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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autore(i) Rivista Editore
A multidisciplinary approach for puzzling over fish connectivity in the Mediterranean Sea: The role of early life history stages of red mullet (Mullus barbatus) 17-mar-2015 - - Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Describing regional fish connectivity patterns: Integration of post-larval otolith sclerochronology information in larval dispersal models 1-gen-2014 Muntoni, Manuel; Rocklin, D; Raventos Klein, N; Beauvier, J; Garcia Charton, Ja; Murenu, Matteo - -
Lapilli vs sagittae: results from the comparison of settlers of the red mullet 1-gen-2014 Muntoni, Manuel; Frongia, C; Rocklin, D; Lambiase, E; García Charton, Ja; D’Anna, G; Murenu, Matteo - -
Models and sensitivity: How reliable are they? 1-gen-2014 Rocklin, D; Muntoni, Manuel; Garcìa Charton, Ja; Beuvier, J. - -
Settlement synchronization in the stripped mullet (Mullus surmuletus) as inferred from otolith sclerochronology 1-gen-2014 Murenu, Matteo; Muntoni, Manuel; Rocklin, D; Frongia, C; Calò, A; García Charton, Ja; Giacalone, Vm; Carta, G; Vega Fernandez, T; D’Anna, G. - -
Simulation of larval dispersion of Mullus surmuletus based on larval competency periods 1-gen-2014 Muntoni, Manuel; Rocklin, D; Frongia, C; Lambiase, E; Murenu, Matteo - -
On the effectiveness of light traps to catch post-larval fish in Mediterranean reefs: a comparison between different gears 1-gen-2012 Murenu, Matteo; Muntoni, Manuel - -
Spatial and temporal patterns of fish post-larval distribution in western Mediterranean Sea: first results of Mediterranean post-larval network (MedPLanet) 1-gen-2012 Félix Hackradt, Fc; Murenu, Matteo; Muntoni, Manuel; Agostini, S; Ternengo, S; Lecaillon, G; Lenfant, P; Hackradt, Cw; Garcia Charton, Ja - -
Cattura occasionale di ceca di Anguilla anguilla nei mari sardi. 1-gen-2011 Muntoni, Manuel; Murenu, Matteo BIOLOGIA MARINA MEDITERRANEA -
Light trap: prime sperimentazioni per la cattura di post-larve di teleostei nei mari italiani. 1-gen-2011 Murenu, Matteo; Muntoni, Manuel BIOLOGIA MARINA MEDITERRANEA -
Primo rinvenimento di post larve di Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe, 1834) nel Mar Mediterraneo. 1-gen-2011 Muntoni, Manuel; Frongia, C; Murenu, Matteo BIOLOGIA MARINA MEDITERRANEA -
Capturing alive post-larval marine fishes: a new encouraging indicator of global change? 1-gen-2010 Lecaillon, G; Lenfant, P; Felix Hackradt, Fc; Garcia Charton, Ja; Muntoni, Manuel; Murenu, Matteo; Agostini, S; Ternengo, S. - -
Spatial characterization of fishing areas and fleet dynamics in the Central Mediterranean: GIS application to test VMS usefulness 1-gen-2010 Murenu, Matteo; Muntoni, Manuel; Cau, A. - Nishida, T., and Caton, A.E.