Kobyljans'ka, le donne e la cultura ucraina moderna
2024-01-01 Achilli, Alessandro
Making Verse in a Precarious Language: Poetry in Late 19th-Century Ukrainian Culture between Silence and Music, Present and Future
2024-01-01 Achilli, Alessandro
Rethinking Tradition, Rejecting the Past: Ukrainian Poetry of the 1910s and 1920s in the Search for Europe
2023-01-01 Achilli, Alessandro
Tra comparatistica e studi postcoloniali. Passato e futuro degli approcci italiani alle intersezioni letterarie slavo-orientali = Between Comparative and Postcolonial Studies: the Past and Future of Italian Approaches to East Slavic Literary Intersections
2023-01-01 Achilli, Alessandro
Tra immagini e istantanee: topoi e luoghi della poesia ucraina contemporanea
2023-01-01 Achilli, Alessandro
Ukrainian Community Archives in Victoria, Australia: A Stocktake
2023-01-01 Achilli, Alessandro; Pavlyshyn, Marko; Shmihelska-Kozuliak, Olha
"Ricerche slavistiche" e gli inizi di una moderna ucrainistica in Italia: tra tradizione filologica e collaborazioni internazionali
2022-01-01 Achilli, Alessandro
Beyond War: Russia, Ukraine and the State of the Field
2022-01-01 Achilli, Alessandro; Puleri, Marco
Da marginali a classici di oggi: le 'letterature minori' dell'area slava orientale nel panorama editoriale italiano
2022-01-01 Achilli, Alessandro; Puleri, Marco
The body of the poet, the body of the nation: corporeality in recent revolution poetry from Belarus
2022-01-01 Achilli, Alessandro
Vasyl' Stus e Marina Cvetaeva: un dialogo poetico tra generazioni, lingue e invisibili confini
2022-01-01 Achilli, Alessandro
Zwischen „Ich“ und „Wir“. Zur Problematik des Subjekts in der ukrainischen Lyrik von der Romantik bis nach der Postmoderne
2022-01-01 Achilli, Alessandro
Beauty, Truth, and Sincerity. Lesja Ukrajinka and the Responsibility of Art Between Aestheticism and the Pursuit of Authenticity
2021-01-01 Achilli, Alessandro
Between poetology and nation building: complex identities in Ukrainian underground poetry of the 1960s–1980s
2021-01-01 Achilli, Alessandro
Four decades of modernist revolution: creating a new subjectivity in Ukrainian poetry, 1900–1940
2021-01-01 Achilli, Alessandro
La Belarus' fra presente e passato, nation building e molteplicità culturale. Prefazione dei curatori
2021-01-01 Achilli, A.; Pachlovska, O.; Quercioli Mincer, L.
Poisk novych jazykov v sovremennoj ukrainskoj poezii: puti chudozestvennoj novizny mezdu naciestroitel'stvom i kul'turno-jazykovym pljuralizmom = Contemporary Ukrainian poetry in search of new languages: approaching literary innovation between nation building and cultural pluralism
2021-01-01 Achilli, Alessandro
Razgovor s Iej Kivoj o poezii, inkljuzivnosti, polilingval'nosti, Ukraine i Belarusi
2021-01-01 Achilli, A.
Individual, yet collective voices: polyphonic poetic memories in contemporary Ukrainian literature
2020-01-01 Achilli, A
Towards a new postcolonial Ukrainian literature: Ievheniia Kononenko's "A Russian story"
2020-01-01 Achilli, A