Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 144.408
NA - Nord America 5.525
AS - Asia 1.295
SA - Sud America 46
OC - Oceania 42
AF - Africa 20
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 8
Totale 151.344
Nazione #
IT - Italia 129.307
GB - Regno Unito 13.623
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.448
CN - Cina 627
SE - Svezia 505
UA - Ucraina 314
SG - Singapore 260
DE - Germania 165
FI - Finlandia 120
CA - Canada 66
VN - Vietnam 63
NL - Olanda 55
IN - India 53
IE - Irlanda 51
FR - Francia 45
MY - Malesia 43
AU - Australia 41
ES - Italia 37
HK - Hong Kong 35
PH - Filippine 34
BR - Brasile 32
TR - Turchia 30
KR - Corea 28
RU - Federazione Russa 26
BE - Belgio 24
PL - Polonia 23
ID - Indonesia 22
NO - Norvegia 22
JP - Giappone 17
TW - Taiwan 16
AT - Austria 15
IR - Iran 14
PT - Portogallo 13
GR - Grecia 11
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 10
PK - Pakistan 10
RO - Romania 10
CH - Svizzera 8
EU - Europa 8
IL - Israele 8
MX - Messico 8
BD - Bangladesh 7
CL - Cile 7
LB - Libano 7
IQ - Iraq 6
SI - Slovenia 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
CU - Cuba 3
EC - Ecuador 3
HR - Croazia 3
KE - Kenya 3
LK - Sri Lanka 3
LT - Lituania 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
CI - Costa d'Avorio 2
DZ - Algeria 2
HU - Ungheria 2
MG - Madagascar 2
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 2
MT - Malta 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PE - Perù 2
SC - Seychelles 2
TH - Thailandia 2
TN - Tunisia 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AO - Angola 1
AR - Argentina 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EE - Estonia 1
JO - Giordania 1
KW - Kuwait 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MN - Mongolia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
QA - Qatar 1
RS - Serbia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
UG - Uganda 1
UY - Uruguay 1
Totale 151.344
Città #
Cagliari 123.175
London 13.486
Uta 5.761
Fairfield 727
Woodbridge 481
Boardman 430
Chandler 398
Nyköping 385
Ashburn 362
Houston 343
Wilmington 307
Seattle 283
Ann Arbor 238
Cambridge 236
Singapore 135
Santa Clara 128
Jacksonville 121
Dearborn 120
Shanghai 102
Boston 99
Helsinki 82
Beijing 71
Redwood City 70
Nanjing 64
New York 53
San Diego 52
Dong Ket 42
Toronto 37
Rome 31
Changsha 30
Jinan 25
Hangzhou 24
Atlanta 23
Guangzhou 23
Nanchang 23
Mountain View 21
Hebei 19
Ho Chi Minh City 17
Milan 17
Tianjin 17
Jiaxing 15
Los Angeles 15
Norwalk 15
Shenyang 15
Taipei 15
Barcelona 14
Brussels 14
Hefei 14
Warsaw 14
Augusta 13
Central District 13
Sassari 13
Kuala Lumpur 12
Dublin 11
Menlo Park 11
Seoul 11
Wuhan 11
Zhengzhou 11
Falls Church 10
Manchester 10
Orange 10
San Mateo 10
Washington 10
Ningbo 9
Pune 9
Shenzhen 9
Vienna 9
Central 8
Jakarta 8
Naples 8
Beirut 7
Campinas 7
Kilburn 7
Moscow 7
Munich 7
Nagold 7
Nashville 7
Phoenix 7
Saint Petersburg 7
Sestu 7
São Paulo 7
Wackersdorf 7
Wayne 7
Chengdu 6
Chennai 6
Columbus 6
Fuzhou 6
Melbourne 6
Monmouth Junction 6
Perth 6
San Jose 6
Tokyo 6
Athens 5
Bengaluru 5
Bergen 5
Brisbane 5
Frankfurt am Main 5
Islington 5
La Maddalena 5
Leiria 5
Totale 148.590
Nome #
Exploring the Ratings Prediction Task in a Group Recommender System that Automatically Detects Groups 14.265
A Text Mining Approach to Extract and Rank Innovation Insights from Research Projects 4.282
Recommender system lets coaches identify and help athletes who begin losing motivation 2.657
Keep the beat: Audio guidance for runner training 2.609
A multi-biometric system for continuous student authentication in e-learning platforms 2.359
The role of social interaction on users motivation to exercise: A persuasive web framework to enhance the self-management of a healthy lifestyle 2.337
Recommendation in persuasive eHealth systems: An effective strategy to spot users' losing motivation to exercise 2.330
A Clustering Approach for Tag Recommendation in Social Environments 2.300
Employing document embeddings to solve the "new catalog" problem in user targeting, and provide explanations to the users 2.265
NewsVallum: Semantics-Aware Text and Image Processing for Fake News Detection system 2.257
Exploiting a determinant-based metric to evaluate a word-embeddings matrix of Items 2.201
Linking Human-Computer Interaction with the Social Web: a Web Application to Improve Motivation in the Exercising Activity of Users 2.083
Semantics-aware content-based recommender systems: Design and architecture guidelines 1.959
Modeling real-time data and contextual information from workouts in eCoaching platforms to predict users’ sharing behavior on Facebook 1.957
Using new communication technologies and social media interaction to improve the motivation of users to exercise 1.957
UP SCHOOL: Introduction of pervasive learning technologies to enhance classic educational models 1.941
Workshop on engineering human-computer interaction in recommender systems 1.939
Second workshop on engineering computer-human interaction in recommender systems (EnCHIReS) 1.915
Towards chatbots as recommendation interfaces 1.857
Using neural word embeddings to model user behavior and detect user segments 1.843
Exploiting the evaluation frequency of the items to enhance the recommendation accuracy 1.841
An e-coaching ecosystem: design and effectiveness analysis of the engagement of remote coaching on athletes 1.821
Popularity does not always mean triviality: introduction of popularity criteria to improve the accuracy of a recommender system 1.781
Advances in computer-human interaction for recommender systems (AdCHIReS) 1.760
Influence of rating prediction on group recommendation's accuracy 1.724
Representing items as word-embedding vectors and generating recommendations by measuring their linear independence 1.717
Behavioral data mining to produce novel and serendipitous friend recommendations in a social bookmarking system 1.690
Design and architecture of a friend recommender system in the social bookmarking domain 1.642
Everywhere Run: a Virtual Personal Trainer for Supporting People in their Running Activity 1.633
Binary sieves: Toward a semantic approach to user segmentation for behavioral targeting 1.576
Preface 1.567
null 1.532
Discovery and representation of the preferences of automatically detected groups: Exploiting the link between group modeling and clustering 1.508
Friend recommendation in a social bookmarking system: Design and architecture guidelines 1.415
Mining user behavior in a social bookmarking system: A delicious friend recommender system 1.396
Design criteria to model groups in big data scenarios: algorithms and best practices 1.390
A semantic approach to remove incoherent items from a user profile and improve the accuracy of a recommender system 1.377
Introducing a weighted ontology to improve the graph-based semantic similarity measures 1.308
Predicting workout quality to help coaches support sportspeople 1.295
Producing Friend Recommendations in a Social Bookmarking System by Mining Users Content 1.257
Improving the accuracy of latent-space-based recommender systems by introducing a cut-off criterion 1.181
Analysis of the properties that affect the accuracy of a group recommender system 1.172
Advances in Bias-aware Recommendation on the Web 1.159
A class-based strategy to user behavior modeling in recommender systems 1.157
Group Recommender Systems: An Introduction 1.132
A proactive Time-Frame Convolution Vector (TFCV) technique to detect frauds attempts in e-commerce transactions 1.113
Semantic coherence-based user profile modeling in the recommender systems context 1.079
Connecting user and item perspectives in popularity debiasing for collaborative recommendation 1.075
Using behavioral data mining to produce friend recommendations in a social bookmarking system 1.074
A new perspective on recommender systems: A class path information model 1.060
Detection of trending topic communities: Bridging content creators and distributors 1.047
A latent semantic pattern recognition strategy for an untrivial targeted advertising 1.030
The effect of algorithmic bias on recommender systems for massive open online courses 1.011
Multiple behavioral models: A divide and conquer strategy to fraud detection in financial data streams 996
Guest Editorial: Behavioral-Data Mining in Information Systems and the Big Data Era 993
Equality of Learning Opportunity via Individual Fairness in Personalized Recommendations 970
Characterizing user behavior in journey planning 938
Workshop on social media for personalization and search (SoMePeAS) 904
International workshop on algorithmic bias in search and recommendation (bias 2020) 848
ART: group recommendation approaches for automatically detected groups 846
Introduction to the special issue on human–computer interaction and the social web 837
Hands on Data and Algorithmic Bias in Recommender Systems 829
Using Collaborative Filtering to Overcome the Curse of Dimensionality when Clustering Users in a Group Recommender System 801
Modeling the preferences of a group of users detected by clustering: A group recommendation case-study 786
Enabling cross-continent provider fairness in educational recommender systems 785
Matching user preferences and behavior for mobility 779
Combining mitigation treatments against biases in personalized rankings: use case on item popularity 771
BarcelonaNow: Empowering Citizens with Interactive Dashboards for Urban Data Exploration 743
Who You Should Not Follow: Extracting Word Embeddings from Tweets to Identify Groups of Interest and Hijackers in Demonstrations 692
Workshop on social aspects in personalization and search (SoAPS 2018) 692
Reputation Equity in Ranking Systems 691
State-of-the-Art in Group Recommendation and New Approaches for Automatic Identification of Groups 668
null 667
Recency, Popularity, and Diversity of Explanations in Knowledge-based Recommendation 663
Advances in bias and fairness in information retrieval: Preface 653
Reputation (In)dependence in Ranking Systems: Demographics Influence over Output Disparities 648
Hands on Explainable Recommender Systems with Knowledge Graphs 644
Provider fairness across continents in collaborative recommender systems 642
Reinforcement recommendation reasoning through knowledge graphs for explanation path quality 641
Integrating a cognitive assistant within a critique-based recommender system 631
Countering bias in personalized rankings : from data engineering to algorithm development 631
RATC: A Robust Automated Tag Clustering Technique 628
Interplay between upsampling and regularization for provider fairness in recommender systems 627
Preface 620
Data-driven user behavioral modeling: from real-world behavior to knowledge, algorithms, and systems: Special issue introduction 615
Guest editorial of the IPM special issue on algorithmic bias and fairness in search and recommendation 611
Content novelty and group recommendation 610
A Robust Reputation-Based Group Ranking System and Its Resistance to Bribery 598
Using social media to characterize urban mobility patterns: State-of-the-art survey and case-study 594
The Winner Takes it All: Geographic Imbalance and Provider (Un)fairness in Educational Recommender Systems 580
Impact of content novelty on the accuracy of a group recommender system 579
Integrating Collaboration and Leadership in Conversational Group Recommender Systems 578
Regulating Group Exposure for Item Providers in Recommendation 573
Third workshop on social media for personalization and search (SoMePeAS 2019) 573
Consumer Fairness in Recommender Systems: Contextualizing Definitions and Mitigations 562
The Effect of Homophily on Disparate Visibility of Minorities in People Recommender Systems 559
Second International Workshop on Algorithmic Bias in Search and Recommendation (BIAS@ECIR2021) 558
Post Processing Recommender Systems with Knowledge Graphs for Recency, Popularity, and Diversity of Explanations 556
On the negative impact of social influence in recommender systems: A study of bribery in collaborative hybrid algorithms 554
Guest editorial: social media for personalization and search 554
Totale 135.351
Categoria #
all - tutte 188.621
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 188.621

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202010.605 0 0 0 0 0 4.832 2.772 621 500 614 535 731
2020/202127.057 1.092 904 1.346 8.548 5.699 2.166 2.138 1.282 736 1.222 1.137 787
2021/202222.096 674 764 371 467 930 798 417 393 568 913 1.307 14.494
2022/202314.685 1.033 1.641 1.428 1.140 1.268 1.583 916 1.051 1.057 1.261 1.471 836
2023/202417.994 654 847 858 916 1.318 2.998 2.208 1.795 911 1.404 2.077 2.008
2024/202532.805 6.115 8.744 5.682 8.172 2.316 1.776 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 151.918