Ist.dl Pslcologla,Unlversltà,Cagllarl,Italy. The process or emanclpatlon,ln adolescent boys,should re~ Ire the partlnK rrom maternal dependance through the essential contrlbutlon or the 1dent1r1cat1on w1th paternal model.Accordlng to a "mult1d1mens1onal" theory.th1s process may develop 1n d1ff~ rent ways 1n consequence or 1ndlv1dual,fam111al and envlronmental ractors.In Sard1n1a,1n the tradit10nal ram111es or.work1ng-cl ass,the growth or adolescent males should be fac111tated by the both parent's att1tudes.In del1nquent boys the process of emanc! patlon should be 9bstructed mostly by the rather raults. The T.A.T. cards were admlnlstered to three-sàmples of 18 adolescents each: a group or school boys w1th trad1tlonal posit! ve rathers;the others or de11nquent boys with,respect1vely,absent and v10lent rathers.Three T.A.T. cards were selected to exam! ne the percept10D of parental f1gures. The stat1st1cal ccmpar1son or the most frequent themes shew s1gn1f1cant d1fferences among the groups.The pr1nc1pa1 results support the hypotes1s. We show that the de11nQuent boys'behav1our 15 an attempt to solve the1r 1ndiv1dual emanc1pat1on and sexual 1dent1ty made complex bv the d1ff1cult1es or paternal 1dent1f1cat1on.
Family characteristics and parental perception in normal and delinquent boys
Ist.dl Pslcologla,Unlversltà,Cagllarl,Italy. The process or emanclpatlon,ln adolescent boys,should re~ Ire the partlnK rrom maternal dependance through the essential contrlbutlon or the 1dent1r1cat1on w1th paternal model.Accordlng to a "mult1d1mens1onal" theory.th1s process may develop 1n d1ff~ rent ways 1n consequence or 1ndlv1dual,fam111al and envlronmental ractors.In Sard1n1a,1n the tradit10nal ram111es or.work1ng-cl ass,the growth or adolescent males should be fac111tated by the both parent's att1tudes.In del1nquent boys the process of emanc! patlon should be 9bstructed mostly by the rather raults. The T.A.T. cards were admlnlstered to three-sàmples of 18 adolescents each: a group or school boys w1th trad1tlonal posit! ve rathers;the others or de11nquent boys with,respect1vely,absent and v10lent rathers.Three T.A.T. cards were selected to exam! ne the percept10D of parental f1gures. The stat1st1cal ccmpar1son or the most frequent themes shew s1gn1f1cant d1fferences among the groups.The pr1nc1pa1 results support the hypotes1s. We show that the de11nQuent boys'behav1our 15 an attempt to solve the1r 1ndiv1dual emanc1pat1on and sexual 1dent1ty made complex bv the d1ff1cult1es or paternal 1dent1f1cat1on.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.