It is now widely recognized as an organic integrated program for direct and indirect fact-finding investigations on the historical buildings, constituting the only effective premise for a aware preservation. However, the fragmentation of the preliminary studies and the dispersion of the analysis of the data coming from the worksites have often prevented the timely, coordinated and controlled comparison of the available specialist contributions and, therefore, the reconstruction of an effective framework for the synthesis of the knowledge on the assets under investigation. Based on rigorous scientific experiments which are already under way for the definition of methodologies and processes of selection, cataloging, structuring and reasoned storage of the analysis of the data to the architectural, urban and regional scale, the SICAR/web information system has been tested on unconventional workspaces for the system itself, demonstrating the potential and limits of this tool for the construction of open and upgradeable information deposits according to the principle of continuous layering and shared knowledge.
E’ ormai diffusamente riconosciuto come un organico programma integrato di indagine conoscitiva diretta ed indiretta sul costruito storico costituisca l’unica efficace premessa alla conservazione consapevole. Tuttavia, la frammentazione degli studi preliminari e la dispersione dei dati conoscitivi provenienti dai cantieri hanno spesso impedito la puntuale, coordinata e controllata comparazione degli apporti specialistici disponibili e, dunque, la ricostruzione di un efficace quadro di sintesi della conoscenza del patrimonio indagato. Sulla base di rigorose sperimentazioni scientifiche già avviate per la definizione di metodologie e processi di selezione, catalogazione, strutturazione e archiviazione ragionata dei dati conoscitivi alla scala architettonica, urbana e territoriale, il sistema informativo SICaR/web è stato testato su aree di lavoro non convenzionali per il sistema stesso, dimostrando le potenzialità ed i limiti di questo strumento per la costruzione di giacimenti informativi aperti ed aggiornabili secondo il principio della stratificazione continua e condivisa della conoscenza.
Strumenti per il monitoraggio e la gestione del costruito storico: l’innovativo utilizzo del sistema informativo SICaR/web = Tools for monitoring and managing historical buildings: the innovative use of the SICaR/web system
Donatella Rita Fiorino
It is now widely recognized as an organic integrated program for direct and indirect fact-finding investigations on the historical buildings, constituting the only effective premise for a aware preservation. However, the fragmentation of the preliminary studies and the dispersion of the analysis of the data coming from the worksites have often prevented the timely, coordinated and controlled comparison of the available specialist contributions and, therefore, the reconstruction of an effective framework for the synthesis of the knowledge on the assets under investigation. Based on rigorous scientific experiments which are already under way for the definition of methodologies and processes of selection, cataloging, structuring and reasoned storage of the analysis of the data to the architectural, urban and regional scale, the SICAR/web information system has been tested on unconventional workspaces for the system itself, demonstrating the potential and limits of this tool for the construction of open and upgradeable information deposits according to the principle of continuous layering and shared knowledge.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.