2025-01-01 Frank, Robert H.; Cartwright, Edward; Piras, Romano
Funding sources, colonial legacy, and new firms’ creation in Africa
2024-01-01 Massidda, C.; Piras, R.
The intertwined role of social and financial remittances in new firms' creation
2024-01-01 Bettin, Giulia; Massidda, Carla; Piras, Romano
Can five sun-and-sand Sardinian destinations host longer visits?
2023-01-01 Massidda, Carla; Piras, Romano
La presenza straniera in Italia: tendenze recenti
2023-01-01 Massidda, Carla; Piras, Romano; Podda, Antonello; Salaris, Luisa
Remittances, economic complexity, and new firms’ creation: empirical evidence from a large sample of countries
2023-01-01 Piras, Romano
Analysing the drivers of itemised tourism expenditure from the UK using survey data
2022-01-01 Massidda, Carla; Piras, Romano; Seetaram, Neelu
La valorizzazione turistica delle aree costiere del Sud Sardegna. Accessibilità, attività ricreative e bellezze paesaggistiche come facilitatori della spesa turistica
2022-01-01 Massidda, Carla; Piras, Romano
Structural change, growth, and convergence in Italy: 1951-1970
2022-01-01 Piras, Romano
A panel SVAR analysis of the long-run economic impact of migration
2021-01-01 Piras, Romano; Etzo, Ivan; Massidda, Carla; Mattana, Paolo
BATDIV: A Blockchain-based Approach for Tourism Data Insertion and Visualization
2021-01-01 Scarlato, M.; Catte, M.; Massidda, C.; Modica, P.; Pinna, A.; Piras, R.; Tonelli, R.; Jeon, M.
Complementarities between native and immigrant workers in Italy by sector
2021-01-01 Etzo, Ivan; Massidda, Carla; Piras, Romano
Migration flows by educational attainment: disentangling the heterogeneous role of push and pull factors
2021-01-01 Piras, Romano
The Composition of Public Spending and Growth: Spatial Evidence from Italian Regions
2021-01-01 Marica, Stefania; Etzo, Ivan; Piras, Romano
A microeconomics analysis of the per diem expenditure of British travellers
2020-01-01 Massidda, Carla; Piras, Romano; Seetaram, Neelu
Do firms follow immigrants? Empirical evidence from Italy
2020-01-01 Etzo, Ivan; Massidda, Carla; Piras, Romano
Internal migration in Italy: the role of migration networks
2020-01-01 Piras, Romano
La misurazione delle performance nelle destinazioni turistiche
2020-01-01 Piras, Romano; Massidda, Carla; Modica, Patrizia Daniela; Pavan, Aldo; Reginato, Elisabetta; Fadda, Isabella; Melis, Giuseppe; Monfardini, Patrizio; Paglietti, Paola; Pinna, Roberta; Ferrai, Cecilia
An application of the quantile regression method to analyse expenditure patterns of British holiday makers
2019-01-01 Seetaram, Neelu; Massidda, Carla; Piras, Romano
Migrazioni e rimesse: un’analisi delle determinati a livello regionale
2019-01-01 Piras, Romano; Zanda, Francesca