Enhancing Productivity at Home: The Role of SmartWork and Organizational Support in the Public Sector.
2024-01-01 Barbieri, Barbara; Mondo, Marina; DE SIMONE, Silvia; Pinna, Roberta; Galletta, Maura; Pileri, Jessica; Bellini, Diego
Examining the interplay between positive and negative bureaucracy characteristics and job satisfaction: The moderating role of resistance to change for neo-managerial approaches.
2024-01-01 Barbieri, Barbara; Bellini, Diego; Scaratti, Giuseppe; Mondo, Marina; Pinna, Roberta; Galletta, Maura; Simone, Silvia De
Flexible work in the public sector: a dual perspective on cognitive benefits and costs in remote work environments
2024-01-01 Barbieri, Barbara; Bellini, Diego; Batzella, Federica; Mondo, Marina; Pinna, Roberta; Galletta, Maura; DE SIMONE, Silvia
The Mediating Role of Work–Family Interface in the Relationship Between Quantitative Workload and Interpersonal Strain: A Gender-Based Moderation Analysis
2024-01-01 Pileri, Jessica; Mondo, Marina; Sgualdini, Alice; DE SIMONE, Silvia
Gender and country differences in academic motivation, coping strategies, and academic burnout in a sample of Italian and Russian first-year university students
2023-01-01 Cabras, C.; Konyukhova, T.; Lukianova, N.; Mondo, M.; Sechi, C.
Promote well-being and innovation in sustainable organizations: the role of job crafting as mediator
2023-01-01 Mondo, Marina; Cicotto, Gianfranco; Pileri, Jessica; Cois, Ester; De Simone, Silvia
The Restorative Quality of the Work Environments: The Moderation Effect of Environmental Resources between Job Demands and Mindfulness
2023-01-01 Bellini, Diego; Barbieri, Barbara; Loi, Michela; Mondo, Marina; DE SIMONE, Silvia
The role of techno-stress and psychological detachment in the relationship between workload and well-being in a sample of Italian smart workers: a moderated mediated model
2023-01-01 Mondo, Marina; Pileri, Jessica; Barbieri, Barbara; Bellini, Diego; DE SIMONE, Silvia
An Environmental Resource within the Job Demands-Resources Model: The Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy between Properties of the Learning Environment and Academic Engagement
2022-01-01 Bellini, Diego; Barbieri, Barbara; Mondo, Marina; Cubico, Serena; Ramaci, Tiziana
Mea Culpa! The Role of Guilt in the Work-Life Interface and Satisfaction of Women Entrepreneur
2022-01-01 De Simone, Silvia; Pileri, Jessica; Mondo, Marina; Rapp-Ricciardi, Max; Barbieri, Barbara
Proactive, boundaryless, and confident graduates entering the labour market: does need for cognitive closure play a role as a moderator?
2022-01-01 Mondo, Marina; Barbieri, Barbara; DE SIMONE, Silvia; Pileri, Jessica; Lo Presti, Alessandro
Social Support and Self-Efficacy on Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Conflict and Commitment
2022-01-01 Mondo, M; Pileri, J; Carta, F; De Simone, S
Measuring career adaptability in a sample of Italian university students: psychometric properties and relations with the age, gender, and STEM/no STEM courses
2021-01-01 Mondo, Marina; Barbieri, Barbara; De Simone, Silvia; Bonaiuto, Flavia; Usai, Luca; Agus, Mirian
Psychometric evaluation of three versions of the Italian Perceived Stress Scale
2021-01-01 Mondo, Marina; Sechi, Cristina; Cabras, Cristina
The influence of sexual objectification on guilt assessment on a sample of Italian graduates
2021-01-01 Cabras, C.; Tumatis, R.; Mondo, M.; Sechi, C.
Diventare, non diventare genitori
2020-01-01 Cabras, Cristina; Mondo, Marina; Sechi, Cristina
Relationships between Trait Emotional Intelligence, mood states, and future orientation among female Italian victims of Intimate Partner Violence
2020-01-01 Cabras, Cristina; Mondo, Marina; Diana, Angelica; Sechi, Cristina
Coping strategies, optimism, and life satisfaction among first-year university students in Italy: gender and age differences
2018-01-01 Cabras, Cristina; Mondo, Marina
Future Orientation as a Mediator Between Career Adaptability and Life Satisfaction in University Students
2018-01-01 Cabras, Cristina; Mondo, Marina
Relationship amongst mood, propensity to forgive, and mental-health problems in female Italian adolescents
2017-01-01 Cabras, Cristina; Loi, Giorgia; Sechi, Cristina; Mondo, Marina