; Karipidis, Iliana I; Kruper, John; Milham, Michael; Avelar-Pereira, Bárbara; Roy, Ethan; Sydnor, Valerie J; Yeatman, Jason D; Fibr Community Science, Consortium; Zammarchi, G; Pisanu, C; Satterthwaite, Theodore D; Rokem, Ariel
Evolution of media coverage on climate change and environmental awareness: an analysis of tweets from UK and US newspapers
2022-01-01 Zammarchi, Gianpaolo; Romano, Maurizio; Conversano, Claudio
Evolution of scientific literature on climate change: a bibliometric analysis
2022-01-01 Zammarchi, Gianpaolo; Contu, Giulia; Romano, Maurizio
Eye Tracking and Sentiment Analysis to evaluate user behavior and opinion
Investigating Shared Genetic Bases between Psychiatric Disorders, Cardiometabolic and Sleep Traits Using K-Means Clustering and Local Genetic Correlation Analysis
2022-01-01 Zammarchi, Gianpaolo; Conversano, Claudio; Pisanu, Claudia
Iterative Threshold-based Naïve Bayes Classifier: an efficient Tb-NB improvement
2022-01-01 Romano, Maurizio; Zammarchi, Gianpaolo; Contu, Giulia
Textual semi-supervised clustering: an application on data
2022-01-01 Contu, Giulia; Romano, Maurizio; Zammarchi, Gianpaolo
Threshold-based Na¨ıve Bayes Classifier: Customer Satisfaction evaluation
2022-01-01 Romano, M; Zammarchi, G; Conversano, C
A statistical model to identify the price determinations: the case of Airbnb
2021-01-01 Contu, Giulia; Frigau, Luca; Zammarchi, Gianpaolo; Mola, Francesco
Application of machine learning models to discriminate tourist landscapes using eye-tracking data
2021-01-01 Zammarchi, Gianpaolo; Contu, Giulia; Frigau, Luca
Application of the eye tracking technology in medicine: a bibliometric analysis
2021-01-01 Zammarchi, G.; Conversano, C.
Markov chain to analyze web usability of a university website using eye tracking data
2021-01-01 Zammarchi, Gianpaolo; Frigau, Luca; Mola, Francesco
Statistical analysis of Twitter data to assess the relationship between sentiment towards Italy and stock exchange trend
2021-01-01 Zammarchi, Gianpaolo; Mola, Francesco; Conversano, Claudio