Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 233.603
NA - Nord America 15.590
AS - Asia 1.955
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 17
SA - Sud America 17
AF - Africa 11
OC - Oceania 5
Totale 251.198
Nazione #
IT - Italia 229.966
US - Stati Uniti d'America 15.507
UA - Ucraina 1.476
CN - Cina 1.419
SE - Svezia 779
DE - Germania 411
FI - Finlandia 356
GB - Regno Unito 355
SG - Singapore 350
FR - Francia 121
CA - Canada 75
VN - Vietnam 70
IN - India 38
RU - Federazione Russa 35
KR - Corea 30
BE - Belgio 23
EU - Europa 17
NL - Olanda 17
IL - Israele 14
ES - Italia 9
IE - Irlanda 9
PL - Polonia 9
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 8
TR - Turchia 8
BR - Brasile 7
MX - Messico 7
HK - Hong Kong 6
JP - Giappone 6
RO - Romania 6
CH - Svizzera 5
CL - Cile 4
IR - Iran 4
MU - Mauritius 4
AU - Australia 3
BY - Bielorussia 3
TW - Taiwan 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
AT - Austria 2
CO - Colombia 2
DK - Danimarca 2
EG - Egitto 2
HR - Croazia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PE - Perù 2
PK - Pakistan 2
TH - Thailandia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AL - Albania 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
CY - Cipro 1
EC - Ecuador 1
HU - Ungheria 1
LB - Libano 1
MA - Marocco 1
ME - Montenegro 1
MT - Malta 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PT - Portogallo 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 251.198
Città #
Cagliari 223.334
Uta 5.896
Fairfield 2.329
Woodbridge 1.633
Chandler 1.273
Houston 1.098
Ashburn 1.061
Seattle 942
Wilmington 915
Ann Arbor 849
Boardman 815
Jacksonville 796
Cambridge 757
Nyköping 508
Dearborn 316
Nanjing 266
Beijing 196
Boston 191
Singapore 186
New York 178
Santa Clara 153
Shanghai 140
San Diego 131
Helsinki 126
Hangzhou 104
Shenyang 89
Milan 79
Redwood City 78
Hebei 73
Dong Ket 70
Nanchang 63
Toronto 60
Mountain View 58
Changsha 51
Verona 50
Guangzhou 48
Jiaxing 47
Los Angeles 46
London 45
Norwalk 42
Jinan 36
Tianjin 36
Zhengzhou 33
Auburn Hills 29
Washington 28
Sassari 27
Rome 26
Orange 25
Ningbo 22
Seoul 22
Hefei 21
Brussels 20
Chicago 19
Falls Church 19
Pune 16
Indiana 15
Munich 15
Oristano 15
Paris 13
Taizhou 13
Kunming 12
Sestu 12
Wuhan 12
Phoenix 11
Atlanta 10
Redmond 10
Borås 9
Cracow 9
Dublin 9
Kilburn 8
Quartu Sant'Elena 7
Augusta 6
Beersheba 6
Chengdu 6
Fuzhou 6
Madrid 6
Padova 6
Perugia 6
Prescot 6
Saint Petersburg 6
Tappahannock 6
Villacidro 6
Walnut 6
Berlin 5
Buffalo 5
Cedar Knolls 5
Millbury 5
Rockville 5
Southwark 5
Würzburg 5
Acton 4
Brno 4
Grottammare 4
Gunzenhausen 4
Hong Kong 4
Lanzhou 4
New Bedfont 4
North York 4
Quartu Sant'elena 4
Renton 4
Totale 245.798
Nome #
Effect of memantine on L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in the 6-OHDA-lesioned rat model of Parkinson's disease. 4.193
Pathophysiology of L-dopa-induced motor and non-motor complications in Parkinson's disease 4.141
Pharmacological characterization of 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in rats: comparison of the effects of different psychoactive drugs and relevance in drug-induced reward 3.517
Odor identification performance in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease is associated with gender and the genetic variability of the olfactory binding protein 3.511
Antidyskinetic effect of A2A and 5HT1A/1B receptor ligands in two animal models of Parkinson's disease 3.406
Role of Adenosine in the basal Ganglia 3.260
Antagonism of Adenosine A1 or A2A Receptors Amplifies the Effects of 3,4-Methylendioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on Glial Activation in the Mouse Brain: Relevance to Caffeine-MDMA Interactions 2.970
Elevation of striatal urate in experimental models of Parkinson's disease: a compensatory mechanism triggered by dopaminergic nigrostriatal degeneration? 2.910
Amphetamine-related drugs neurotoxicity in humans and in experimental animals: Main mechanisms 2.790
Protective Agents in Parkinson's Disease: Caffeine and Adenosine A2A Receptor Antagonists 2.786
Vitamin A deficiency induces motor impairments and striatal cholinergic dysfunction in rats 2.757
Direct and long-lasting effects elicited by repeated drug administration on 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations are regulated differently: Implications for the study of the affective properties of drugs of abuse 2.721
Modulation of rat 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations by glucocorticoid signaling: possible relevance to reward and motivation 2.709
Role of adenosine A2A receptors in motor control: relevance to Parkinson’s disease and dyskinesia 2.637
Late-onset Parkinsonism in NFκB/c-Rel-deficient mice 2.595
Effect of crowding, temperature and age on glia activation and dopaminergic neurotoxicity induced by MDMA in the mouse brain 2.564
MPTP-induced dopamine neuron degeneration and glia activation is potentiated in MDMA pretreated mice 2.562
Methylxanthines and drug dependence: interactions and toxicity 2.548
Symptomatic and Neuroprotective Effects of A2A Receptor Antagonists in Parkinson’s Disease 2.530
Influence of caffeine on 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced dopaminergic neuron degeneration and neuroinflammation is age-dependent 2.505
Novel (Hetero)arylalkenyl propargylamine compounds are protective in toxin-induced models of Parkinson's disease 2.496
Microglial and astroglial activation by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in mice depends on S(+) enantiomer and is associated with an increase in body temperature and motility 2.413
Assessment of symptomatic and neuroprotective efficacy of Mucuna pruriens seed extract in rodent model of Parkinson's disease 2.398
Progression and Persistence of Neurotoxicity Induced by MDMA in Dopaminergic Regions of the Mouse Brain and Association with Noradrenergic, GABAergic, and Serotonergic Damage 2.390
Repeated Administration of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Elevates the Levels of Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Nigrostriatal System: Possible Relevance to Neurotoxicity 2.383
Influence of dopamine transmission in the medial prefrontal cortex and dorsal striatum on the emission of 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in rats treated with amphetamine: Effects on drug-stimulated and conditioned calls 2.341
Involvement of Glutamate NMDA Receptors in the Acute, Long-Term, and Conditioned Effects of Amphetamine on Rat 50kHz Ultrasonic Vocalizations 2.316
Lack of Rhes Increases MDMA-Induced Neuroinflammation and Dopamine Neuron Degeneration: Role of Gender and Age 2.307
Activation of adenosine A2A receptors suppresses the emission of pro-social and drug-stimulated 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in rats: possible relevance to reward and motivation 2.306
null 2.277
The Small GTP-Binding Protein Rhes Influences Nigrostriatal-Dependent Motor Behavior During Aging 2.254
Rhes counteracts dopamine neuron degeneration and neuroinflammation depending on gender and age 2.241
A critical evaluation of behavioral rodent models of motor impairment used for screening of antiparkinsonian activity: The case of adenosine A2A receptor antagonists 2.187
Genetic variants of TAS2R38 bitter taste receptor associate with distinct gut microbiota traits in Parkinson's disease: A pilot study 2.179
MDMA administration during adolescence exacerbates MPTP-induced cognitive impairment and neuroinflammation in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex 2.153
Gut Microbiota and Metabolome Alterations Associated with Parkinson’s Disease 2.121
Contribution of Caffeine to the Psychostimulant, Neuroinflammatory and Neurotoxic Effects of Amphetamine-Related Drugs 2.083
Caffeine Enhances Astroglia and Microglia Reactivity Induced by 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (‘Ecstasy’) in Mouse Brain 2.029
A new ethyladenine antagonist of adenosine A(2A) receptors: behavioral and biochemical characterization as an antiparkinsonian drug 1.995
Dyskinetic potential of dopamine agonists is associated with different striatonigral/striatopallidal zif-268 expression 1.992
Performance of movement in hemiparkinsonian rats influences the modifications induced by dopamine agonists in striatal efferent dynorphinergic neurons 1.991
NCX1 and NCX3 as potential factors contributing to neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation in the A53T transgenic mouse model of Parkinson's Disease 1.884
Preface [ to The Adenosinergic System. A Non-Dopaminergic Target in Parkinson’s Disease] 1.869
Repeated amphetamine administration and long-term effects on 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations: possible relevance to the motivational and dopamine-stimulating properties of the drug 1.865
Role of movement in long-term basal ganglia changes: implications for abnormal motor responses 1.858
Neurochemical and neurotoxic effects of MDMA (Ecstasy) and caffeine after chronic combined administration in mice 1.851
Metformin prevented dopaminergic neurotoxicity induced by 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine administration 1.798
Alteration in the progression of dopamine neuron degeneration: May caffeine offer new perspective? 1.769
Farmaci antiparkinsoniani ed attivi in altri disturbi motori 1.719
Behavioral, neurochemical, and electrophysiological changes in an early spontaneous mouse model of nigrostriatal degeneration 1.698
Neuroinflammation and activation of Zif-268 in dyskinetic 6-OHDA-lesioned rats is counteracted by association of a 5-HT1A/1B receptor agonist and an A2A receptor antagonist 1.696
Combined administration of dopaminergic and nondopaminergic drugs reverses neuroinflammation in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease 1.692
Dyskinesia in Parkinson's disease: mechanisms and current non-pharmacological interventions 1.679
Caffeine consumption and changes in the function of dopaminergic transmission: evidence of a hyperdopaminergic state in rats subchronically treated with caffeine 1.674
Gender Differences in Neurodegeneration, Neuroinflammation and Na+-Ca2+ Exchangers in the Female A53T Transgenic Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease 1.666
null 1.651
null 1.638
Decreased Rhes mRNA levels in the brain of patients with Parkinson’s disease and MPTP-treated macaques 1.617
Neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of the adenosine A(2A) receptor antagonist ST1535 in a MPTP mouse model of Parkinson's disease. 1.593
Behavioral and biochemical correlates of the dyskinetic potential of dopaminergic agonists in the 6-OHDA lesioned rat 1.537
Antiparkinsonian actions and interactions of adenosine antagonists 1.527
Farmaci utilizzati nella terapia della Malattia di Parkinson e di altri disturbi motori 1.474
The small GTP-binding protein Rhes influences midbrain dopaminergic neurons: Behavioral and biochemical studies 1.450
Gender-dependent behavioral and biochemical differences in the A53T genetic mouse model of Parkinson’s disease 1.302
Effect of caffeine on 3,4- methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced neuroinflammation in mouse brain 1.292
Adenosine signaling in the basal ganglia 1.223
null 1.194
Characterization of the antiparkinsonian effects of the new adenosine A2A receptor antagonist ST1535: acute and subchronic studies in rats 1.188
Blockade of globus pallidus adenosine A2A receptors displays antiparkinsonian activity in 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats treated with D1 or D2 dopamine receptor agonists 1.188
Effect of caffeine on 3, 4 – methylenedioxymethamphetamine – induced astroglia and microglia activation in mouse brain 1.180
The 6-hydroxydopamine model of Parkinson's disease 1.109
null 1.108
Acute perinatal asphyxia impairs non-spatial memory and alters motor coordination in adult male rats 1.108
Direct and indirect striatal efferent pathways are differentially influenced by low and high dyskinetic drugs: behavioural and biochemical evidence 1.099
Inactivation of neuronal forebrain A receptors protects dopaminergic neurons in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease 1.080
Adenosine A2A receptor antagonist treatment of Parkinson’s disease 1.069
Adenosine A2A and dopamine receptor interactions in basal ganglia of dopamine denervated rats 1.067
Adenosine A2A receptor antagonists and Parkinson’s disease: state of the art and future directions 1.055
A2A receptor antagonism and dyskinesia in Parkinson’s Disease 1.017
null 1.012
A preclinical study on the combined effects of repeated eltoprazine and preladenant treatment for alleviating L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson's disease 1.011
Function of dopamine in the extrapyramidal and limbic systems 1.004
Synthesis of ibuprofen heterocyclic amides and investigation of their analgesic and toxicological properties 983
null 981
Adenosine A2A receptors and Parkinson's disease 979
null 967
Caffeine Consumption and Changes in the Function of Dopaminergic Transmission: Evidence of a Hyperdopaminergic State in Rats Subchronically Treated with Caffeine 965
In utero exposure to dexamethasone causes a persistent and age-dependent exacerbation of the neurotoxic effects and glia activation induced by MDMA in dopaminergic brain regions of C57BL/6J mice 956
6-n-propylthiouracil taste disruption and TAS2R38 nontasting form in Parkinson's disease 946
Methylxanthines and Drug Dependence: A Focus on Interactions with Substances of Abuse 942
Anxyiolytic properties of a 2-phenylindolglyoxylamide TSPO ligand: Stimulation of in vitro neurosteroid production affecting GABAA receptor activity 938
Changes in the expression of tonic and phasic neurochemical markers of activity in a rat model of L-DOPA induced dyskinesia 910
Impulse control disorders and dopamine dysregulation syndrome associated with dopamine agonist therapy in Parkinson's disease 909
Differential effect of MK 801 and scopolamine on c-fos expression induced by L-dopa in the striatum of 6-hydroxydopamine lesioned rats 873
Changes in the expression of tonic and phasic neurochemical markers of activity in a rat model of L-DOPA induced dynskinesia 856
Selective modifications in GAD67 mRNA levels in striatonigral and striatopallidal pathways correlate to dopamine agonist priming in 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats 851
Birth asphyxia as the major complication in newborns: Moving towards improved individual outcomes by prediction, targeted prevention and tailored medical care 835
null 830
Antagonism of apomorphine-induced yawning by SCH 23390: evidence against the autoreceptor hypothesis 825
Perinatal asphyxia: current status and approaches towards neuroprotective strategies, with focus on sentinel proteins 824
Totale 181.345
Categoria #
all - tutte 327.513
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 327.513

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202038.858 0 0 0 0 16.130 9.994 5.934 1.598 1.247 1.200 1.114 1.641
2020/202163.999 2.363 2.343 3.011 16.106 12.301 7.936 6.522 3.611 1.395 3.401 2.864 2.146
2021/202213.605 1.299 1.202 874 806 878 1.004 1.109 716 832 1.321 1.539 2.025
2022/202321.093 1.985 2.506 1.915 1.779 1.902 2.223 1.052 1.816 1.484 1.548 1.991 892
2023/202424.574 1.019 971 1.077 1.426 2.404 4.033 3.710 1.751 1.002 2.055 2.489 2.637
2024/202526.449 5.784 7.130 6.803 5.190 1.542 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 251.957