Promote Well-Being and Innovation in Sustainable Organizations: The Role of Job Crafting as Mediator
2023-01-01 Mondo, Marina; Cicotto, Gianfranco; Pileri, Jessica; Cois, Ester; DE SIMONE, Silvia
Student’s Co-Creation Behavior in a Business and Economic Bachelor’s Degree in Italy: Influence of Perceived Service Quality, Institutional Image, and Loyalty
2023-01-01 Pinna, R; Cicotto, G.; Jafarkarimi,
How can AI reduce bias in recruiting? (Interview with Polly, a talent matching platform)
2022-01-01 Pinna, Roberta; Cicotto, Gianfranco
Perceptions of social context and intention to quit: The mediating role of work engagement and interpersonal strain
2021-01-01 De Simone, S.; Cicotto, G.; Cenciotti, R.; Borgogni, L.
Beyond organisational support: exploring the supportive role of co-workers and supervisors in a multi-actor service ecosystem
2020-01-01 Pinna, Roberta; De Simone, Silvia; Cicotto, Gianfranco; Malik, Ashish
Il ruolo delle capacità agentiche nelle intenzioni di turnover del personale infermieristico
2018-01-01 DE SIMONE, Silvia; Planta, Anna; Cicotto, Gianfranco
Il ruolo delle Percezioni di Contesto sul Job Burnout nelle organizzazioni sanitarie [The role of Perceptions of Context (PoC) on Job Burnout in health services organizations]
2018-01-01 DE SIMONE, Silvia; Cicotto, Gianfranco; Borgogni, Laura
The role of job satisfaction, work engagement, self-efficacy and agentic capacities on nurses' turnover intention and patient satisfaction
2018-01-01 De Simone, Silvia; Planta, Anna; Cicotto, Gianfranco
Engaging public servants: public service motivation, work engagement and work-related stress
2016-01-01 DE SIMONE, Silvia; Cicotto, Gianfranco; Pinna, Roberta; Giustiniano, L.
Occupational stress, job satisfaction and physical health in teachers = Le stress au travail, la satisfaction au travail et la santé physique chez les enseignants
2016-01-01 DE SIMONE, Silvia; Cicotto, Gianfranco; Lampis, Jessica
Interfaccia famiglia-lavoro, supporto sociale e soddisfazione lavorativa: una ricerca esplorativa in una pubblica amministrazione
2013-01-01 DE SIMONE, Silvia; Pinna, Roberta; Cicotto, Gianfranco; Lampis, Jessica; Lasio, Diego; Serri, Francesco