Teoria e Tecnica della Circolazione Stradale
2024-01-01 Olivari, Mario; Olivo, Alessandro
Assessing the Risk of Bus Crashes in Transit Systems
2021-01-01 Porcu, Fabio; Olivo, Alessandro; Maternini, Giulio; Coni, Mauro; Bonera, Michela; Barabino, Benedetto
Bus crash risk evaluation: an adjusted framework and its application in a real network
2021-01-01 Barabino, B.; Bonera, M.; Maternini, G.; Olivo, A.; Porcu, F.
Practices for an Integrated Planning Between Urban Planning and Green Infrastructures for the Development of the Municipal Urban Plan (MUP) of Cagliari (Italy)
2021-01-01 Garau, Chiara; Desogus, Giulia; Maltinti, Francesca; Olivo, Alessandro; Peretti, Laura; Coni, Mauro
An integrated approach to select key quality indicators in transit services
2020-01-01 Barabino, Benedetto; Cabras, NICOLA ALDO; Conversano, Claudio; Olivo, Alessandro
Empirical Study on the Accuracy and Precision of Automatic Passenger Counting in European Bus Services
2020-01-01 Olivo, Alessandro; Maternini, Giulio; Barabino, Benedetto
Evaluating bus accident risks in public transport
2020-01-01 Porcu, Fabio; Olivo, Alessandro; Maternini, Giulio; Barabino, Benedetto
Fare evasion in public transport systems: a review of the literature
2020-01-01 Barabino, Benedetto; Lai, Cristian; Olivo, Alessandro
Evaluating alternative methods to estimate bus running times by archived Automatic Vehicle Location data
2019-01-01 Pili, Francesco; Olivo, Alessandro; Barabino, Benedetto
Evaluating alternative methods to estimate bus running times by archived automatic vehicle location data
2019-01-01 Pili, Francesco; Olivo, Alessandro; Barabino, Benedetto
Real-time evaluation of the on-board comfort of standing passenger in bus transit services
2019-01-01 Rassu, N.; Coni, M.; Devoto, R.; Olivo, A.; Maltinti, F.; Pungillo, G.; Barabino, B.
Standing Passenger Comfort: A New Scale for Evaluating the Real-Time Driving Style of Bus Transit Services
2019-01-01 Barabino, Benedetto; Coni, Mauro; Olivo, Alessandro; Pungillo, Giuseppe; Rassu, Nicoletta
La rivoluzione elettrica
2018-01-01 Olivari, M.; Olivo, A.
A mathematical model for demand distribution in an air transport network: an application to Sardinia
2017-01-01 Devoto, R; Fantola, M; Olivo, A; Rassu, N
A profitability comparison between a “one-way” car sharing service and a "modified one-way" car sharing service
2017-01-01 Fantola, Massimo; Olivo, Alessandro; Devoto, Roberto; Dìaz Maroto Llorente, N.
Il caso dell'aeroporto di Cagliari - Elmas : un modello matematico per l'ottimizzazione dell'offerta in una rete di trasporto aereo
2017-01-01 Devoto, Roberto; Fantola, Massimo; Olivo, Alessandro; Rassu, Nicoletta
Pattern recognition adaptive dynamic neural network model for aircraft noise generated in airport urbanized area
2017-01-01 Devoto, Roberto; Fantola, Massimo; Olivo, Alessandro; Baccoli, Roberto; Mastino, COSTANTINO CARLO; Rassu, Nicoletta
Il sistema di Trasporto Personale Automatico per le città del XXI Secolo
2016-01-01 Fantola, Massimo; Olivari, Mario; Olivo, Alessandro
Introducing a relocation service for one-way carsharing with a first-in first-served policy
2016-01-01 DI FRANCESCO, Massimo; Fantola, Massimo; Lampis, L; Olivo, Alessandro; Pillai, A.
Research and study of a methodology to link noise to different types of aircraft in an LTO cycle and application to a real case
2016-01-01 Devoto, Roberto; Fantola, Massimo; Olivo, Alessandro; Rassu, Nicoletta