MOREA, Donato
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 31.870
AS - Asia 1.603
NA - Nord America 1.561
AF - Africa 364
OC - Oceania 174
SA - Sud America 157
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 35.731
Nazione #
IT - Italia 30.086
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.454
GB - Regno Unito 388
SE - Svezia 316
DE - Germania 265
VN - Vietnam 195
IN - India 183
SG - Singapore 175
IR - Iran 148
NL - Olanda 127
ID - Indonesia 119
AU - Australia 112
CN - Cina 106
MY - Malesia 102
FR - Francia 100
PH - Filippine 98
ES - Italia 97
TR - Turchia 89
BR - Brasile 78
CA - Canada 75
PK - Pakistan 73
ZA - Sudafrica 73
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 61
KE - Kenya 56
FI - Finlandia 55
JP - Giappone 55
TW - Taiwan 52
HK - Hong Kong 50
GR - Grecia 49
PT - Portogallo 48
IE - Irlanda 44
ZW - Zimbabwe 44
BE - Belgio 37
AT - Austria 31
PE - Perù 31
GH - Ghana 26
KR - Corea 24
TH - Thailandia 24
ET - Etiopia 23
MX - Messico 23
RO - Romania 23
NG - Nigeria 22
PL - Polonia 22
BD - Bangladesh 20
CH - Svizzera 20
HU - Ungheria 19
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 17
EC - Ecuador 15
CO - Colombia 14
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 14
NO - Norvegia 14
LK - Sri Lanka 13
LT - Lituania 13
MA - Marocco 13
JO - Giordania 12
RU - Federazione Russa 12
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 11
RS - Serbia 11
SA - Arabia Saudita 11
TZ - Tanzania 11
DZ - Algeria 10
HR - Croazia 10
TN - Tunisia 10
UA - Ucraina 10
AR - Argentina 9
CL - Cile 8
OM - Oman 8
SI - Slovenia 8
MW - Malawi 7
ZM - Zambia 7
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 6
CI - Costa d'Avorio 6
EG - Egitto 6
RW - Ruanda 6
AL - Albania 5
DK - Danimarca 5
IL - Israele 5
LV - Lettonia 5
NP - Nepal 5
DJ - Gibuti 4
KZ - Kazakistan 4
MM - Myanmar 4
SN - Senegal 4
UG - Uganda 4
BW - Botswana 3
CD - Congo 3
CR - Costa Rica 3
CY - Cipro 3
EE - Estonia 3
IM - Isola di Man 3
LY - Libia 3
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 3
MU - Mauritius 3
NA - Namibia 3
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 3
AO - Angola 2
BJ - Benin 2
BT - Bhutan 2
CM - Camerun 2
CU - Cuba 2
Totale 35.698
Città #
Cagliari 26.186
Uta 2.764
Boardman 281
Rome 275
Nyköping 227
Fairfield 146
Ho Chi Minh City 101
Santa Clara 96
Singapore 87
Boston 79
Chandler 78
Hanoi 76
Milan 72
Wilmington 68
Livorno 56
Ashburn 55
London 45
Pomezia 44
Cambridge 42
Helsinki 40
San Diego 39
Johannesburg 38
Kuala Lumpur 34
Munich 34
Sydney 34
Tehran 34
Harare 33
Mumbai 32
Ungaran 32
Naples 30
Lima 29
Manchester 29
Houston 28
Istanbul 27
Nairobi 26
Lincoln 25
Shiraz 24
Tokyo 24
Dublin 23
Redmond 23
Turin 23
Woodbridge 23
Accra 22
Council Bluffs 22
Paris 22
Auckland 21
Brussels 21
Perth 21
Swansea 21
Athens 20
Kolkata 20
San Jose 20
Brisbane 19
Seattle 19
Bologna 18
Glasgow 18
Lahore 18
Frankfurt am Main 17
Petaling Jaya 17
Taichung 17
Vienna 17
Catania 16
Montreal 16
Ottawa 16
Budapest 15
Jakarta 15
Madrid 15
Shanghai 15
Davao City 14
Delhi 14
Karachi 14
Lisbon 14
Los Angeles 14
Melbourne 14
Pisa 14
Adelaide 13
Bath 13
Groningen 13
Guido 13
Hong Kong 13
Wageningen 13
Ankara 12
Berlin 12
Central 12
Latina 12
Toronto 12
Baton Rouge 11
Liverpool 11
Pune 11
Rotterdam 11
Taipei 11
Thessaloniki 11
Amman 10
Amsterdam 10
Cape Town 10
Christchurch 10
Florence 10
Genoa 10
George Town 10
Guangzhou 10
Totale 32.322
Nome #
Circular economy and corporate social responsibility in the agricultural system: Cases study of the Italian agri-food industry 3.142
Sustainability Study of a New Solid-State Aluminum Chips Recycling Process: A Life Cycle Assessment Approach 1.984
Circular Economy Impact Analysis on Stock Performances: An Empirical Comparison with the Euro Stoxx 50® ESG Index 906
Corporate social responsibility as a catalyst of circular economy? A case study perspective in Agri-food 845
Improvement of energy savings in electric railways using coasting technique 840
From corporate social responsibility to circular economy: An innovative business model for post-pandemic sustainability growth 818
Corporate social responsibility as a road towards circular economy models 656
Can the current state support mechanisms help the growth of renewable energies in wind markets? 631
Small satellites constellations and their impact on CBRNe management in Africa 616
New project financing and eco-efficiency models for investment sustainability 594
Productivity dispersion in the Italian knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) industry: a multilevel analysis 594
Project Financing as a Possible Tool for the Economic and Financial Sustainability of Investment Projects in CBRNe Field 587
Circular Economy Impact Analysis on Stock Performances Through an ESG-Based Approach for Preselecting Equity Portfolios: An Empirical Comparison with the Euro Stoxx 50® ESG Index 577
Moving toward the north? The spatial shift of olive groves in Italy 555
The Source of Productivity Heterogeneity in the Italian Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS) Industry 555
Consequences of technology and social innovation on traditional business model 552
Can Corporate Social Responsibility Favor the Adoption of Circular Economy? 535
Financial sustainability of a public-private partnership for an agricultural development project in Sub-Saharan Africa 511
Circular economy and corporate social responsibility: towards an integrated strategic approach in the multinational cosmetics industry 505
The strategic role of the corporate social responsibility and circular economy in the cosmetic industry 492
Digital platforms and big data-driven sustainable innovation in smart healthcare investments 483
An evaluation of knowledge intensive business services industry efficiency: the Italian case 482
National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Energy Transition and Climate Change: An Alternative Incentive Mechanism for an Efficient Allocation of Public Resources 482
Small satellites constellations and their impact on CBRNe management in Africa 463
The impact of ESG factors on financial efficiency: An empirical analysis for the selection of sustainable firm portfolios 460
Can social responsibility and circular economy be considered drivers of corporate socialization? A research on Italian SMEs 448
Corporate social responsibility as an enabler of circular economy? A case study perspective in agribusiness 447
Energy performance contracting and public-private partnership: The importance of technological advanced systems for performance monitoring 433
Healthcare digitalization and pay-for-performance incentives in smart hospital project financing 430
Bankability of a public private partnership in agricultural sector: A project in sub Saharan Africa 428
A conceptual model to support sustainable Product-Service System implementation in the Brazilian agricultural machinery industry 428
Smart working as an organisational process or as a social change? An Italian pandemic experience 420
Big data for the sustainability of healthcare project financing 419
New challenges for sustainable organizations in light of agenda 2030 for sustainability 412
The Increasing Risk of Space Debris Impact on Earth: Case Studies, Potential Damages, International Liability Framework and Management Systems 393
Energy Context: Analysis of Selected Studies and Future Research Developments 391
A literature review on quantitative models for supply chain risk management: Can they be applied to pandemic disruptions? 387
Corporate Social Responsibility and Circular Economy as a New Integrated Approach? 385
Efficiency Assessment of Knowledge Intensive Business Services Industry in Italy: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Financial Ratio Analysis 382
Do ESG factors improve utilities corporate efficiency and reduce the risk perceived by credit lending institutions? An empirical analysis 380
Evaluating climate between working excellence and organizational innovation: What comes first? 377
Can public-private partnerships foster investment sustainability in smart hospitals? 372
The moderating role of digitalization in the impact of ESG on financial performance: An empirical analysis on the energy and utilities sectors 369
Corporate social responsibility and circular economy from the perspective of consumers: A cross-cultural analysis in the cosmetic industry 360
Energy performance contracting and public-private partnership: how to share risks and balance benefits 352
Economic Impact of Biological Incidents: A Literature Review 346
An innovative model for the sustainability of investments in the wind energy sector: the use of green sukuk in an Italian case study 341
Efficiency assessment of knowledge intensive business services industry in Italy: data envelopment analysis (DEA) and financial ratio analysis 339
Redesign in the textile industry: Proposal of a methodology for the insertion of circular thinking in product development processes 330
An evaluation of energy and economic efficiency in residential buildings sector: a multi-criteria analisys on an Italian case study 318
Integrating ESGs in financial efficiency for firms’ portfolio selection: Empirical evidences from a sample of European sectors 316
Knowledge of ESG Factors and Firm Efficiency for Supporting the Bank Risk-Taking: An Empirical Analysis 310
Economic feasibility of energy efficiency improvements in street lighting systems in Rome 285
A new cultural and financial model for the green economy:The use of shari’ah-compliant finance in a case study 262
Environmental Product Innovation and Perceived Brand Value: The Mediating Role of Ethical-Related Aspects 256
Project financing: elementi di base, profili professionali e modelli innovativi 256
Elementi di legislazione tecnica 240
Smart and traditional technologies in comparison: a multi-criteria model for evaluation of energetic and economic efficiency of buildings 231
Dall'intelligenza artificiale all'intelligenza umana 230
La centralità del modello economico-finanziario nel project financing 213
Shari'ah-compliant finance: a possible novel paradigm for green economy investments in Italy 209
La formazione per CTU e Perito d’Ufficio nei procedimenti giudiziari 209
Il ruolo determinante del consulente tecnico ingegnere per il successo delle operazioni in project financing 201
Light emitting diodes technology in public light system of the municipality of Rome: an economic and financial analysis 199
A model for the optimal incentive scheme for wind energy: Theory, evidence and simulations for the Italian case 197
Facility management in the healthcare sector 195
Islamic finance and renewable energy: An innovative model for the sustainability of investments 188
ICO: tra il mito, l’inganno e una realtà in continua evoluzione 186
Measuring cognitive spaces for learning processes 184
Un modello di project financing a sostegno degli investimenti nel settore delle energie 180
Economic sustainability of ground mounted photovoltaic systems: an Italian case study 179
Trasferimenti pubblici in moneta versus trasferimenti in natura 168
Le imposte societarie e le scelte di finanziamento delle imprese 168
Effectiveness of incentives for wind energy: Models and empirical evidences from an italian case study 167
ESG and financial performance: The moderating role of digitalization 164
Il project financing nel D. Lgs. 18 aprile 2016, n. 50: novità e profili di criticità 158
L'intervento pubblico nella sanità: un riesame dei principi 152
Possibile sviluppo del project financing: la formula del project bond 152
Principi di economia applicata all'ingegneria. Metodi, complementi ed esercizi 148
L’evoluzione normativa del project financing versus l’innovazione dei processi di gestione e degli strumenti finanziari 144
Droni per il monitoraggio delle discariche e dei territori a rischio - Analisi dei costi e dei benefici 143
Dai conti energia al decreto “Spalma incentivi” - Analisi degli effetti della rimodulazione degli incentivi su un caso di studio italiano 135
Consulenza tecnica giudiziaria: un settore realmente aperto a tutti 128
The innovation of LED technology in the Municipality of Rome 126
Tendenze internazionali e specificità italiane delle politiche sanitarie 118
Indagine sull’utilizzo degli strumenti finanziari nell’area nordica del continente africano 114
Engineering Economy: una competenza necessaria per la professione dell’ingegnere 112
Il modello IFC a sostegno degli investimenti nelle opere di manutenzione straordinaria in project financing 109
Il consulente tecnico ingegnere nelle operazioni di project financing - Le opportunità concesse dal D. Lgs. 18 aprile 2016, n. 50 103
New business model and local governance in supporting social and environmental solutions: a social network analysis to evaluate the Italian local action group’s “Terra è Vita” role 98
Using dynamic capabilities to cope with digital transformation and boost innovation in traditional banks 97
Special issue “The coronavirus pandemic's impact on the design and management of production systems and supply chains” 60
The evaluation of new business model support in social and environmental keys using a social network analysis 45
Effect of post heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of hot-rolled AA2017 aluminum alloy 26
Eco-efficiency and Corporate Governance: a comparison of EU and US listed companies 13
The introduction of LED technology in Rome: A real option analysis 9
Does It Pay Off to Integrate ESG Performance into Bank Investment Portfolio Selection? Empirical Evidence in the European Energy Sector 4
Totale 36.139
Categoria #
all - tutte 58.118
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 58.118

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2021/20221.674 51 250 366 109 52 77 72 88 54 58 185 312
2022/20236.198 797 584 596 516 297 342 394 495 581 347 830 419
2023/202411.527 483 332 373 702 1.003 2.065 1.933 1.097 408 601 1.608 922
2024/202516.740 3.399 5.158 2.604 2.799 1.646 1.134 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 36.139