Carè, Rosella
Carè, Rosella
'Why finance is missing in Social Impact Bonds research? a bibliometric review'
2022-01-01 Carè, R.; Carè, S.; Lévy, N.; Fatima, R.
How many shades are there in sustainable finance? A bibliometric review
2022-01-01 Fatima, R.; Boitan, I. A.; Carè, R.
La risoluzione delle crisi nell’UE: case studies
2022-01-01 Carè, Rosella
A bibliometric review of sustainable finance: setting the research agenda
2021-01-01 Fatima, R.; Boitan, I. A.; Carè, R.
Fighting poverty and inequalities through social impact bonds: Learning from case studies to support the Covid-19 response
2021-01-01 Trotta, A.; Carè, R.; Caridà, R.; Migliazza, M. C.
2021-01-01 Carè, R.; Weber, O
Critical Success Factors, Motivations, and Risks in Social Impact Bonds
2020-01-01 Carè, Rosella; Rania, Francesco; De Lisa, Riccardo
Social uncertainty evaluation of social impact bonds: a model and practical application
2020-01-01 Rania, F.; Trotta, A.; Carè, R.; Migliazza, M. C.; Kabli, A.
Assessing the relationship between environmental performance and banks' performance: preliminary evidence
2019-01-01 Carè, R.; Forgione, A. F.
Environmental Impact Investing: an overview
2019-01-01 Carè, R.; De Lisa, R.
Funding Innovative Healthcare Programs Through Social Impact Bonds: Issues and Challenges
2019-01-01 Carè, Rosella; Ferraro, Giuseppe
Social Impact Bond: beyond financial innovation
2019-01-01 Carè, R.
Social Impact Bonds for a sustainable Welfare State: the role of enabling factors
2019-01-01 Carè, Rosella; De Lisa, Riccardo
An alternative finance approach for a more sustainable financial system
2018-01-01 Care', Rosella; Trotta, Annarita; Rizzello, Alessasndro
Crowdfunding for the development of smart cities
2018-01-01 Carè, Stella; Trotta, Annarita; Carè, Rosella; Rizzello, Alessandro
Investing with impact: an integrated analysis between academics and practitioners
2018-01-01 Carè, Rosella; Wendt, Karen
Sustainable banking: issues and challenges
2018-01-01 Carè, Rosella
The Use of Payment by Results in Healthcare: A Review and Proposal
2018-01-01 Rizzello, Alessandro; Caridà, Rossana; Trotta, Annarita; Ferraro, Giuseppe; Carè, Rosella
Exploring environmental disclosure in banks. Evidence from the Euro area
2017-01-01 Care', R.
Finanziamento e sostenibilità del Sistema Sanitario Italiano: analisi e prospettive
2016-01-01 Carè, R