Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 113.277
NA - Nord America 7.553
AS - Asia 1.344
AF - Africa 60
SA - Sud America 39
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
OC - Oceania 7
Totale 122.289
Nazione #
IT - Italia 110.708
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.499
UA - Ucraina 1.018
CN - Cina 892
SE - Svezia 593
SG - Singapore 277
FI - Finlandia 242
DE - Germania 236
GB - Regno Unito 219
FR - Francia 124
IN - India 58
CA - Canada 53
BR - Brasile 27
BE - Belgio 26
RU - Federazione Russa 22
TR - Turchia 22
IR - Iran 19
KR - Corea 19
VN - Vietnam 17
DZ - Algeria 16
NL - Olanda 14
MA - Marocco 12
PL - Polonia 12
TN - Tunisia 12
ES - Italia 9
EU - Europa 9
HK - Hong Kong 9
CH - Svizzera 8
JP - Giappone 8
IE - Irlanda 7
AU - Australia 6
MU - Mauritius 6
NG - Nigeria 6
GR - Grecia 5
HU - Ungheria 5
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 5
TH - Thailandia 5
EC - Ecuador 4
PE - Perù 4
PK - Pakistan 4
PT - Portogallo 4
RO - Romania 4
AT - Austria 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
CL - Cile 2
EG - Egitto 2
HR - Croazia 2
ID - Indonesia 2
IL - Israele 2
LV - Lettonia 2
NO - Norvegia 2
TM - Turkmenistan 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AR - Argentina 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
DK - Danimarca 1
ET - Etiopia 1
GH - Ghana 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
SN - Senegal 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 122.289
Città #
Cagliari 108.061
Uta 1.813
Chandler 899
Woodbridge 852
Fairfield 639
Jacksonville 569
Ann Arbor 518
Boardman 513
Ashburn 467
Houston 446
Nyköping 406
Wilmington 316
Seattle 265
Cambridge 216
Nanjing 189
Singapore 135
Beijing 127
Dearborn 120
Boston 117
Helsinki 93
Santa Clara 81
Shanghai 66
Milan 61
Shenyang 54
San Diego 50
Guangzhou 47
Jiaxing 47
Redwood City 46
Rome 45
Changsha 38
Nanchang 38
Sassari 37
Washington 35
Hebei 34
New York 34
Los Angeles 33
Toronto 33
Verona 31
Brussels 26
Jinan 26
Tianjin 25
Norwalk 24
Orange 24
Pune 24
Mountain View 23
Ningbo 20
Cedar Knolls 19
Hangzhou 19
Hefei 19
Auburn Hills 17
Dong Ket 16
Kunming 16
Chengdu 14
Istanbul 14
Bologna 13
Fuzhou 12
London 12
Jinhua 10
Millbury 10
Taizhou 10
Zhengzhou 10
Atlanta 9
Ottawa 8
Redmond 8
Saint Petersburg 8
Turin 8
Villacidro 8
Wuhan 8
Edinburgh 7
Padova 7
Selargius 7
Torino 7
Borås 6
Carbonia 6
Dublin 6
Herndon 6
Menlo Park 6
San Mateo 6
Walnut 6
Budapest 5
Casablanca 5
Chicago 5
Florence 5
Frankfurt am Main 5
Genoa 5
Hong Kong 5
Komprachcice 5
Monserrato 5
Seoul 5
Shaoxing 5
Tappahannock 5
Ardabil 4
Assèmini 4
Berlin 4
Caserta 4
Dalmine 4
Delhi 4
Fontvieille 4
Isfahan 4
Loja 4
Totale 118.197
Nome #
Isolation and characterization of polyphenol oxidase from Sardinian poisonous and non-poisonous chemotypes of Ferula communis (L.) 4.292
Dual HIV-1 reverse transcriptase and integrase inhibitors from Limonium morisianum Arrigoni, an endemic species of Sardinia (Italy) 3.366
Onopordum illyricum L.: new anti HIV-1 agents from a Mediterranean edible plant 3.322
Protective effect of Hypericum hircinum on doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in rats 2.971
Onopordum illyricum L., a Mediterranean plant, as a source of anti HIV-1 compounds 2.895
Preliminary study of endemic plants of Sardinia as a source of new antiviral agents 2.840
Characterization of four wild edible Carduus species from the Mediterranean region via phytochemical and biomolecular analyses 2.829
Hypericum hircinum L. components as new single-molecule inhibitors of both HIV-1 reverse transcriptase-associated DNA polymerase and ribonuclease H activities 2.803
Chemical composition and biological activity of the essential oil from Helichrysum microphyllum Cambess. ssp. tyrrhenicum Bacch., Brullo e Giusso growing in La Maddalena Archipelago, Sardinia 2.674
A new glucosidic phthalide from Helichrysum microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum from La Maddalena Island (Sardinia, Italy) 2.475
Phytochemical analysis of non–volatile fraction of Artemisia caerulescens subsp. densiflora (Viv.) (Asteraceae), an endemic species of La Maddalena Archipelago (Sardinia –Italy). 2.449
Anti-inflammatory sesquiterpene lactones from Onopordum illyricum L. (Asteraceae), an Italian medicinal plant 2.429
Assessment of symptomatic and neuroprotective efficacy of Mucuna pruriens seed extract in rodent model of Parkinson's disease 2.428
Antioxidant and anti-collagenase activity of Hypericum hircinum L. 2.419
Essential oil composition and biological activity from Artemisia caerulescens subsp. densiflora (Viv.) Gamisans ex Kerguélen & Lambinon (Asteraceae), an endemic species in the habitat of La Maddalena Archipelago 2.278
Bioactive Constituents of Juniperus turbinata Guss. from La Maddalena Archipelago 2.261
Phytochemical study of Caulerpa racemosa (Forsk.) J. Agarth, an invading alga in the habitat of La Maddalena Archipelago 2.243
New coumarinyl ethers in Daphne oleoides Schreb. Collected from Sardinia Island 2.220
null 2.218
In vitro anti-herpes simplex virus-2 activity of Salvia desoleana Atzei & V. Picci essential oil 2.128
Composition and Biological Activity of the Essential Oil from Juniperus phoenicea L. subsp. turbinata Growing in La Maddalena Archipelago (Sardinia, Italy) 1.863
Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of the Essential Oil from Helichrysum italicum subsp. microphyllum Growing in La Maddalena Archipelago, Sardinia. 1.703
HIV-1 inhibiting activity of the essential oil of Ridolfia segetum and Oenanthe crocata 1.664
Anti-HIV-1 activity of compounds isolated from Hypericum hircinum. 1.481
Hypericum hircinum L. components as new single molecule inhibitors of both HIV-1 reverse transcriptase-associated DNA polymerase and ribonuclease H activities. 1.476
Proprietà antinfiammatorie delle foglie di Arbutus unedo L. 1.428
Iridoid glucosides from Pentas lanceolata (Forssk.) Deflers growing on the Island of Sardinia 1.426
Genetic differentiation of two distinct chemotypes of Ferula communis (Apiaceae) in Sardinia (Italy) 1.420
Anti-plasmodial and insecticidial activities of the essential oils of aromatic plants growing in the Mediterranean area 1.384
Polar compound from Parentucellia viscosa (L.) Caruel from Sardinia 1.351
Antimicrobial agents of plant origin for the treatment of phlogistic-infectious diseases of the lower female genital tract 1.286
Essential oil composition of Artemisia densiflora Viv. from La Maddalena archipelago 1.258
null 1.256
Wild food species and therapeutic uses in Central Sardinia, Italy 1.228
Pharmacological activities on Ephedra nebrodensis Tineo 1.207
An ethnobotanical study of traditional antinflammatory plants used in the folk medicine of Ogliastra (central eastern Sardinia, Italy) 1.196
Endemic species of sardo-corso-balearic area: molecular composition and biological assay of Teucrium 1.124
HIV-1 reverse transcriptase and K562 cell replication inhibition by Ridolfia segetum (L.) Moris essential oil 1.101
An ethnobotanical study of traditional antinflammatory plants used in the folk medicine of Ogliastra (central-eastern Sardinia, Italy) 1.091
Polar and antioxidant fraction of Plumbago europæa L., a spontaneous plant of Sardinia 951
Antimicrobial Phenolics and Unusual Glycerides from Helichrysum Italicum subsp. microphyllum 942
Attività antiplasmodio dell’olio essenziale di Satureja thymbra L. 934
null 747
null 746
null 737
Caffeine withdrawal retains anticataleptic activity but Withania somnifera withdrawal potentiates haloperidol-induced catalepsy in mice 728
Olive milling wastewater as a medium for growth of four Pleurotus species 724
null 723
null 708
null 686
HIV-1 inhibiting activity of the essential oil and different fractions of Ridolfia segetum (L.) Moris 679
Ethobotanical research in the terrytory of Fluminimaggiore (south-western Sardinia) 670
null 668
null 644
Wild edible plants or herbal medicine? Preliminary ethnobotanical investigation on Asteraceae in TBK of Sardinia island, Italy 627
Variazioni della presenza endofitica in specie vegetali della sardegna. II contributo 625
La componente endofitica isolata da specie vegetali autoctone della Sardegna 613
Ethnobotanical research in the territory of Fluminimaggiore (south-western Sardinia) 606
Hypericum hircinum L. come nuovo duplice inibitore delle funzioni di DNA polimerasi e di ribonucleasi H associate alla trascrittasi inversa (RT) di HIV-1 efficace anche su mutanti resistenti ad analoghi non-nucleosidici della RT 606
Chemopreventive and antioxidant activity of the chamazulene-rich essential oil obtained from Artemisia arborescens L. growing on the Isle of La Maddalena, Sardinia, Italy 605
Analysis of the volatile concentrate of the leaves and flowers of Helichrysum italicum (Roth) Don subsp microphyllum (Willd.) Nyman (Asteraceae) by supercritical Fluid exstractions and their essential oils 576
null 561
null 548
Le piante utilizzate nella medicina popolare nel territorio di Gesturi (Sardegna centro-meridionale) 520
null 444
Le piante velenose della Sardegna 438
Giardini Storici della Sardegna 410
null 387
null 383
Ricerche pedologiche, floristiche e fenologiche sui pascoli del bacino sel rio S'acqua Callenti (Villasalto, Sardegna sud-orientale) 382
Antioxidant activity of oligomeric acylphloroglucinols from Myrtus communis L 367
null 355
null 354
null 353
A new species of Calocybe (Agaricales, Lyophyllaceae) from littoral pine woods of Sardinia 350
Tocopherols, fatty acids and sterols in seeds of four Sardinian wild Euphorbia species 342
null 338
Rilievo statistico sulle più frequenti manifestazioni allergiche da allergeni vari, pollini compresi, riguardanti la Sardegna 336
DAB III nei tassi (TAxus baccata L.) centenari della Sardegna 335
null 333
Endemic Sardinian plants: the case of Genista cadasonensis Valsecchi 332
null 330
Ethnopharmacology of Ogliastra (Villagrande Strisaili, Sardinia, Italy) 329
Analysis of pharmaceutically relevant taxoid in wild yewtrees from Sardinia 329
Comparative study about airborne spores in Cagliari and Perugia 327
null 327
Iridoids from Euphrasia genargentea, a rare Sardinian endemism 327
Antioxidant Activity of capsinoids 317
Inquadramento tassonomico delle specie europee del genere Laccaria 312
Ethnobotanical research in S. Antioco island South-Western Sardinia, Italy 311
Vittae fluorescence as a tool to differentiate between poisonous and non-poisonous populations of giant fennel (Ferula communis) of the island of Sardinia (Italy) 308
Antioxidant activity of capsinoids 301
Itchy dermatitis from Gynaikothrips ficorum in a family group 297
null 297
Metodo per l'ottenimento di estratti ad alto contenuto di componenti polari bioattivi e a basso contenuto di grassi 296
Ecology and Taxonomy of the genus Lepista in Sardinia. 2 Lepista masiae sp nov 293
Ricerche sulla Flora del Monte Santo (Sardegna settentrionale) 292
La Flora presente lungo i corsi d'acqua del bacino idrografico del Rio Cannas (Sardegna sud-orientale) 286
Polyacetylenes from Sardinian Oenanthe fistulosa: a molecular clue to risus sardonicus 282
Diterpenoids from Euphorbia spinosa L. subsp. spinosa. 268
Totale 108.725
Categoria #
all - tutte 161.551
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 161.551

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 665 436 529 553 822
2020/202130.032 1.107 1.009 1.242 7.281 6.532 3.690 2.812 1.959 614 1.447 1.463 876
2021/20226.330 598 550 461 435 465 435 300 315 501 652 776 842
2022/20239.262 765 1.085 1.005 1.028 729 1.045 465 857 604 515 814 350
2023/20249.371 454 338 439 789 936 1.582 1.364 638 400 624 729 1.078
2024/202512.608 2.810 3.220 2.221 1.523 817 814 1.182 21 0 0 0 0
Totale 122.605