Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 95.669
NA - Nord America 4.319
AS - Asia 802
SA - Sud America 22
AF - Africa 19
OC - Oceania 6
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 100.839
Nazione #
IT - Italia 94.046
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.300
UA - Ucraina 628
CN - Cina 499
SE - Svezia 419
GB - Regno Unito 175
SG - Singapore 156
FI - Finlandia 140
DE - Germania 125
IN - India 62
FR - Francia 58
VN - Vietnam 28
CA - Canada 18
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 18
IR - Iran 14
BE - Belgio 11
RU - Federazione Russa 11
CO - Colombia 10
BR - Brasile 9
NL - Olanda 8
SA - Arabia Saudita 6
AU - Australia 5
IE - Irlanda 5
JP - Giappone 5
TW - Taiwan 5
KR - Corea 4
RO - Romania 4
TN - Tunisia 4
TR - Turchia 4
AT - Austria 3
ET - Etiopia 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
HU - Ungheria 3
MY - Malesia 3
PH - Filippine 3
PL - Polonia 3
PT - Portogallo 3
TH - Thailandia 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
ES - Italia 2
EU - Europa 2
HR - Croazia 2
ID - Indonesia 2
IL - Israele 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
MU - Mauritius 2
NG - Nigeria 2
RS - Serbia 2
RW - Ruanda 2
TZ - Tanzania 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CD - Congo 1
CH - Svizzera 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EC - Ecuador 1
GR - Grecia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
PE - Perù 1
Totale 100.839
Città #
Cagliari 90.928
Uta 2.710
Chandler 565
Ann Arbor 412
Woodbridge 384
Jacksonville 346
Boardman 328
Houston 286
Ashburn 257
Fairfield 230
Nyköping 219
Wilmington 181
Dearborn 167
Nanjing 119
Seattle 100
Santa Clara 92
Cambridge 85
Beijing 84
Milan 57
Boston 56
Singapore 56
Helsinki 49
Verona 43
Shanghai 36
Redwood City 34
Sassari 31
Shenyang 31
Los Angeles 30
Nanchang 29
Pune 27
Guangzhou 25
Dong Ket 24
Jiaxing 24
Hebei 20
Orange 18
Tianjin 18
Brno 16
Changsha 16
Jinan 16
Auburn Hills 14
Toronto 14
Brussels 11
San Diego 11
New York 10
Norwalk 10
Washington 10
Hefei 9
Kunming 9
Lincoln 8
Mountain View 8
Sìnnai 8
Chennai 7
Ningbo 7
Rome 7
Zhengzhou 7
Angers 5
Chicago 5
Delhi 5
Hangzhou 5
London 5
Monserrato 5
Oristano 5
Saint Petersburg 5
Bari 4
Borås 4
Jeddah 4
Medellín 4
Napoli 4
Seoul 4
Tokyo 4
Turin 4
Villanovafranca 4
Aachen 3
Catania 3
Central 3
Cologne 3
Downers Grove 3
Dublin 3
Edinburgh 3
Fakenham 3
Fuzhou 3
Jimma 3
Naples 3
Pavia 3
Pretoria 3
Taizhou 3
Tappahannock 3
Varanasi 3
Vienna 3
Warsaw 3
Amsterdam 2
Arbus 2
Brescia 2
Bucharest 2
Budapest 2
Can Tho 2
Capaccio 2
Chengdu 2
Dar es Salaam 2
Falkenstein 2
Totale 98.449
Nome #
Evaluation of oxidative stress mechanisms and the effects of phytotherapic extracts on Parkinson’s disease Drosophila PINK1B9 model 3.317
The imbalance of serotonergic circuitry impairing the crop supercontractile muscle activity and the mitochondrial morphology of PD PINK1B9 Drosophila melanogaster are rescued by Mucuna pruriens 2.857
Photopolymerization in drug delivery, tissue engineering and cell encapsulation: issues and potentialities 2.212
Ciclo di lezioni per il programma “Lifelong Learning Programme”. 5 ore 2.046
Caratterizzazione di formulazioni nanoparticellari per uso topico 2.044
Skin absorption and potential toxicity of nanoparticulate nanomaterials 2.010
Inorganic nanoparticles as potential anti-cancer agents 1.886
Lipid nanoparticles for cytotoxic molecules 1.884
From natural bone grafts to tissue engineering therapeutics. Brainstorming on formulative requirements and challenges 1.816
Penetration of nanoparticles and nanomaterials in the skin: fiction or reality? 1.785
Current Research at Baroli’s Laboratories 1.774
Injectable hydrogels: from basics to nanotechnological features and potential advances 1.716
Studio della cinetica di degradazione di supporti biodegradabili utili nella Ingegneria dei tessuti 1.715
Nanomedicine, nanoToxicology and Regenerative Medicine 1.706
Penetration of metallic nanoparticles in skin 1.633
Hydrogels in tissue engineering 1.622
Lipid and inorganic nanoparticles for drug delivery 1.596
il dimensionamento di nanocarriers lipidici. TEM e DLS a confronto 1.553
Penetration of colloidal vesicles into the skin. 1.538
Dimensionamento di nanocariers lipidici. TEM E DLS a confronto 1.499
Synthesis and characterization of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical application 1.477
Penetration of metallic nanoparticles in human full-thickness skin 1.323
Tiny Particles, Big Risks? By Marci A Landsmann 1.271
Niosomi di triton CG 110 come carriers per l?8-metossipsoralene nelle patologie della pelle 1.254
Hydrogels in tissue engineering 1.227
null 1.209
The preparation of non ionic surfactant vesicles formed from hexacyclophosphazenic derivatives 1.185
Nanoparticles and Skin Penetration. Are there any potential toxicological risks? 1.182
Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering and Delivery of Tissue-Inducing Substances 1.171
Designing Hydrogel-based Scaffold 1.159
Toxicological insights on photopolymerization 1.120
Dissolution properties of flurazepam capsules 1.118
PEG-PLGA photopolymerizable formulations for tissue engineering applications 1.100
Hydrogels of PEG and dextran derivatives for the controlled drug delivery 1.090
Formulations able to decrease polymer degradation induced acidity 1.084
Triton CG110 niosomes as carriers for the 8-methoxypsoralen in skin pathologies 1.059
Transdermal drug delivery; physiological factors affecting transdermal bioavailability 1.057
Toxicological aspects related with scaffold production and use 1.026
Photopolymerized PEG-Dextran hydrogels 1.011
Physico-chemical stability of multilamellar liposomes entrapping caffeine 1.005
Lactose bioconversion by calcium-alginate immobilization of Kluyveromyces lactis cells 1.000
Nanoparticle penetration of human skin – a double-edged sword, by Michael Berger 990
“Particles delivered trough the skin: fiction or reality?” 989
Photopolymerizable formulations for prolonged controlled release 982
Perspectives on Bone Tissue Engineering 963
Compositions facilitating drug penetration and drug retention in skin 956
Production of normal human osteoclast 954
Porous scaffolds for tissue engineering 916
Method of protecting sensitive molecules from a photo-polymerizing environment 895
In vitro release of liposomal and niosomal tretinoin 891
Photopolymerizable polymer matrices and methods of use thereof 884
Preparation and characterization of octyl/decyltretraglucoside niosomes entrapping methoxsalen 881
Production of human osteoclast 854
Niosomi per la protezione degli agenti fotolabili 851
Photopolymerizable Formulations for Biomedical Applications 843
Policy and innovation: an invisible evolving nanoworld 805
Compositions facilitating drug penetration and drug retention in skin 780
Determinazione via GC/MS di bezafibrato, simvastatina e deidroepiandrosterone in sieri di ratti trattati con nitrato di piombo 776
Niosomi di triton CG110 per la veicolazione del 8-metossipsoralene 773
Photopolymerizable mixtures of PLGAs and dimethacrylated monomers 770
null 733
Phyisico-chemical stability of multilamellar liposomes entrapping caffeine 727
Vescicole fosfolipidiche quali carriers per l’alimentazione in acquacoltura 713
null 689
null 675
Magnetic Nanoparticles for Drug Targeting and Imaging 668
Caffeine and alcohol. Beyond commonplaces suggested by the presence of caffeine in energy drinks. 656
?In vitro? release of liposomal caffeine: effects of polysorbates 651
Studio di stabilità dell?acido trans?retinoico associato a strutture vescicolari 615
null 599
Rilascio di caffeina da strutture vescicolari 597
null 586
null 572
null 566
null 564
Liposomi e niosomi nella veicolazione stabile della tretinoina 544
Vescicole liposomiali e niosomiali come veicolo per la somministrazione topica dell?8-metossipsoralene 542
Liposomes and niosomes for the photoprotection of tretinoin 496
Preparazione e Caratterizzazione di una Microemulsione come Veicolo per l?Assorbimento Transdermico dell? 8-Metossipsoralene 494
null 475
Inmovilización de kluyveromyces lactis por atrapamiento en microcapsulas de alginato 471
Physicochemical Characterization of Photopolymerizable PLGA Blends 465
Microemulsions as a vehicle for topical administration of methoxsalen 457
A co-culture of aortic smooth muscle and endothelial cells: influence of cell seeding number and growth medium 443
Trans retinoic acid transport through human cadaver skin by microemulsion system and its components 428
A blue-light photo-polymerizable semi-interpenetrating network of poly(ethylene glycol)dimethacrylate and poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide). Physico-chemical and applicative characterizations 425
Vesicle formation from hexasubstituted cyclophosphazenic derivatives 419
Method of protecting sensitive molecules from a photo-polymerizing environment 416
Preliminary characterization of a photopolymerizable PLGA-PEGDM system 415
Mannitol transport through human cadaver skin by a microemulsion system and its components 414
A method to preserve activity of sensitive molecules during the entrapment process in photo-polymerized matrices 413
Rilascio di farmaci da strutture vescicolari 401
Production of osteoclasts for biomedical applications 396
Photopolymerization in drug delivery, tissue engineering and cell encapsulation: issues and potentialities 386
A method to protect sensitive molecules from a light-induced polymerizing environment 380
Biomedicina e tecnologie per la salute 379
Nanomaterial penetration 379
Microemulsions for topical delivery of 8-methoxsalen 373
Ingegneria dei Tessuti Umani. La natura può essere imitata? 364
Skin Penetration and Localization of Superparamagnetic Magnetite and Iron Nanoparticles 339
Totale 99.415
Categoria #
all - tutte 121.513
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 121.513

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202014.226 0 0 0 0 5.909 3.941 1.973 458 446 392 422 685
2020/202123.276 1.005 712 1.201 5.335 5.171 3.010 2.324 1.417 601 1.024 822 654
2021/20224.588 441 524 222 268 526 298 167 212 498 391 527 514
2022/20239.112 481 981 898 997 491 753 521 1.180 652 673 1.102 383
2023/202412.717 452 900 822 1.146 1.454 1.952 1.974 742 517 704 1.063 991
2024/202516.714 4.680 6.128 2.677 2.332 897 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 100.967