Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 173.434
NA - Nord America 5.430
AS - Asia 1.204
AF - Africa 21
SA - Sud America 18
OC - Oceania 15
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 180.123
Nazione #
IT - Italia 171.510
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.378
CN - Cina 733
UA - Ucraina 634
SE - Svezia 533
SG - Singapore 241
FI - Finlandia 189
DE - Germania 185
GB - Regno Unito 166
FR - Francia 71
KR - Corea 69
CA - Canada 46
IN - India 32
NL - Olanda 31
HK - Hong Kong 27
TR - Turchia 23
JP - Giappone 18
IE - Irlanda 17
RU - Federazione Russa 17
VN - Vietnam 17
AU - Australia 14
BE - Belgio 14
AR - Argentina 13
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 13
ES - Italia 11
IR - Iran 10
TW - Taiwan 8
MX - Messico 6
PT - Portogallo 6
ZA - Sudafrica 6
AT - Austria 5
BG - Bulgaria 5
MY - Malesia 5
PH - Filippine 5
RO - Romania 5
CH - Svizzera 4
PL - Polonia 4
TH - Thailandia 4
TN - Tunisia 4
EG - Egitto 3
GH - Ghana 3
IL - Israele 3
MA - Marocco 3
NO - Norvegia 3
PK - Pakistan 3
BR - Brasile 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
CI - Costa d'Avorio 2
CY - Cipro 2
EE - Estonia 2
LT - Lituania 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
PE - Perù 2
DK - Danimarca 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EU - Europa 1
GR - Grecia 1
ID - Indonesia 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
JO - Giordania 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 180.123
Città #
Cagliari 165.904
Uta 4.872
Chandler 575
Fairfield 556
Boardman 437
Nyköping 375
Woodbridge 353
Ashburn 340
Jacksonville 323
Wilmington 271
Ann Arbor 265
Houston 209
Dearborn 206
Seattle 206
Cambridge 168
Singapore 153
Santa Clara 131
Shanghai 115
Nanjing 114
Helsinki 97
Beijing 84
Boston 84
New York 80
Redwood City 59
Milan 57
Rome 57
Seoul 56
San Diego 48
Los Angeles 33
Shenyang 33
Guangzhou 31
Verona 29
Nanchang 26
Jinan 25
Norwalk 25
Toronto 25
Hebei 24
Changsha 22
Jiaxing 21
Sassari 21
London 20
Washington 19
Dolianova 18
Munich 18
Hong Kong 17
Orange 17
Dong Ket 16
Kunming 16
Millbury 16
Mountain View 16
Tianjin 16
Dublin 15
Hefei 14
Auburn Hills 13
Brussels 13
Amsterdam 12
Pune 12
Wuhan 12
Livorno 11
Monmouth Junction 11
Atlanta 10
Augusta 10
Frankfurt am Main 10
Ningbo 10
Saint Petersburg 10
San Mateo 10
Villacidro 10
Chicago 9
Hangzhou 9
Shenzhen 9
Zhengzhou 9
Sydney 8
Capoterra 7
Florence 7
Gyeonggi-do 7
Paris 7
Torino 7
Bobigny 6
Borås 6
Detroit 6
Leawood 6
Marseille 6
Naples 6
Taizhou 6
Turin 6
Ardabil 5
Bari 5
Brno 5
Buenos Aires 5
Johannesburg 5
Kyoto 5
Mersin 5
Mumbai 5
Napoli 5
Nuoro 5
Pianezza 5
Pomigliano D'arco 5
Sofia 5
St Louis 5
Stockholm 5
Totale 177.084
Nome #
Differences in hemodynamic response to metaboreflex activation between obese patients with metabolic syndrome and healthy subjects with obese phenotype 3.977
Mental disorders in obese patients with and without metabolic syndrome 3.855
Psychopathology, psychosocial factors and obesity 3.787
Prediction of type 1 diabetes in Sardinian schoolchildren using islet cell autoantibodies: 10-year follow-up of the Sardinian schoolchildren type 1 diabetes prediction study 3.764
Nervous facilitation in cardiodynamic response of exercising athletes to superimposed mental tasks: implications in depressive disorder 3.717
Obesità, sindrome metabolica e comorbidità psichiatriche 3.628
Training impulses: A method to quantify exercise intensity in postmenopausal obese women 3.598
Obesità e qualità della vita 3.575
Heart Rate Response to a Training Session with Pilates Exercises in Overweight Pre-Diabetic Women 3.279
Obesity, alexithymia and psychopathology: A case-control study 3.019
Mental disorders in patients with metabolic syndrome. The key role of central obesity 2.959
Circulating antithyroid antibodies contribute to the decrease of glomerular filtration rate in lithium-treated patients: a longitudinal study 2.882
Metabolic power and energy cost of mechanical work carried out by a sailor engaged in a solo ocean race: a case study 2.662
Postural stability induced by supervised physical training may improve also oxygen cost of exercise and walking capacity in post-menopause, obese women 2.643
Obesità e psicopatologia 2.569
Obesità, sindrome metabolica e comorbidità psichiatriche 2.565
Obesità e psicopatologia 2.545
Obesità, sindrome metabolica e comorbidità psichiatriche 2.495
Obesità e comorbidità psichiatrica di Asse I: risultati di uno studio caso – controllo 2.299
Obesità e alessitimia 2.297
Improvement in cardiometabolic and biomechanic parameters after three months of training in obese women 2.276
Fifteen-year follow-up of thyroid function in lithium patients 2.257
Differences in the Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy Variables Between Right and Left Forearms in Healthy People: A Non Invasive Method to Easy Monitoring Structural Changes in Human Limbs? 2.057
Obesità e alessitimia 1.950
Psychiatric comorbidity and quality of life in obese patients. Results from a case-control study 1.942
Impact of a Moderately Hypocaloric Mediterranean Diet on the Gut Microbiota Composition of Italian Obese Patients 1.942
Prevalence and trend of overweight and obesity among Sardinian conscripts (Italy) of 1969 and 1998 1.919
Obesità, alessitimia e rappresentazione corporea: risultati di uno studio caso – controllo 1.907
Obesity and psychopathology. A study of psychiatric comorbidity among patients attending a specialist obesity unit 1.881
Prevalence of overweight and obesity in Sardinian adolescents 1.861
Obesità e punteggi all’SCL-90-R 1.757
null 1.685
Value of thyroid echography in the long-term follow-up of lithium-treated patients 1.680
Visual evoked potentials in hypothyroidism: a long-term evaluation 1.642
Obesità e comorbidità psichiatrica di asse I: studio caso - controllo 1.581
null 1.542
Active elderly and health—can moderate exercise improve health and wellbeing in older adults? Protocol for a randomized controlled trial 1.445
Approccio al trattamento dell’obesità: 5 anni di esperienza in un team multidisciplinare metabolico - psicoeducazionale – motorio 1.402
Obesità e disturbi d’ansia 1.366
Obesità e ansia 1.341
null 1.334
Mechanisms of regulation of the food intake: recent advances 1.328
Obesità e qualità della vita 1.298
Obesità e disturbi di personalità 1.268
Serum transforming growth factor beta 1 during diabetes development in non-obese diabetic mice and humans 1.265
Obesità e disturbi di personalità: risultati di uno studio caso - controllo 1.225
The Sardinian autoimmunity study: 3. Studies on circulating antithyroid antibodies in Sardinian schoolchildren: Relationship to goiter prevalence and thyroid function 1.222
Six-year follow-up of thyroid function during lithium treatment 1.195
Serum TGF beta 1 and Natural History of Type 1 Diabetes in NOD Mice and Humans 1.176
Prevalenza di anticorpi anti-insula pancreatica (ICA) in 6463 bambini della scuola dell'obbligo in Sardegna 1.157
Obesità e disturbi di personalità 1.130
Thyroid abnormalities during lithium treatment 1.130
Electrical impedance to easily discover undeclared freeze-thaw cycles in slaughtered bovine meat 1.121
High serum circulating telopeptide type I in multinodular goiter 1.095
False negative results observed in anti-thyroid peroxidase autoantibody determination by competitive radioassay using monoclonal antibodies 1.088
Bio-electrical impedance device for remote control of an indirect index of mechanical tenderness in ripening beef meat 1.075
The Sardinian autoimminity study. 4. Thyroid and islet cell autoantibodies in Sardinian pregnant women at deliverly: a cross-sectional study 1.006
The 'Sardinian school children-IDDM' (SSI) study. Predictive value of ICA, GADA and IA-2icA in 1114 healthy school children. 984
Obesità e Qualità della Vita 980
Obesità e diagnosi in Asse I 976
The course of thyroid abnormalities during lithium treatment: a two-year follow-up study 969
Moderate exercise improves cognitive function in healthy elderly people: results of a randomized controlled trial 968
Prevalenza dei disturbi di personalità in un campione di pazienti afferenti ad un centro per la cura dell’obesità 965
Previous functional social and behavioral rhythms affect resilience to COVID-19-related stress among old adults 934
Independent expression of serological markers of thyroid autoimmunity and hepatitis virus C infection in the general population: Results of a community-based study in north-western Sardinia 928
Assessing simulated arm lymphoedema by a prototype of bioimpedance spectroscopy device. Possible implication of its use in the follow up of patients who underwent extensive breast cancer surgery 924
Respect for service users' human rights, job satisfaction, and wellbeing are higher in mental health workers than in other health workers: A study in Italy at time of the Covid pandemic 914
Disturbi psichici nell’Obesità e differenze di genere 903
Diet-Derived Antioxidants and Their Role in Inflammation, Obesity and Gut Microbiota Modulation 898
Effect of suppressive L_thyroxine therapy on bone mineral density by dual-X-ray absorptiometry and on bone turnover: a long-term longitudinal study 896
Thyroid autoimmunity and hypothyroidism are associated with deep molecular response in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia on tyrosine kinase inhibitors 882
Gut microbiota markers associated with obesity and overweight in Italian adults 871
Circulating antibodies to DNA-related antigens in patients with autoimmune thyroid disorders. 847
Exercise improves long-term social and behavioral rhythms in older adults: did it play a role during the COVID-19 lockdown? 847
Corrigendum to: Exercise Improves the Impact of Chronic Pain in Older Adults: Results of an RCT 845
Circulating telopeptide type I is a peripheral marker of thyroid hormone action in hyperthyroidism and during levothyroxine suppressive therapy 831
An altered thyroid status does not alter the met-enkephalin plasma concentration in humans 830
The Sardinian school children IDDM (SSI) study. Predictive value of IDDM-related autoantibodies in a cohort of healthy Sardinian school children 829
Obesità e punteggi all’SCL-90 827
Prevalenza di Disturbi di Asse I in una popolazione di pazienti afferenti a un Centro per la cura dell’Obesità 816
Mechatronic face mask anti covid-19 to remotely record cardiorespiratory variables in farm’s workers engaged in jobs at high risk of infection 813
Sardinia: A battlefield approach to type I diabetes epidemiology 807
Possible Assessment of Calf Venous Pump Efficiency by Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach 806
Prevalenza di diagnosi in Asse I in una popolazione afferente ad un centro per la cura dell’Obesità 803
null 802
Disturbi della Condotta Alimentare in pazienti con BMI>25 790
Diabetes insipidus secondary to nivolumab-induced neurohypophysitis and pituitary metastasis 786
Livelli di zinco in corso di terapia con L-Tiroxina (LT-4) per gozzo non tossico 776
Prevalenza di diagnosi in Asse I in una popolazione afferente ad un centro per la cura dell’Obesità 765
Depression in Diabetic Patients: What Is the Link With Eating Disorders? Results of a Study in a Representative Sample of Patients With Type 1 Diabetes 758
Mediterranean diet, lifestyle and quality of life in Sardinian patients affected with Hidradenitis suppurativa 758
Serological and molecular studies of HLA in Sardinian patients with Graves' disease 755
OP 28 - Population screening for IDDM - The 'Sardinian school children-IDDM' (SSI) study: Prevalance and correlation of islet cell (ICA) and thyroid antibodies in 8387 healthy school children 747
Disturbi della Condotta Alimentare in pazienti con BMI>25 744
Covid-19 vaccines work but other factors play a relevant role: a data analysis on spread and mortality in 24 countries 742
Mitochondrial Aging and Senolytic Natural Products with Protective Potential 711
Totale 158.108
Categoria #
all - tutte 221.009
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 221.009

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20207.240 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.657 845 593 608 515 1.022
2020/202138.788 1.184 1.319 1.470 10.336 7.600 4.154 3.347 2.297 967 2.266 2.198 1.650
2021/202210.154 1.035 765 669 530 765 944 582 393 698 885 1.549 1.339
2022/202316.040 1.045 1.565 1.677 1.398 1.610 1.827 956 1.189 1.257 1.114 1.425 977
2023/202418.436 971 817 901 1.186 1.720 3.127 2.865 1.261 848 1.108 1.842 1.790
2024/202538.995 11.021 12.413 4.980 4.172 2.167 2.323 1.919 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 180.442