Assimilation of NDVI data in a land surface – Vegetation model for leaf area index predictions in a tree-grass ecosystem
2023-01-01 Montaldo, Nicola; Gaspa, Andrea; Corona, Roberto
Multiscale Assimilation of Sentinel and Landsat Data for Soil Moisture and Leaf Area Index Predictions Using an Ensemble-Kalman-Filter-Based Assimilation Approach in a Heterogeneous Ecosystem
2022-01-01 Montaldo, N; Gaspa, A; Corona, R
The root-zone soil moisture spectrum in a mediterranean ecosystem
2022-01-01 Corona, R.; Katul, G.; Montaldo, N.
Rock water as a key resource for patchy ecosystems on shallow soils: digging deep tree clumps subsidize surrounding surficial grass
2021-01-01 Montaldo, Nicola; Corona, Roberto; Curreli, Matteo; Sirigu, Serena; Piroddi, Luca; Oren, Ram
Soil moisture estimates in a grass field using sentinel-1 radar data and an assimilation approach
2021-01-01 Montaldo, N.; Fois, L.; Corona, R.
Estimating and modeling the effects of grass growth on surface runoff through a rainfall simulator on field plots
2020-01-01 Montaldo, N.; Curreli, M.; Corona, R.; Saba, A.; Albertson, J. D.
Fixed and variable components of evapotranspiration in a Mediterranean wild-olive - grass landscape mosaic
2020-01-01 Montaldo, Nicola; Curreli, Matteo; Corona, Roberto; Oren, Ram
On the transpiration of wild olives under water-limited conditions in a heterogeneous ecosystem with shallow soil over fractured rock
2020-01-01 Corona, Roberto; Montaldo, Nicola
On the Role of NAO Driven Interannual Variability in Rainfall Seasonality on Water Resources and Hydrologic Design in a Typical Mediterranean Basin
2018-01-01 Corona, Roberto; Montaldo, Nicola; Albertson, John D.
Il ruolo della vegetazione sui processi idrologici di ecosistemi Mediterranei in condizioni idriche limitanti
Il ruolo della vegetazione sul deflusso superficiale da misure sperimentali
2014-01-01 Corona, Roberto; Curreli, Matteo; Montaldo, Nicola
Le recenti modifiche del regime idrologico del bacino del Flumendosa in Sardegna
2014-01-01 Montaldo, Nicola; Corona, Roberto; Albertson, J. D.
On the decrease of water resources during the last decades in the Flumendosa basin, Sardinia
2014-01-01 Corona, Roberto; Montaldo, Nicola; Albertson, J. D.
On the spatial distribution of the transpiration and soil moisture of a Mediterranean heterogeneous ecosystem in water-limited conditions
2014-01-01 Curreli, Matteo; Corona, Roberto; Montaldo, Nicola; Albertson J., D; Oren, R.
Sulla stima della traspirazione in un ecosistema Mediterraneo tramite l’uso associato delle tecniche eddy covariance e sap flow
2014-01-01 Curreli, Matteo; Corona, Roberto; Montaldo, Nicola; Oren, R.
Trend storici e scenari di cambiamento climatico dei deflussi superficiali del bacino del Flumendosa tramite modellistica idrologica
2014-01-01 Sarigu, Alessio; Corona, Roberto; Montaldo, Nicola
On the estimate of the transpiration in Mediterranean heterogeneous ecosystems with the coupled use of eddy covariance and sap flow techniques
2013-01-01 Corona, Roberto; Curreli, Matteo; Montaldo, Nicola; Oren, R.
On the estimation of surface runoff through a new plot scale rainfall simulator in Sardinia, Italy
2013-01-01 Corona, Roberto; Wilson, T; D’Adderio, Lp; Montaldo, Nicola; Porcù, Federico; Albertson, John
On the separate effects of soil and land cover on mediterranean ecohydrology: two contrasting case studies in Sardinia, Italy
2013-01-01 Montaldo, Nicola; Corona, Roberto; Albertson, Jd
On the estimate of the Vegetation effects on the surface runoff through a plot scale rainfall simulator in Sardinia, Italy
2012-01-01 Corona, Roberto; . Wilson T., G; Montaldo, Nicola; Albertson, J. D.