Successful Management of Palatal Developmental Groove-Associated Periodontal Defect Using Palatal Access Flap and Odontoradiculoplasty: A Case Report
2025-01-01 Valente, Nicola Alberto; Bardini, Giulia
Alveolar Ridge Preservation Procedures Performed with a Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft: Clinical and Histologic Outcomes in a Case Series: Part II
2024-01-01 Barone, Antonio; Cinquini, Chiara; Valente, Nicola Alberto; Velasco-Ortega, Eugenio; Derchi, Giacomo; D'Amico, Emira; Iezzi, Giovanna
Blended intensive programme’s implementation in dental education: post-pandemic evolution of learning
2024-01-01 Dus-Ilnicka, I.; Paradowska-Stolarz, A.; Mazur, M.; Radwan-Oczko, M.; Perra, A.; Paula, V. S. D.; Ward, L. S.; Valente, N. A.; Firkova, E.; Karteva, T.; Jorda, L. M.; Sousa Gomes, P. D.; Dominiak, M.
Change in clinical parameters after subgingival instrumentation for the treatment of periodontitis and timing of periodontal re‐evaluation: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
2024-01-01 Paternò Holtzman, Lucrezia; Valente, NICOLA ALBERTO; Vittorini Orgeas, Gianluca; Copes, Luca; Discepoli, Nicola; Clementini, Marco
Palatal shield technique: a novel approach for improved donor site healing in mucogingival procedures - report of two cases
2024-01-01 Gisotti, Mario; Valente, N. A.
2024-01-01 Lazic, Marko; Jakovljevic, Aleksandar; Valente, Nicola Alberto
Alveolar Ridge Preservation Procedures Performed with a Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft: Histologic Outcomes in a Cohort Study
2023-01-01 Iezzi, Giovanna; Valente, Nicola Alberto; Velasco-Ortega, Eugenio; Piattelli, Adriano; Perez, Alexandre; D'Amico, Emira; Barone, Antonio
Clinical, microbiological and immunological short, medium and long-term effects of different strains of probiotics as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal therapy in patients with periodontitis. Systematic review with meta-analysis
2023-01-01 Ausenda, Federico; Barbera, Emanuele; Cotti, Elisabetta; Romeo, Eugenio; Natto, Zuhair S; Valente, Nicola Alberto
Esthetic management of space and soft tissue deficiencies in implant therapy: combined orthodontic-mucogingival approach
2022-01-01 Gisotti, Mario; Lops, Diego; Valente, Nicola Alberto
Narrow-diameter versus standard-diameter implants placed in horizontally regenerated bone in the rehabilitation of partially and completely edentulous patients: A systematic review
2022-01-01 Valente, Nicola Alberto; Marchio, Vincenzo; Troiano, Giuseppe; Gasparro, Roberta; Balice, Pierluigi; Marenzi, Gaetano; Laino, Luigi; Sammartino, Gilberto; Iezzi, Giovanna; Barone, Antonio
The use of corticosteroids in the lateral sinus augmentation surgical procedure: A systematic review and meta-analysis
2022-01-01 Mordini, Lorenzo; Patianna, Giuseppe Pio; Di Domenico, Giovanna Laura; Natto, Zuhair S; Valente, Nicola Alberto
Autotransplantation of Two Immature Third Molars with the Use of L-PRF
2021-01-01 Rey Lescure, M.; Valente, N. A.; Chatelain, S.; Cinquini, C.; Barone, A.
Maxillary sinus augmentation with three different biomaterials: Histological, histomorphometric, clinical, and patient-reported outcomes from a randomized controlled trial
2021-01-01 Velasco-Ortega, E.; Valente, N. A.; Iezzi, G.; Petrini, M.; Derchi, G.; Barone, A.
Peri-implantitis: Application of a protocol for the regeneration of deep osseous defects. A retrospective case series
2021-01-01 Verardi, S.; Valente, N. A.
Predatory publishing in dentistry. An analysis of its impact and potential risks
2021-01-01 Valente, Nicola A
Comparison between two different techniques for peri-implant soft tissue augmentation: Porcine dermal matrix graft versus tenting screw
2020-01-01 Verardi, S.; Orsini, M.; Lombardi, T.; Ausenda, F.; Testori, T.; Pulici, A.; Oreglia, F.; Valente, N. A.; Stacchi, C.
Impact of Concave/Convergent vs Parallel/Divergent Implant Transmucosal Profiles on Hard and Soft Peri-implant Tissues: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analyses
2020-01-01 Valente, N. A.; Wu, M.; Toti, P.; Derchi, G.; Barone, A.
Implant placement in patients under treatment with rivaroxaban: A retrospective clinical study
2020-01-01 Galletti, G.; Alfonsi, F.; Raffaele, A.; Valente, N. A.; Chatelain, S.; Kolerman, R.; Cinquini, C.; Romeggio, S.; Iezzi, G.; Barone, A.
Influence of implant mucosal thickness on early bone loss: A systematic review with meta-analysis
2020-01-01 Gianfilippo, R. D.; Valente, N. A.; Toti, P.; Wang, H. -L.; Barone, A.
Standard vs customized healing abutments with simultaneous bone grafting for tissue changes around immediate implants. 1-year outcomes from a randomized clinical trial
2020-01-01 Perez, A.; Caiazzo, A.; Valente, N. A.; Toti, P.; Alfonsi, F.; Barone, A.