Le resilienti vite delle donne di Gaza tra violenza, sfide e precarietà (1987-2023)
2024-01-01 Esu, Aide
Violare gli spazi. Militarizzazione in tempo di pace e resistenza locale
2024-01-01 Esu, Aide
Conflicting Modernity: Militarization and Islands
2022-01-01 Esu, Aide; Simone, Maddanu
Recasting solidarity during COVID-19 pandemic: a case study
2022-01-01 Esu, Aide; Dessì, Valeria
From squatting to anti-militarism in Sardinia: a student's relational agency case-study
2021-01-01 Esu, Aide
Leonie Fleischmann, The Israeli Peace Movement. Anti-Occupation activism and Human Rights since the Al-Aqsa Intifada, New York, I.B. Tauris, 2019, pp. 248
2021-01-01 Esu, Aide
Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Incarcerated Childhood and the Politics of Unchilding, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp. 164.
2021-01-01 Esu, Aide
Voicing the silence: the naturalisation of violence under the rule occupation
2021-01-01 Esu, Aide
'A Foras, Out': youth antimilitarism engagement in Sardinia
2020-01-01 Esu, Aide
From modernity to risk: local media portraying military activity
2020-01-01 Esu, Aide; Maddanu, Simone
Shir Hever. The privatization of Israeli Security
2019-01-01 Esu, Aide
Insegnare il gusto, fattorie didattiche e saperi di genere
2018-01-01 Esu, Aide; Doneddu, Silvia
Military pollution in no war zone: the military representation in the local media
2018-01-01 Esu, Aide; Maddanu, Simone
Tunisian migrants' journey through the Mediterranean
2018-01-01 Esu, A; Maddanu, S
"A Foras", Fuori. Il movimento contro le servitù militari in Sardegna
2017-01-01 Esu, Aide; Maddanu, Simone
Making Sense of Life, Global Activism in the Cyberspace
2017-01-01 Esu, Aide
Book Review: Benjamin J Muller, Security, Risk and the Biometric State: Governing Borders and Bodies
2016-01-01 Esu, Aide
Violence and statebuilding in a borders conflict context: a study of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict
2016-01-01 Esu, Aide
Visual and material culture. Carta, Silvio. Visual anthropology in Sardinia
2016-01-01 Esu, Aide
Hebron. Purity and impure in the Exclusionary City
2015-01-01 Esu, Aide