Carthage was one of the most important and traditional Christian cathedras in the Latin West: it was also the Church that acquired greater visibility and pre-eminence among the African ones well before the "imperial recognition" of Christianity which occurred in the 4th century. The presence of great thinkers in the center and above all the ability of the local church to early model its organizational structure on what was the civil and political order of the empire made the role of alma Carthago undisputed even at the time of the Diocletian reform
Cartagine fu nell’occidente latino una delle cattedre cristiane più importanti e di maggiore tradizione: fu inoltre la Chiesa che acquistò maggiore visibilità e preminenza fra quelle africane ben prima del “riconoscimento imperiale” del cristianesimo avvenuto nel IV secolo. La presenza nel centro di grandi pensatori e soprattutto la capacità della chiesa locale di modellare precocemente la propria struttura organizzativa su quello che fu l’ordinamento civile e politico dell’impero resero indiscusso il ruolo dell’alma Carthago anche al momento della riforma diocleziane
La gerarchia ecclesiastica della Cartagine cristiana. Autorappresentazione e status sociale degli appartenenti agli ordini minori
Carthage was one of the most important and traditional Christian cathedras in the Latin West: it was also the Church that acquired greater visibility and pre-eminence among the African ones well before the "imperial recognition" of Christianity which occurred in the 4th century. The presence of great thinkers in the center and above all the ability of the local church to early model its organizational structure on what was the civil and political order of the empire made the role of alma Carthago undisputed even at the time of the Diocletian reformI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.