Adolescent cannabis exposure increases heroin reinforcement in rats genetically vulnerable to addiction
2020-01-01 Lecca, Daniele; Scifo, Andrea; Pisanu, Augusta; Valentini, Valentina; Piras, Giovanna; Sil, Annesha; Cadoni, Cristina; Di Chiara, Gaetano
The Roman high- and low-avoidance rats differ in the sensitivity to shock-induced suppression of drinking and to the anxiogenic effect of pentylenetetrazole
2018-01-01 Corda, Maria G.; Piludu, Maria A.; Sanna, Francesco; Piras, Giovanna; Boi, Marianna; Sanna, Fabrizio; Fernández Teruel, Alberto; Giorgi, Osvaldo
Caffeine, a common active adulterant of cocaine, enhances the reinforcing effect of cocaine and its motivational value
2016-01-01 Prieto, José Pedro; Scorza, Cecilia; Serra, GIAN PIETRO; Perra, Valentina; Galvalisi, Martín; Abin Carriquiry, Juan Andrés; Piras, Giovanna; Valentini, Valentina
Effects of antidepressants on the performance in the forced swim test of two psychogenetically selected lines of rats that differ in coping strategies to aversive conditions
2010-01-01 Piras, Giovanna; Giorgi, Osvaldo; Corda, MARIA GIUSEPPA
The Roman high- and low-avoidance rat lines differ in the acquisition, maintenance, extinction, and reinstatement of intravenous cocaine self-administration
2009-01-01 Fattore, L; Piras, Giovanna; Corda, MARIA GIUSEPPA; Giorgi, Osvaldo
The psychogenetically selected Roman high- and low-avoidance rat lines: a model to study the individual vulnerability to drug addiction
2007-01-01 Giorgi, Osvaldo; Piras, Giovanna; Corda, MARIA GIUSEPPA
Neonatal ventral hippocampal lesions potentiate amphetamine-induced increments in dopamine efflux in the core, but not the shell, of the nucleus accumbens
2006-01-01 Corda, MARIA GIUSEPPA; Piras, Giovanna; Giorgi, Osvaldo
Behavioural effects of acute and repeated cocaine treatments: a comparative study in sensitisation-prone RHA rats and their sensitisation-resistant RLA counterparts
2005-01-01 Giorgi, Osvaldo; Piras, Giovanna; Lecca, Daniele; Corda, MARIA GIUSEPPA
Differential activation of dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens core and shell after acute or repeated amphetamine injections: A comparative study in the Roman high- and low-avoidance rat lines
2005-01-01 Giorgi, Osvaldo; Piras, Giovanna; Lecca, Daniele; Corda, MARIA GIUSEPPA
The psychogenetically selected Roman rat lines differ in the susceptibility to develop amphetamine sensitization
2005-01-01 Corda, MARIA GIUSEPPA; Piras, Giovanna; Lecca, Daniele; Fernandez Teruel, A; Driscoll, P; Giorgi, Osvaldo
A differential activation of dopamine output in the shell and core of the nucleus accumbens is associated with the motor responses to addictive drugs: A brain dialysis study in Roman high- and low-avoidance rats
2004-01-01 Lecca, Daniele; Piras, Giovanna; P., Driscoll; Giorgi, Osvaldo; Corda, MARIA GIUSEPPA
Differential neurochemical properties of central serotonergic transmission in Roman high- and low-avoidance rats
2003-01-01 Giorgi, Osvaldo; Piras, Giovanna; Lecca, Daniele; Hansson, S.; Driscoll, P.; Corda, MARIA GIUSEPPA
Dissociation between mesocortical dopamine release and fear-related behaviours in two psychogenetically selected lines of rats that differ in coping strategies to aversive conditions
2003-01-01 Giorgi, Osvaldo; Lecca, Daniele; Piras, Giovanna; Driscoll, P; Corda, MARIA GIUSEPPA
Repeated morphine injections induce behavioural sensitization in Roman high-, but not in Roman low-avoidance rats
2003-01-01 Piras, Giovanna; Lecca, Daniele; Corda, MARIA GIUSEPPA; Giorgi, Osvaldo
Biochemical parameters of dopaminergic and GABAergic neurotransmission in the CNS of Roman high-avoidance and Roman low-avoidance rats
1997-01-01 Corda, MARIA GIUSEPPA; Lecca, Daniele; Piras, Giovanna; DI CHIARA, Gaetano; Giorgi, Osvaldo