Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 152.041
NA - Nord America 8.457
AS - Asia 1.613
AF - Africa 47
OC - Oceania 16
SA - Sud America 11
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 10
Totale 162.195
Nazione #
IT - Italia 148.313
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.407
UA - Ucraina 1.493
CN - Cina 1.248
SE - Svezia 922
GB - Regno Unito 358
FI - Finlandia 334
DE - Germania 308
SG - Singapore 250
FR - Francia 144
IN - India 49
CA - Canada 43
VN - Vietnam 34
ES - Italia 31
NL - Olanda 31
RU - Federazione Russa 30
BE - Belgio 21
MA - Marocco 18
AU - Australia 12
MU - Mauritius 12
TR - Turchia 12
RO - Romania 11
EU - Europa 10
DK - Danimarca 7
IE - Irlanda 6
TN - Tunisia 6
DZ - Algeria 5
EG - Egitto 5
GR - Grecia 5
JP - Giappone 5
MX - Messico 5
PE - Perù 5
CH - Svizzera 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
IR - Iran 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
ID - Indonesia 3
RS - Serbia 3
BO - Bolivia 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
HR - Croazia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
KR - Corea 2
LT - Lituania 2
MT - Malta 2
NO - Norvegia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AR - Argentina 1
AT - Austria 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BR - Brasile 1
CL - Cile 1
CU - Cuba 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MY - Malesia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PA - Panama 1
PL - Polonia 1
PT - Portogallo 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 162.195
Città #
Cagliari 147.427
Chandler 1.212
Jacksonville 821
Woodbridge 734
Ann Arbor 722
Ashburn 657
Fairfield 585
Nyköping 519
Houston 488
Wilmington 394
Boardman 285
Nanjing 279
Seattle 236
Cambridge 215
Boston 176
Dearborn 156
Beijing 144
Shanghai 131
Helsinki 126
Singapore 105
Milan 90
Nanchang 84
Shenyang 78
Verona 66
Jiaxing 63
Guangzhou 61
Sassari 61
Hebei 55
Los Angeles 55
Tianjin 50
Changsha 49
San Diego 47
Redwood City 46
Pune 40
Washington 40
Dong Ket 34
Kunming 33
Rome 32
Toronto 31
Zhengzhou 30
Jinan 29
Ningbo 28
Norwalk 25
Auburn Hills 22
Orange 22
Brussels 19
Cedar Knolls 18
Alghero 17
Hangzhou 17
Saint Petersburg 17
Falls Church 16
Hefei 16
Mountain View 16
Quartu Sant'elena 16
Taizhou 16
London 13
Borås 12
Augusta 11
Dolianova 10
Florence 10
Amsterdam 9
Monserrato 9
Paris 9
Barcelona 8
Sabadell 8
Atlanta 7
Bologna 7
Charlotte 7
Portici 7
Redmond 7
Torino 7
Chicago 6
Villanovafranca 6
Walnut 6
Wuhan 6
Canberra 5
Capoterra 5
Forte dei Marmi 5
Millbury 5
Napoli 5
Palermo 5
Rockville 5
Salé 5
San Mateo 5
Tangier 5
Villacidro 5
Athens 4
Changchun 4
Chengdu 4
Chennai 4
Iglesias 4
Indiana 4
Izmir 4
Kilburn 4
Leawood 4
Lima 4
Madrid 4
Munich 4
Nanning 4
Shenzhen 4
Totale 157.027
Nome #
Salt Water Intrusion Characterisation in the Coastal Aquifer of Nabeul Hammamet Using Geophysical Methods. 2.520
Ambient vibration tests of an arch dam with different reservoir water levels: Experimental results and comparison with finite element modelling 2.402
Synergical use of passive and active methods to reconstruct the subsoil in urban areas 2.394
The ancient Roman aqueduct of Karales (Cagliari, Sardinia - Italy): applicability of geophysics methods to finding the underground remains 2.366
Spectral signature of archaeological layers and artefacts 2.132
Integrated geophysical and aerial sensing methods for archaeology: A case history in the Punic site of Villamar (Sardinia, Italy) 2.126
Geology, tectonics and topography underlined by L'aquila earthquake TIR precursors 2.037
Indagine geofisica di dettaglio nell’area demaniale ex militare di Nora 2.017
Analysis of the stability variation of a slope crossed by forest fire 2.011
TIR, tectonics and geology in L’Aquila 2009 1.951
Geophysics - An essential tool for modern archaeology. A case from Monte Prama (Sardinia, Italy) 1.947
On the use of electrical resistivity tomography in shallow water marine environment for archaeological research 1.921
Time and spectral multiresolution remote sensing for the study of ancient wall drawings at San Salvatore hypogeum, Italy 1.915
New GPR data from the archeological site of Mont'e prama (Sardinia, Italy) 1.895
Fast dynamic control of damaged historical buildings: a new useful approach for Structural Health Monitoring after an earthquake 1.847
Multi-channel GPR Prospection in the Archaeological Site of Monte Prama (Cabras, Italy) 1.844
Terrestrial remote sensing and microtremor measurements for the study of the vibrations of a rock mass with large underground cavities 1.777
Digital museum from integrated 3D aerial photogrammetry, laser scanner and geophysics data 1.745
Gravity survey: a tool for urban planning . 1.736
Simultaneous observations of radon concentrations in soils and thermal remote sensing dynamics in a seismic active area 1.730
Analysis of the stability variations of a slope crossed by forest fire 1.682
Comparison of natural and artificial forcing to study the dynamic behaviour of bell towers in low wind context by means of ground-based radar interferometry: The case of the Leaning Tower in Pisa 1.676
Synergical use of Geophysical Methods to reduce the archaeological risk in a complex area 1.652
The pilgrimage route of Santa Barbara in Sardinia: giving value to landscape for a new conservation perspective 1.643
Vibration analysis of historic bell towers by means of contact and remote sensing measurements 1.588
Spectral Signature of Archaeological Layers and Materials 1.582
"Metodo ed apparato per determinare l'impronta termica di un materiale o oggetto" 1.564
Firma spettrale di strati e materiali archeologici 1.562
Delineation of saltwater intrusion zones using the time domain electromagnetic method: The Nabeul-Hammamet coastal aquifer case study (NE Tunisia). 1.541
Geophysical characterization of Hazardous Industrial Waste: Two examples from Sardinia (Italy) 1.483
Geophysical methods (seismic and electrical) applied to the study of landslides and to assessment the shallow slopes instability: the case of Villacidro – South- Sardinia (Italy) 1.475
Geophysical methods applied to the study of landslides and to the assessment of the shallow slopes instability: the case of Villacidro - South-Sardinia (Italy). 1.469
Geophysical characterisation of an abandoned waste disposal site near an area of environmental interest 1.454
Salt water intrusion characterisation in the Coastal Aquifer of Nabeul Hammamet using geophysical methods 1.417
Integrated Geophysical Survey to Reconstruct Historical Landscape in Undug Areas of the Roman Ancient Town of Nora, Cagliari, Italy 1.408
Firma termica di materiali e manufatti di valore storico culturale 1.387
Reconstruction of archaeological features in the Mediterranean coastal environment by means of non-invasive techniques and digital museums (Selected paper in BAR –S2079, 2010 Making History Interactive. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA)) 1.371
Evaluating physical and mechanical changes induced in the subsoil by expanding resins injections for consolidation purposes by means 3D Electrical Resistivity Tomography and geotechnical tests 1.350
Primi risultati delle indagini geofisiche nei siti archeologici di Mozia (Sicilia Occidentale) e Pollentia (isola di Maiorca). Progetto Firb 2003: Ricostruzione e valorizzazione del paesaggio archeologico in ambiente costiero mediterraneo tramite tecnologie innovative non invasive 1.347
Assessment of the Capoterra coastal plain (Southern Sardinia, Italy) by means of hydrogeological and geophysical studies 1.342
Caratterizzazione geofisica di materiali e strati archeologici 1.336
Automated resistivity profiling (ARP) to explore wide archaeological areas: the prehistoric site of Mont’e Prama, Sardinia, Italy 1.310
Metodo e apparato per la misura della diffusività termica di un materiale 1.281
Geophysical Characterisation of hazardous industrial and urban waste sites 1.255
Spaceborne Radar Interferometry for the study of Ground displacements in urban areas 1.252
Interferometric radar applications for the monitoring of vibrations of cultural heritage buildings and comparison with 3D velocimeter measurements 1.221
Delimitación de la intrusión salina en el acquífero aluvial de la marina de Cardedu (Cerdeña centro-oriental) a partir de medidas electromagnéticas en el dominio de frecuencias 1.204
Simultaneous observations of radon concentrations in soil and thermal satellitar features in a seismically active area 1.203
Il rilievo termografico per l'individuazione delle strutture portanti 1.198
Night Thermal Gradient: A New Potential Tool for Earthquake Precursors Studies. An Application to the Seismic Area of L'Aquila (Central Italy) 1.186
Ricostruzione e valorizzazione del paesaggio archeologico in ambiente costiero mediterraneo tramite tecnologie innovative non invasive 1.162
Dynamic control of historical buildings through interferometric radar technique: an useful approach for Structural Health Monitoring on earthquake damaged structures 1.159
Pre-Reclamation geophysical test surveys on a municipal solid waste landfill 1.157
Non-destructive methods and GIS technologies for spatial planning strategies in mining areas 1.152
Time-Lapse electrical resistivity tomograohy to delineate mud structures in archaeological prospections 1.145
Primi risultati delle indagini geofisiche nei siti archeologici di Mozia (Sicilia occidentale) e Pollentia (isola di Maiorca) (Progetto FIRB 2003) 1.128
Evaluation of landslide hazard by means of geotechnical and geophysical parameters. 1.122
Analisi tridimensionale non distruttiva del Bastione di Santa Caterina in Cagliari, per l’individuazione di strutture monumentali e di percorsi idrici sotterranei 1.094
An application of a combined refraction-reflection seismic method to a landslide study 1.043
null 1.034
Vulnerability control of old towns by means of gravity measurements 1.029
Ricostruzione e valorizzazione del paesaggio archeologico in ambiente costiero mediterraneo tramite tecnologie innovative non invasive 1.007
Thermal remote sensing applications to seismology and earthquake precursors: the case of L’Aquila 2009 997
An application of very high resolution shallow reflection and comparison with GPR data 992
Towards an integration of laser scanner survey and Geophysical prospection: an example from the nuragic site of Monte ‘e Nuxi – Esterzili (Sardinia, Italy). 978
Diseño eficiente de redes de control de la intrusión salina en los acuíferos costeros a partir de información hidrogeoquímica y geofísica 977
Can the thermal remote sensing survey be considered as an earthquake precursor? 973
Indagini non distruttive nella chiesa di San Leonardo 955
null 936
Indagini georadar nella chiesa di San Leonardo 919
Can the thermal remote sensing survey be considered as an earthquake precursor? 906
3D Electrical Resistivity Tomography to Improve the Knowledge of the Subsoil below Existing Buildings. 903
Seismic tomography imaging of an unstable embankment 900
Gravity Survey in the Study of Vulnerability of Old Towns 897
Musealisation of the ancient archaeological and monumental heritage of the Mediterranean area via innovative methodologies 871
GPR prospection and time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography to delineate low contrast structures in an archaeological site 860
Reconstruction of archaeological features in the Mediterranean coastal environment by means of non-invasive techniques and digital museums 859
An Experiment of Spectral Induced Polarization 853
GPR and EM surveys to investigate the archaelogical area of Pollentia (Alcudia – Mallorca- Spain ). 839
Salt Water Intrusion Characterisation in the Coastal Aquifer of Nabeul-Hammamet (NE Tunisia) using Advanced Geophysical Methods 783
Methods for the identification of areas for geothermal use” 780
Towards an integration of laser scanner survey and geophysical prospection: an example from the Nuragic Site of Monte Enuxi- Esterzili (Sardinia, Italy) 770
Ricerca e valutazione della vulnerabilità delle risorse idriche sotterranee per la pianificazione territoriale nella regione metropolitana di Santiago (Cile). Alcuni risultati 758
Un esempio di applicazione combinata dei metodi elettromagnetico a VLF e gravimetrico nella prospezione mineraria 723
Attività svolta e risultati preliminari delle ricerche in atto in alcuni "Placers" della piattaforma continentale sarda 719
Primi risultati delle indagini su aree archeologiche costiere con metodologie geofisiche integrate (progetto FIRB 2003) 699
null 688
Prospezione geofisica per l’individuazione di strutture archeologiche a Volubilis (Marocco) 675
GIS-based subsurfacedatabeses and 3-d geological modeling as a tool for the set up of hydrogeological framework: Nabeul Hammamet coastal aquifer case study (Nortgeast Tunisia) 673
null 666
First results from thermal tomography in the study of wall structures and archaelogical layer 663
A magnetovariational study in Sardinia. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, vol.66:92-100 644
null 643
null 641
First Results from Spaceborne Radar Interferometry for the Study of Ground Displacements in Urban Areas 621
Non-contact micro-geophysical measurements in the study of wall structures 618
Identificazione di strutture acquifere nelle rocce fratturate del Marghine, Sardegna centro-settentrionale, con l'impiego di metodi geofisici 616
Totale 127.904
Categoria #
all - tutte 206.174
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 206.174

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202030.087 0 0 182 603 11.429 7.655 4.121 1.112 692 576 1.015 2.702
2020/202141.929 1.481 1.336 1.641 12.296 9.801 4.304 3.841 2.276 829 1.478 1.418 1.228
2021/202210.581 845 839 572 844 758 770 641 564 1.210 975 1.204 1.359
2022/202311.862 1.398 1.553 1.521 1.046 1.003 1.189 453 1.258 746 514 694 487
2023/202412.915 692 541 679 1.095 1.328 1.854 1.831 1.184 667 859 1.070 1.115
2024/202510.480 4.592 5.350 538 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 162.449