Sardinia and the Alpine cycle: A tectono-sedimentary history at the Western Tethys edge
In corso di stampa Costamagna, LUCA GIACOMO
Interpreting siliciclastic sedimentation in the upper Paleozoic Mulargia-Escalaplano Basin (Sardinia, Italy): influence of tectonics on provenance
2024-01-01 Costamagna, LUCA GIACOMO; Criniti, Sara
Magmatic evolution in an open and polybaric system feeding the Miocene calcalkaline lava domes of Cixerri (SW Sardinia, Italy)
2023-01-01 Cariddi, Bruna; Guarino, Vincenza; Costamagna, LUCA GIACOMO; D’Antonio, Massimo; Jourdan, Fred; Morra, Vincenzo; Melluso, Leone
Early Permian playa deposits of Sardinia, Italy, with reference to their ichnofauna
2022-01-01 Costamagna, LUCA GIACOMO
Sedimentary evolution of the Pennsylvanian–Permian Mulargia–Escalaplano molassic basin (Sardinia, Italy): the most complete record in the Southern Variscan Realm
2022-01-01 Costamagna, LUCA GIACOMO
The lower Muschelkalk dolostones in central Sardinia and their algal content: sedimentological and paleontological analysis
2022-01-01 Costamagna, LUCA GIACOMO; Piros, Olga
Mineralogical-petrographic and physical-mechanical features of the construction stones in punic and roman temples of antas (Sw sardinia, italy): Provenance of the raw materials and conservation state
2021-01-01 Columbu, S.; Gaviano, E.; Costamagna, L. G.; Fancello, D.
Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Upper Paleozoic Mulargia-Escalaplano molassic basin (Sardinia, Italy) in the collapsing Variscan chain: matching the pull-a-part model of the W Europe basins
2021-01-01 Costamagna, LUCA GIACOMO
The Buntsandstein of Sardinia (Italy) as keypoint of the Western Tethys paleogeography
2021-01-01 Costamagna, LUCA GIACOMO; Kustatscher, Evelyn
The Eocene Monte Cardiga Fm (Sardinia, Italy): a tidal strait towards a westward coal basin?
2021-01-01 Costamagna, LUCA GIACOMO
The Upper Paleozoic pull-a-part Mulargia-Escalaplano basin (S Sardinia, italy): relationships between tectonics and sedimentation
2021-01-01 Costamagna, LUCA GIACOMO
The Upper Pennsylvanian to Middle Triassic continental succession in SW Sardinia: new key sections, stratigraphic-sedimentological refinements, and petro-sedimentary notes
2021-01-01 Costamagna, LUCA GIACOMO
Upper Pennsylvanian, Permian, and Lower? Triassic continental successions in SW Sardinia (Italy): a petro-sedimentological update of the molassoid Sulcis basin
2021-01-01 Costamagna, LUCA GIACOMO
Lithostratigraphy and sedimentology of the lower Cambrian carbonate Gonnesa Group of Iglesiente (SW Sardinia, Italy): Data from the Oridda area
2020-01-01 Costamagna, L. G.
The Atlas-East Variscan -Elbe shear system and its role in the formation of the pull-apart Late Palaeozoic basins
2020-01-01 Elter, F. M.; Gaggero, L.; Mantovani, F.; Pandeli, E.; Costamagna, L. G.
The carbonates of the post-Variscan basins of Sardinia: the evolution from Carboniferous-Permian humid-persistent to Permian arid-ephemeral lakes in a morphotectonic framework
2019-01-01 Costamagna, LUCA GIACOMO
A palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Middle Jurassic of Sardinia (Italy) based on integrated palaeobotanical, palynological and lithofacies data assessment
2018-01-01 Costamagna, Luca Giacomo; Kustatscher, Evelyn; Scanu, Giovanni Giuseppe; Del Rio, Myriam; Pittau, Paola; van Konijnenburg-van Cittert, Johanna H. A.
Evolution of a Pyrenean molassic basin in the Western Mediterranean area: The Eocene-Oligocene Cixerri Formation in Southern Sardinia (Italy)
2018-01-01 Costamagna, Luca G; Schäfer, Andreas
Investigation methods on continental outcrops: developing an upgrade of the architectural analysis method by field tests in well-exposed Sardinian outcrops
2018-01-01 Costamagna, LUCA GIACOMO
The Lower Triassic continental to transitional deposits of the Maritime Alps (NW Italy): Stratigraphical and sedimentological features
2018-01-01 Costamagna, L. G.