Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 150.942
NA - Nord America 5.301
AS - Asia 958
SA - Sud America 8
AF - Africa 6
OC - Oceania 4
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 157.222
Nazione #
IT - Italia 148.965
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.256
UA - Ucraina 684
CN - Cina 623
SE - Svezia 554
SG - Singapore 207
FI - Finlandia 193
DE - Germania 178
GB - Regno Unito 170
FR - Francia 86
VN - Vietnam 57
CA - Canada 33
BE - Belgio 21
RU - Federazione Russa 17
TR - Turchia 17
NL - Olanda 15
ES - Italia 13
IN - India 12
MY - Malesia 11
HK - Hong Kong 9
IE - Irlanda 9
GR - Grecia 7
ID - Indonesia 6
RO - Romania 6
BR - Brasile 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
IR - Iran 5
MX - Messico 5
PK - Pakistan 5
AU - Australia 4
PT - Portogallo 4
CR - Costa Rica 3
EU - Europa 3
LT - Lituania 3
NI - Nicaragua 3
NO - Norvegia 3
EC - Ecuador 2
EG - Egitto 2
HR - Croazia 2
JP - Giappone 2
KE - Kenya 2
NG - Nigeria 2
RS - Serbia 2
AT - Austria 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CY - Cipro 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IL - Israele 1
KR - Corea 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
PA - Panama 1
PE - Perù 1
PL - Polonia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 157.222
Città #
Cagliari 145.789
Uta 2.562
Chandler 720
Boardman 422
Woodbridge 406
Ann Arbor 399
Nyköping 399
Fairfield 387
Jacksonville 369
Houston 356
Ashburn 313
Wilmington 225
Seattle 145
Cambridge 123
Dearborn 121
Nanjing 121
Singapore 107
Santa Clara 102
Helsinki 95
Boston 85
Beijing 79
Milan 62
Dong Ket 54
Redwood City 41
Shanghai 41
Rome 40
Shenyang 40
Nanchang 38
Guangzhou 33
Jiaxing 33
Los Angeles 32
San Diego 26
Trieste 26
Verona 26
Changsha 25
Hebei 22
Tianjin 21
Toronto 20
Brussels 19
Ningbo 19
Jinan 14
Norwalk 14
Wuhan 14
Orange 13
Auburn Hills 12
Zhengzhou 12
Florence 11
Kunming 11
Mountain View 11
Grugliasco 10
Ottawa 10
Alghero 9
Chicago 9
North Bergen 9
Saint Petersburg 9
Sassari 9
Washington 9
Hefei 8
Amsterdam 7
Dublin 7
London 7
Paris 7
Pune 7
Taizhou 7
Atlanta 6
Bologna 6
Fuzhou 6
Hangzhou 6
Millbury 6
Nuremberg 6
Quartu Sant'elena 6
Redmond 6
Southampton 6
Duncan 5
Islamabad 5
Jakarta 5
Palermo 5
Simi Valley 5
Zaragoza 5
Changchun 4
Nettuno 4
Phoenix 4
Quartu Sant'Elena 4
San Sebastian 4
Shenzhen 4
Walnut 4
Alpharetta 3
Berlin 3
Binh Thuan 3
Borås 3
Bucharest 3
Campoformido 3
Central 3
Cremona 3
Edinburgh 3
Fondi 3
Genova 3
Hong Kong 3
Istanbul 3
Lanzhou 3
Totale 154.333
Nome #
Use of three-dimensional ultrasonic tomography to detect decay in a living adult holm oak (Quercus ilex l.) in Sardinia (Italy) 23.725
Integrated ultrasonic and petrographical characterization of carbonate building materials 8.776
Decay detection in an ancient column with combined close-range photogrammetry (CRP) and ultrasonic tomography. 6.852
Characterization of rock samples by a high-resolution multi-technique non-invasive approach 6.619
Detailed petrophysical and geophysical characterization of core samples from the potential caprock-reservoir system in the Sulcis Coal Basin (Southwestern Sardinia - Italy) 6.359
Confinamento geologico della CO2 nel Bacino del Sulcis in Sardegna, 3.681
A new methodology for the diagnostics of architectural elements in historical buildings 2.717
Relations between natural phenomena and solar activity in the oceanographic and forest fields 2.209
Caratterizzazione del reservoir carbonatico per lo stoccaggio della CO2 nel Sulcis 2.135
Caratterizzazione e valorizzazione delle risorse naturali lapidee a uso ornamentale 2.029
Integrated application of in situ non destructive techniques for the evaluation of the architectural elements of monumental structures 1.991
Geophysical exploration of the West Sardinian continental margin and Sardo-Provençal oceanic basin (West Mediterranean Sea) 1.890
Relations between Natural Phenomena and Solar Activity in the Oceanographic and Forest Fields 1.797
VLF-EM prospecting for the characterization of a fault zone and the evaluation of its permeability conditions 1.592
3D geophysical imaging for site-specific characterization plan of an old landfill 1.570
Crustal tectono-stratigraphic setting and geodynamics of the Corso-Sardinian Block from new CROP seismic data 1.556
Three-dimensional imaging from non-destructive techniques in the characterization of stone building materials 1.520
Applicazione di tecniche di controllo non distruttivo di tipo acustico per la diagnosi dei materiali costruttivi del dolmen Sa Coveccada di Mores (SS) 1.514
Integrated ultrasonic, laser scanning and petrographical characterisation of carbonate building materials on an architectural structure of a historic building 1.498
Characterization of Rock Samples by A High-Resolution Multi-Technique Non-Invasive Approach 1.486
Microgravity for detecting cavities in an archaeological site in Sardinia (Italy) 1.464
An integrated petrophysical-geophysical approach for the characterization of a potential caprock-reservoir system for CO2 storage 1.459
An innovative methodology for the non-destructive diagnosis of architectural elements of ancient historical buildings 1.451
Three-dimensional imaging from laser scanner, photogrammetric and acoustic non-destructive techniques in the characterization of stone building materials 1.403
Dynamic elastic characterization of carbonate rocks used as building materials in the historical city centre of Cagliari (Italy) 1.307
Non–destructive analysis in the diagnostic process on the cultural heritage buildings 1.294
Detailed petrophysical and geophysical characterization of core samples from the potential caprock-reservoir system in the Sulcis Coal Basin (South-Western Sardinia - Italy) 1.175
High resolution 3-D modelling of cylinder shape bodies applied to ancient columns of a church 1.155
Integration of terrestrial laser scanner, ultrasonic and petrographical data in the diagnostic process on stone building materials 1.123
A Contribution to the Geological Characterization of a Potential Caprock-Reservoir System in the Sulcis Coal Basin (South-Western Sardinia) 1.111
Application of non destructive ultrasonic techniques for the analysis of the conservation status of building materials in monumental structures 1.104
Le tecniche geofisiche al servizio del patrimonio culturale 1.016
Magnetic features of the Sardinian block(Western Mediterranean) - an overview 999
Application of non-destructive acoustic techniques for evaluating the state of conservation of carbonate building stones in architectural structures 992
Application of non destructive ultrasonic techniques for the analysis of the conservation status of building materials in monumental structures 978
Structural features of the South-Western Sardinian shelf (Western Mediterranean): Integrated interpretation of aeromagnetic, seismic and geological data 962
Characterization of carbonate building stones of monuments in the Mediterranean coats 945
The Messinian Salinity Crisis: New seismic evidence in the West-Sardinian Margin and Eastern Sardo-Provençal basin (West Mediterranean Sea) 944
Progetto di immagazzinamento geologico dell’anidride carbonica con estrazione di metano nel bacino carbonifero del Sulcis - Proposta di un sistema di monitoraggio del processo di iniezione della CO2 e delle eventuali riemissioni in atmosfera 938
Diagnostic Process of a Megalithic Monument by Ultrasonic Measurements 933
Caratterizzazione sismica di formazioni rocciose interessate da lavori minerari 927
High Resolution 3D modelling of Cylinder shape bodies applied to 1000 ancient BC columns 927
The use of ultrasonic techniques for estimating the conservation status of building materials in monuments 914
null 904
Oligo-Miocene half graben structure in Western Sardinian Shelf (western Mediterranean): reflection seismic and aeromagnetic data comparison 877
Characterisation of carbonate building stones of monuments in the Mediterranean coasts 846
Diagnostic process of a megalithic monument by ultrasonic measurements 841
Integrated geological-geophysical and UAS proximal sensing approach to the study of ground water movement between two open-pit pools in an abandoned mine area 816
Decay Detection in an Ancient Column with Combined Close-Range Photogrammetry (CRP) and Ultrasonic Tomography 804
Metodi geofisici nella ricerca delle acque sotterranee 775
Digital processing of IR Thermography and ultrasonic signals in the diagnostics of carbonate building materials 774
Un esempio di applicazione combinata dei metodi elettromagnetico a VLF e gravimetrico nella prospezione mineraria 760
Aeromagnetic constraints on the geostructural interpretation of the southern part of the Sardinian rift (Italy) 756
null 731
Gelogical-geophysical approach to study ground water movement between two open-pit pools in a computer-aided recovery project of abandoned mine escavations in Sardinia, Italy 705
Analisi di dati elettromagnetici VLF per il miglioramento della caratterizzazione delle unità pedologiche alla scala aziendale 702
null 666
Dynamic elastic characterization of carbonatic rocks used as building materials of monumental structures 663
Identificazione di strutture acquifere nelle rocce fratturate del Marghine, Sardegna centro-settentrionale, con l'impiego di metodi geofisici 655
null 644
3D imaging of CRP and ultrasonic tomography to detect decay in a living adult holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) in Sardinia (Italy) 643
Applicazione di metodologie geofisiche per la caratterizzazione delle rocce ornamentali. 28° CarraraMarmotec, Carrara 30 Maggio-2 Giugno 2007 639
Digital processing of IR thermography and ultrasonic signals in the diagnostics of carbonate building materials 615
Assessment of the conservation state of masonry structures in monumental buildings by the integrated use of non-destructive ultrasonic techniques and mineral analyses 613
null 610
Diagnostic process of an ancient colonnade using non-invasive volume visualization multi techniques 609
Assessment of the conservation state of masonry structures in monumental buildings by the integrated use of non-destructive ultrasonic techniques and mineral analyses 602
Evaluation of preservation state of monumental buildings by ND acoustic techniques and mineralogical studies 600
Experimental Application of 3-D Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Acoustic Techniques in Assessing the Quality of Stones Used in Monumental Structures 593
IR thermography and ultrasonic investigations in the cultural heritage field 564
Application of acoustic techniques in the evaluation of heterogeneous building materials 548
In time analysis of a viscous coupling agent effect in ultrasonic measurements 535
Application of integrated acoustic and mineralogical techniques for the characterization of building stones in monumental structures 534
An application of geostructural and seismic investigations in a granite quarry in Sardinia, Italy 519
Metodi geofisici nella ricerca delle acque sotterranee 517
Evaluation of biogas and leachate accumulation in the landfill body by means of geophysical methods 515
Experimental application of 3-D terrestrial laser scanning and acoustic techniques in assessing the quality of stones used in monumental structures 497
Application of integrated EM geophysical and mineralogical-chemical methodologies as useful tool in clay mining exploration 495
Experimental application of 3-D terrestrial laser scanning and acoustic techniques in assessing the quality of stones used in monumental structures 493
IR thermography and ultrasonic investigations in the cultural heritage field 485
Acoustic techniques for the evaluation of the building materials of monumental structures 471
Integrated interpretation of geological and geophysical data for improving the estimation of the clay deposit potential 465
The Western Sardinian Margin: Structural Evidence from New Geophysical Data 463
Progetto di “Valorizzazione, salvaguardia del complesso megalitico di Sa Coveccada: intervento conservativo di restauro strutturale e di valorizzazione paesaggistica per la fruizione dell’area archeologica 457
Geophysical study of the W-Sardinia margin 454
Physical and structural characterisation of an old landfill site by a multimethodological geophysical approach 442
I Cetacei in Sardegna, biologia, protezione, ecologia, interazioni con la pesca 434
Comparison of ultrasonic velocity and IR thermography for the characterisation of stones 431
A geomathematical approach to the analysis of some geophysical fields and their spatial forecasting 431
Application of high resolution seismic tecniques in mining investigations 429
Volcano-Tectonic evolution of the offshore Cagliari Gulf (Western Mediterranean) from geophysical data 422
Progetto di immagazinamento geologico dell'anidride carbonica con estrazione di metano nel bacino carbonifero del Sulcis. Proposta di un sistema di monitoraggio del processo di iniezione della CO2 e delle eventuali riemissioni in atmosfera 416
Sedimentologia e geochimica della piattaforma continentale della Sardegna centro orientale (Sedimentology and geochemistry of the continental shelf off central east Sardinia) 411
Characterization of building materials by integrated ND acoustic techniques and mineralogical study in evaluating the conservation state of monumental buildings: a case history 407
Totale 148.489
Categoria #
all - tutte 186.096
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 186.096

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202011.188 0 0 0 0 0 5.200 2.904 668 480 452 421 1.063
2020/202121.294 813 710 1.021 6.380 4.492 2.113 1.980 1.032 325 590 760 1.078
2021/20225.287 558 285 308 307 388 404 283 214 372 656 742 770
2022/20239.553 760 986 958 861 738 1.502 641 854 586 478 805 384
2023/202463.899 671 376 533 736 1.412 2.026 2.426 623 582 919 722 52.873
2024/202524.133 8.807 8.915 2.670 2.212 1.172 357 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 157.407