When discrete-event systems are used to model systems with a large number of possible (reachable) states, many problems such as simulation, optimization, and control, may become computationally prohibitive because they require some enumeration of such states. A common way to effectively address this issue is fluidization. The goal of this paper is that of studying the effect of fluidization on fault diagnosis. In particular, we focus on the purely logic Petri net (PN) model that results in the untimed continuous PN model after fluidization. In accordance to most of the literature on discrete-event systems, we define three diagnosis states, namely N, U, and F , corresponding respectively to no fault, uncertain, and fault state. We prove that, given an observation, the resulting diagnosis state can be computed solving linear programming problems rather than integer programming problems as in the discrete case. The main advantage of fluidization is that it enables to deal with much more general PN structures. In particular, the unobservable subnet needs not be acyclic as in the discrete case. Moreover, the compact representation of the set of consistent markings using convex polytopes can be seen in some cases as an improvement in terms of computational complexity
Fault Diagnosis of Discrete-Event Systems using Continuous Petri Nets
When discrete-event systems are used to model systems with a large number of possible (reachable) states, many problems such as simulation, optimization, and control, may become computationally prohibitive because they require some enumeration of such states. A common way to effectively address this issue is fluidization. The goal of this paper is that of studying the effect of fluidization on fault diagnosis. In particular, we focus on the purely logic Petri net (PN) model that results in the untimed continuous PN model after fluidization. In accordance to most of the literature on discrete-event systems, we define three diagnosis states, namely N, U, and F , corresponding respectively to no fault, uncertain, and fault state. We prove that, given an observation, the resulting diagnosis state can be computed solving linear programming problems rather than integer programming problems as in the discrete case. The main advantage of fluidization is that it enables to deal with much more general PN structures. In particular, the unobservable subnet needs not be acyclic as in the discrete case. Moreover, the compact representation of the set of consistent markings using convex polytopes can be seen in some cases as an improvement in terms of computational complexityI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.