Among the instruments at the Greek poet's disposal are homometrical occurrences, forms of metric-verbal coincidence that, in the identity of the metrical collocation in a strophic structure, conceal the authorial intention of an enhancement of the semantic dimension of the ode through the skilful exploitation of the mechanisms of repetition. In the Sophoclean compositions, the primary objective of demonstrating their relevance to the dramatic action in progress is compounded by other specialisations of use that, while they may highlight the active acting role of the choral ensemble, invite a careful reflection of a taxonomic order that grasps the multiple nuances of an instrument, the application of which offers a further means for the exegesis and profound understanding of the ancient poetic product.
Tra gli strumenti a disposizione del poeta greco, figurano le occorrenze omometriche, forme di coincidenza metrico-verbale che, nell’identità della collocazione metrica in una struttura strofica, nascondono l’intenzione autoriale di un potenziamento della dimensione semantica dell’ode attraverso l’abile sfruttamento dei meccanismi della ripetizione. Nelle composizioni sofoclee, all’obiettivo primario di dimostrarne l’attinenza con l’azione drammatica in svolgimento si sommano altre specializzazioni d’uso che, mentre potrebbero evidenziare il ruolo attoriale attivo della compagine corale, invitano a un’attenta riflessione di ordine tassonomico che colga le plurime sfumature di uno strumento, la cui applicazione offre un ulteriore mezzo per l’esegesi e la profonda comprensione del prodotto poetico antico.
Per una tassonomia delle occorrenze omometriche nei canti strofici di Sofocle
Alessio Faedda
Among the instruments at the Greek poet's disposal are homometrical occurrences, forms of metric-verbal coincidence that, in the identity of the metrical collocation in a strophic structure, conceal the authorial intention of an enhancement of the semantic dimension of the ode through the skilful exploitation of the mechanisms of repetition. In the Sophoclean compositions, the primary objective of demonstrating their relevance to the dramatic action in progress is compounded by other specialisations of use that, while they may highlight the active acting role of the choral ensemble, invite a careful reflection of a taxonomic order that grasps the multiple nuances of an instrument, the application of which offers a further means for the exegesis and profound understanding of the ancient poetic product.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.