Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 193.022
NA - Nord America 10.057
AS - Asia 2.327
SA - Sud America 327
AF - Africa 45
OC - Oceania 23
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 7
Totale 205.808
Nazione #
IT - Italia 188.229
US - Stati Uniti d'America 9.960
UA - Ucraina 1.542
CN - Cina 1.504
SE - Svezia 1.292
SG - Singapore 474
DE - Germania 441
GB - Regno Unito 430
FI - Finlandia 389
FR - Francia 348
CL - Cile 245
VN - Vietnam 107
IN - India 90
CA - Canada 79
NL - Olanda 59
ES - Italia 48
BE - Belgio 34
RU - Federazione Russa 29
PT - Portogallo 28
AR - Argentina 27
BR - Brasile 25
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 25
IE - Irlanda 25
TR - Turchia 25
CO - Colombia 22
GR - Grecia 22
RO - Romania 20
KR - Corea 18
MY - Malesia 18
CH - Svizzera 17
AU - Australia 16
HK - Hong Kong 14
JP - Giappone 13
MU - Mauritius 13
IR - Iran 12
MX - Messico 10
TN - Tunisia 9
EU - Europa 7
ID - Indonesia 7
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 7
PK - Pakistan 7
PL - Polonia 7
MD - Moldavia 6
PH - Filippine 6
RS - Serbia 6
HR - Croazia 5
KW - Kuwait 5
MA - Marocco 5
NG - Nigeria 5
AT - Austria 4
EG - Egitto 4
MT - Malta 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
TH - Thailandia 4
TW - Taiwan 4
ZA - Sudafrica 4
BD - Bangladesh 3
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 3
DZ - Algeria 3
HU - Ungheria 3
IQ - Iraq 3
PA - Panama 3
PE - Perù 3
BO - Bolivia 2
CY - Cipro 2
EE - Estonia 2
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 2
SI - Slovenia 2
UY - Uruguay 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
EC - Ecuador 1
GE - Georgia 1
IL - Israele 1
IS - Islanda 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
NO - Norvegia 1
RW - Ruanda 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 1
TZ - Tanzania 1
Totale 205.808
Città #
Cagliari 179.913
Uta 5.421
Chandler 1.410
Boardman 929
Jacksonville 924
Nyköping 809
Woodbridge 713
Ann Arbor 689
Ashburn 524
Fairfield 438
Houston 424
Wilmington 401
Dearborn 311
Nanjing 273
Singapore 271
Rome 215
Boston 211
Milan 178
Santa Clara 170
Helsinki 167
Santiago 147
Shanghai 146
Beijing 140
Seattle 140
Cambridge 137
Redwood City 119
Sassari 115
Dong Ket 106
Guangzhou 102
Shenyang 102
Jiaxing 76
Hebei 72
Nanchang 70
Verona 65
Atlanta 59
Los Angeles 58
Mountain View 56
Bologna 55
Pune 55
Changsha 53
Trieste 46
Falls Church 42
Jinan 42
Tianjin 41
Naples 40
Valdivia 40
San Diego 39
Toronto 39
Zhengzhou 39
Palermo 35
Ningbo 33
Norwalk 32
Bari 30
Greve 30
Orange 29
London 27
Redmond 27
Brussels 26
Padova 26
Auburn Hills 22
Chicago 22
Viña del Mar 22
Washington 22
Kunming 21
Hangzhou 20
Hefei 19
Indiana 19
Paris 18
Pisa 18
Florence 17
Quartu Sant'Elena 17
Turin 17
Dublin 16
Livorno 16
Punta Arenas 16
Serra 16
Wuhan 16
Genoa 14
New York 14
Phoenix 14
Shenzhen 14
Barcelona 13
Quartu Sant'elena 13
Buenos Aires 12
Patras 12
Taizhou 12
Elmas 11
Genova 11
Monserrato 11
Pontedera 11
Brno 10
Frankfurt am Main 10
Messina 10
Tappahannock 10
Fuzhou 9
Ghilarza 9
Venice 9
Vicenza 9
Amsterdam 8
Capoterra 8
Totale 197.515
Nome #
Comprehensive geomorphological and sedimentological mapping and applications for coastal management: Porto Pino, SW Sardinia, western Mediterranean 4.876
Geomorphology of marine and glacio-lacustrine terraces and raised shorelines in the northern sector of Península Brunswick, Patagonia, Straits of Magellan, Chile 2.910
An integrated sea-land approach for analyzing forms, processes, deposits and the evolution of the urban coastal belt of Cagliari 2.829
Ostracoda and foraminifera response to a contaminated environment: the case of the Ex-military arsenal of the la Maddalena Harbour (Sardinia, Italy) 2.619
Carta geologica d'Italia 1:50.000 foglio 528 Oristano (Area Marina) 2.532
Geomorphological map of the Italian coast: from a descriptive to a morphodynamic approach 2.481
Geomorphology, sedimentology, benthic habitat as tools for supporting coastal management: comparison between Australian And Mediterranean beach systems 2.475
Medium and short-term evolution of a microtidal wave dominated Mediterranean beach seaward bordered by Posidonia oceanica meadow. The example of the Poetto beach (South Sardinia, Gulf of Cagliari - Italy) 2.415
Morphodynamics of coastal areas represented in the new geomorphologic map of Italy: Draw the landforms of the past to outline the future 2.374
Geomorphological processes of a Mediterranean Urbanized Beach (Sardinia, Gulf of Cagliari) 2.319
Human impact, geomorphological and bio-environmental indicators for mapping and monitoring of a Mediterranean urban-beach with Posidonia oceanica (Gulf of Cagliari-Sardinia) 2.278
Medium and short-term evolution of a microtidal wave dominated Mediterranean beach seaward bordered by Posidonia oceanica meadow. The example of the Poetto beach. (South Sardinia, Gulf of Cagliari - Italy) 2.250
Sedimentology, geomorphology and benthic habitats of a beach system of South Western Australia: implications for coastal management 2.219
A comparison of geomorphic settings, sediment facies and benthic habitats of two carbonate systems of western Mediterranean Sea and south western Australia: implications for coastal management 2.209
The role of hydrodynamic forcing, sediment transport processes and bottom substratum in the shoreward development of Posidonia oceanica meadow 2.200
Geomorphology and anthropogenic impact including military constraints in a microtidal wave-dominated embayment in south western Sardinia (Porto Pino beach, SCI ITB040025, Mediterranean Sea). Implications for beach management 2.189
Geomorphology and sedimentology of Porto Pino, SW Sardinia, western Mediterranean 2.181
An integrated sea-land approach for mapping geomorphological and sedimentological features in an urban microtidal wave-dominated beach: A case study from S Sardinia, western Mediterranean 2.168
Interaction between Posidonia oceanica meadows upper limit and hydrodynamics of four Mediterranean beaches 2.139
null 2.091
Geomorphological and sedimentological surrogates for the understanding of seagrass distribution within a temperate nearshore setting (Esperance Western Australia) 2.082
Morpho-sedimentology of a Mediterranean microtidal embayed wave dominated beach system and related inner shelf with Posidonia oceanica meadows: the SE Sardinian coast 2.060
Foraminiferal biotopes in a shallow continental shelf environment: Esperance Bay (southwestern Australia) 2.052
Data on coastal dunes vulnerability of eleven microtidal wave-dominated beaches of Sardinia (Italy, western Mediterranean) 2.044
An operational wave system within the monitoring program of a Mediterranean beach 2.003
Carta geologica d’Italia 1:50.000 566 Pula (area marina) 1.996
Geomorphology of marine and transitional terraces and raised shorelines between Punta Paulo and Porvenir, Tierra del Fuego, Straits of Magellan – Chile 1.969
Geomorphology, beach classification and seasonal morphodynamic transition of a Mediterranean gravel beach (Sardinia, Gulf of Cagliari) 1.958
Morphodynamics of a Mediterranean microtidal wave-dominated beach: forms, processes and insights for coastal management 1.953
Geomorphology of four wave-dominated microtidal Mediterranean beach systems with Posidonia oceanica meadow: a case study of the Northern Sardinia coast 1.926
LE SPIAGGE MEDITERRANEE DEL PROGETTO LIFE+ PROVIDUNE - Evoluzione, idrodinamica, sedimentologia, assetti e indirizzi gestionali 1.899
null 1.860
null 1.844
Field observations, coastal video monitoring and numerical modeling at Poetto Beach, Italy 1.835
Carta geologica 1:50.000 F°528 Oristano (parte a mare) 1.830
An Assessment of Swash Excursion Predictors using Field Observations 1.789
La rete di studio e monitoraggio delle spiaggie mediterranee microtidali wave dominated della Sardegna creata dall'Osservatorio Coste E Ambiente Naturale Sottomarino - O.C.E.A.N.S 1.760
The use of genetic programming to develop a predictor of swash excursion on sandy beaches 1.740
Un WebGIS costiero per la condivisione e distribuzione dei dati 1.605
Metodologie utilizzate e studi geomorfologici e sedimentologici 1.540
Preliminary data on benthic foraminifera from contaminated environment of the ex-military arsenal of the Maddalena Harbour (Sardinia, Italy) 1.529
Bars/troughs dynamics and evolution trend of the La Cinta beach (San Teodoro OT) - NE Sardinia 1.518
Benthic foraminifera and ostracoda as bioindicators of anthropogenic impacts in the La Maddalena Harbour (Sardinia, Italy) 1.506
Progetto CARG - FOGLIO 566 PULA - Rilevamento Parti a Mare 1.495
Geomorphology map of the marine and transitional terraces and raised shorelines of the Península Juan Mazía, Tierra Del Fuego. Straits of Magellan – Chile 1.489
The activity of “Osservatorio Coste E Ambiente Naturale Sottomarino” (OCEANS) and the implementation of a monitoring network and study methodology for sedimentological and morphodynamic processes of Mediterranean microtidal wave-dominated beaches (Sardinia) 1.406
Attività dell’Osservatorio Coste E Ambiente Naturale Sottomarino (O.C.E.A.N.S.) e implemento della rete di monitoraggio e delle metodologie per lo studio dei processi sedimentari e morfo-dinamici di spiagge mediterranee microtidali dominate da moto ondoso (Sardegna) 1.379
What Happens to a Mediterranean Microtidal Wave-dominated Beach during Significant Storm Events? the Morphological Response of a Natural Sardinian Beach (Western Mediterranean) 1.376
Medium and short-term evolution of two beaches on NE Sardina: La Cinta (San Teodoro, OT) and Budoni (OT) 1.337
Short-term evolution of the Budoni beach on NE Sardinia (Italy) 1.317
Driving mechanisms of Holocene coastal evolution in the Bonifacio Strait (Western Mediterranean) 1.310
Coastal dunes vulnerability. GAVAM checklist method used at three Mediterranean microtidal wave dominated beaches (Gulf of Cagliari) 1.290
null 1.281
A coastal WebGIS for data sharing and distribution 1.274
Ostracoda and foraminifera response to a severely contaminated environment: the case of the ex military arsenal of the Maddalena harbour (Sardinia, Italy) 1.254
Sedimentological, geomorphological and geochemical evidence of the last marine ingression in central Magellan Straits-southernmost Chile 1.247
Carbonate sedimentation and hydrodynamic pattern on a modern temperate shelf: The strait of Bonifacio (western Mediterranean) 1.242
Morpho-sedimentary features and sediment transport model of the submerged beach of the 'Pineta della foce del Garigliano' SCI Site (Caserta, southern Italy) 1.229
Medium and short-term evolution of two beaches on NE Sardinia: La Cinta (San Teodoro, OT) and Budoni (OT) 1.133
Modern inner-shelf sedimentation: a comparison between Bonifacio Straits and Gulf of Cagliari (Sardinia - IT) 1.124
Recent environmental changes in the area of La Maddalena Harbour (Sardinia, Italy): data from mollusks and benthic foraminifera 1.107
null 1.088
Assessing the performance of an operational wave system within a Mediterranean beach monitoring programme 1.058
Report on Cruise MCS/87. Western and Southern Margin of Sardinia 1.033
Processi sedimentari, idrodinamica e modellizzazione delle spiagge di Santa Margherita, Solanas, Cala di Trana e La Sciumara (Sardegna – Italia) 1.030
Bars/troughs dynamics and evolution trend of the La Cinta beach (San Teodoro OT) - NE Sardinia 1.021
null 1.018
Sedimentological map of Bonifacio strait inner shelf 1.016
null 1.009
Sandy beaches characterization and management of coastal erosion on western Sardinia island (Mediterranean Sea). 951
Evolution trend of La Cinta beach (San Teodoro) after the flooding on 24th September 2009 946
null 936
Horizontal Runup and Seagrass Beach Cast-litters: Modelling and Observations 931
Carta geo- litologica dei fondali marini compresi tra Punta Sardegna e la Baia di Porto Pozzo in scala 1:10.000 Sardegna Nord- Orientale – Italia 926
1° Rapporto su eventi estremi attraverso l'analisi climatica delle serie storiche di dati relativi al vento nel Golfo di Cagliari - SIC “Stagno di Piscinnì” (ITB042218) 920
Modern terrigenous-carbonate sediments of the continental shelf of the Gulf of Cagliari [I sedimenti terrigeno-carbonatici attuali della piattaforma continentale del Golfo di Cagliari] 900
null 884
null 883
Morfologia, idrodinamica e sedimentologia dei sistemi di spiaggia di Cala di Trana, la Sciumara e Venalonga (Palau - Sardegna Nord-Orientale) 867
Natural vs. Anthropic influence on the multidecadal shoreline changes of mediterranean urban beaches: Lessons from the Gulf of Cagliari (Sardinia) 865
Relazione tra idrodinamica e processi di sedimentazione nella spiaggia di Santa Margherita di Pula (Golfo di Cagliari – Sardegna Sud-Occidentale) 842
Manuale di buone pratiche per lo studio, il monitoraggio e la gestione delle spiagge della Sardegna. Handbook of best practices for the study monitoring and management of Sardinian beaches 808
Benthic foraminifera and environmental changes in northern Sardinia: the case of the La Maddalena Harbour 802
null 797
Beach-rock's contribution in the study of the modalities of the olocenic sea rising. Post-glacial beach-rocks of the North-East Sardinia 738
“Risultati preliminari del progetto Life Providune per la conservazione e il ripristino di habitat dunali nei siti delle province di Cagliari, Matera e Caserta“ 717
Sedimentological map of the seafloor between Porto Pozzo Bay and Capo Ferro - NE Sardinia 707
Seagrass berm deposition on a Mediterranean embayed beach 703
null 702
null 688
Ricerche sedimentologiche e cartografia dell’Osservatorio Coste E Ambiente Naturale Sottomarino (O.C.E.A.N.S.) – Sardegna – Italia 664
Ecogeomorphology and vulnerability in a Mediterranean ria-type coast (La Maddalena Archipelago, NE Sardinia, western Mediterranean) 640
null 632
null 618
Totale 153.381
Categoria #
all - tutte 266.436
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 266.436

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202034.632 0 0 0 0 13.461 10.562 5.609 1.315 584 797 916 1.388
2020/202149.891 1.605 1.403 2.092 16.480 10.884 4.303 4.326 2.293 971 1.858 2.139 1.537
2021/202210.696 1.170 796 644 817 770 812 655 514 692 977 1.271 1.578
2022/202318.080 1.533 1.946 1.708 1.329 1.522 2.070 739 2.625 1.244 968 1.544 852
2023/202420.899 1.155 756 1.026 1.549 1.806 3.703 1.972 1.712 1.063 1.793 2.319 2.045
2024/202534.862 4.889 14.769 6.563 5.755 2.886 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 206.508