Psychological Well-Being and Self-Efficacy for Self-Regulated Learning
2024-01-01 Pedditzi, M. L.; Scalas, L. F.
Cognitive flexibility assessment with a new Reversal learning task paradigm compared with the Wisconsin card sorting test exploring the moderating effect of gender and stress
2023-01-01 Monni, Alessandra; Scandola, Michele; Hélie, Sébastien; Scalas, Laura Francesca
Towards a multidimensional measure of well-being: cross-cultural support through the Italian validation of the well-being profile
2023-01-01 Scalas, L Francesca; Lodi, Ernesto; Magnano, Paola; Marsh, Herbert W
Academic self-concept change in junior high school students and relationships with academic achievement
2022-01-01 Perinelli, Enrico; Pisanu, Francesco; Checchi, Daniele; Scalas, LAURA FRANCESCA; Fraccaroli, Franco
Executive Functions and Mood States in Athletes Performing Exercise Under Hypoxia
2022-01-01 Guicciardi, Marco; Pazzona, Riccardo; Manca, Andrea; Monni, Alessandra; Scalas, Laura Francesca; Perra, Federica; Leban, Bruno; Roberto, Silvana; Mulliri, Gabriele; Ghiani, Giovanna; Doneddu, Azzurra; Crisafulli, Antonio
Health Risk Behaviour Inventory Validation and its Association with Self-regulatory Dispositions
2022-01-01 Monni, Alessandra; Scalas, L Francesca
The influence of personality factors on well-being through self-esteem: an Italian-Spanish lexical comparative study
2021-01-01 Fadda, Daniela; Scalas, LAURA FRANCESCA; Paz Quevedo-Aguado, M.; Benavente Cuesta, M. H.
Approach and avoidance in Gray's, Higgins', and Elliot's perspectives: a theoretical comparison and integration of approach-avoidance in motivated behavior
2020-01-01 Monni, A.; Olivier, E.; Morin, A. J. S.; Olivetti Belardinelli, M.; Mulvihill, K.; Scalas, L. F.
The multidimensional and hierarchical nature of the Questionnaire for Eudaimonic Wellbeing: a bifactor-ESEM representation in a Spanish sample
2020-01-01 Fadda, D.; Quevedo-Aguado, M. P.; Benavente Cuesta, M. H.; Scalas, L. F.
Value beliefs about math: a Bifactor-ESEM representation
2020-01-01 Fadda, D; Scalas, Lf; Morin, Ajs; Marsh, Hw; Gaspard, H
Determinanti personali del benessere soggettivo: uno studio empirico = Predictors of subjective well-being: an empirical study
2019-01-01 Francesca SCALAS, L.; di Pasquale, Danila
Italian validation of the Approach-avoidance Temperament Questionnaire
2019-01-01 Monni, A.; Francesca Scalas, L.
2019-01-01 Scalas, LAURA FRANCESCA; Fadda, Daniela
Cross-Cultural Validation of the Short Form of the Physical Self Inventory (PSI-S)
2018-01-01 Morin, Alexandre J. S.; Maã¯ano, Christophe; Scalas, LAURA FRANCESCA; Aåÿã§i, F. Hã¼lya; Boughattas, W; Abid, S; Mascret, N; Kara, F. M; Fadda, Daniela; Probst, M.; Fadda, Daniela
Individually Weighted-Average Models: Testing a Taxonomic SEM Approach Across Different Multidimensional/Global Constructs Because the Weights “Don’t Make No Nevermind”
2018-01-01 Marsh, Herbert W.; Scalas, L. Francesca
A bifactor-ESEM representation of the Questionnaire for Eudaimonic Wellbeing
2017-01-01 Fadda, D; Scalas, L. F; Meleddu, M; Morin, A. J. S.
Adolescents' body image trajectories: A further test of the self-equilibrium hypothesis
2017-01-01 Morin, A. J. S.; Maiano, C; Scalas, LAURA FRANCESCA; Janosz, M; Litalien, D.
Music self-concept and self-esteem formation in adolescence: A comparison between individual and normative models of importance within a latent framework
2017-01-01 Scalas, LAURA FRANCESCA; Marsh, H. W.; Vispoel, W.; Morin, A. J. S.; Wen, Z.
The Music Self-Perception Inventory: Development of parallel forms A and B
2017-01-01 Morin, A. J. S; Scalas, LAURA FRANCESCA; Vispoel, W.
Neuroticism as a moderator of direct and mediated relationships between introversion-extraversion and well-being
2016-01-01 Fadda, Daniela; Scalas, LAURA FRANCESCA