Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 394.394
NA - Nord America 5.805
AS - Asia 1.150
OC - Oceania 11
SA - Sud America 11
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
AF - Africa 7
Totale 401.387
Nazione #
IT - Italia 392.230
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.740
CN - Cina 800
UA - Ucraina 739
SE - Svezia 493
DE - Germania 424
SG - Singapore 209
FI - Finlandia 178
GB - Regno Unito 176
CA - Canada 63
FR - Francia 62
KR - Corea 57
VN - Vietnam 47
BE - Belgio 22
RU - Federazione Russa 19
NL - Olanda 14
IN - India 13
EU - Europa 9
BR - Brasile 8
IL - Israele 7
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 7
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
HK - Hong Kong 5
IE - Irlanda 5
AU - Australia 4
ES - Italia 4
RO - Romania 4
AT - Austria 3
BG - Bulgaria 3
CH - Svizzera 3
PL - Polonia 3
MA - Marocco 2
MU - Mauritius 2
MY - Malesia 2
AL - Albania 1
AR - Argentina 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
DK - Danimarca 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EC - Ecuador 1
GH - Ghana 1
GR - Grecia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
ID - Indonesia 1
IR - Iran 1
JM - Giamaica 1
JO - Giordania 1
JP - Giappone 1
KH - Cambogia 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MX - Messico 1
PE - Perù 1
PH - Filippine 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TR - Turchia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 401.387
Città #
Cagliari 387.676
Uta 3.963
Chandler 614
Fairfield 531
Woodbridge 496
Jacksonville 411
Boardman 400
Ashburn 383
Nyköping 372
Ann Arbor 361
Wilmington 287
Houston 267
Dearborn 214
Seattle 203
Cambridge 165
Nanjing 144
Singapore 125
Santa Clara 112
Shanghai 109
Boston 88
Helsinki 74
Beijing 73
New York 52
Seoul 51
Shenyang 49
Dong Ket 47
Milan 46
Guangzhou 42
Hebei 37
Sassari 37
Nanchang 36
Redwood City 36
San Diego 36
Washington 32
Toronto 31
Rome 30
Los Angeles 29
Jiaxing 28
Changsha 27
Tianjin 25
Auburn Hills 24
Ottawa 24
Jinan 22
Norwalk 21
Brussels 20
Verona 20
Hefei 19
Mountain View 15
Ningbo 15
Orange 15
Phoenix 15
Wuhan 15
Munich 14
London 13
Zhengzhou 12
Atlanta 10
Kunming 10
Falls Church 9
Renton 9
Augusta 8
Hangzhou 8
Tortolì 8
Nürnberg 7
Siracusa 7
Taizhou 7
Villanovafranca 7
Alghero 6
Fuzhou 6
Monmouth Junction 6
Pune 6
Torino 6
Brno 5
Livorno 5
Pian Camuno 5
Sedilo 5
Selargius 5
Shenzhen 5
Borås 4
Dublin 4
Florence 4
Fremont 4
Hong Kong 4
Jinhua 4
Kilburn 4
La Mancha 4
Napoli 4
Paris 4
Pula 4
San Francisco 4
San Mateo 4
Sestu 4
Sìnnai 4
Walnut 4
Amsterdam 3
Belo Horizonte 3
Bultei 3
Busto Arsizio 3
Böblingen 3
Edinburgh 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Totale 398.238
Nome #
Trigeminal nerve stimulation induces Fos immunoreactivity in selected brain regions, increases hippocampal cell proliferation and reduces seizure severity in rats 193.193
Role of a dietary essential oil component in the hypoperfusion/reperfusion-induced tissue damage in the rat cerebral cortex 4.481
Expression of BDNF and trkB in the hippocampus of a rat genetic model of vulnerability (Roman low-avoidance) and resistance (Roman high-avoidance) to stress-induced depression 4.137
Involvement of the endocannabinoid system in the physiological response to transient common carotid artery occlusion and reperfusion 4.118
Dietary essential oil components in the prevention of hypoperfusion/reperfusion-induced tissue damage in the rat cerebral cortex 4.114
Componenti degli oli essenziali come dietetici nella prevenzione del danno cerebrale da ischemia e riperfusione 3.893
Dietary essential oil components in the prevention of ischemia/reperfusion-induced tissue damage in the cerebral cortex 3.868
c-Fos, ΔFosB, BDNF, trkB and Arc expression in the limbic system of male Roman High and Low Avoidance rats that show differences in sexual behaviour: effect of sexual activity 3.846
Attività dell'olio essenziale di Pistacia Lentiscus un modello sperimentale di ipoperfusione/riperfusione nell'encefalo di ratto 3.843
Effects of forced swimming stress on ERK and histone H3 phosphorylation in limbic areas of Roman high- and low-avoidance rats 3.768
Dietary essential oil components in the prevention of ischemia/reperfusion-induced tissue damage in the rat cerebral cortex 3.474
TRPV1-like immunoreactivity in the human Locus K, a distinct subregion of the cuneate nucleus 3.463
Acute administration of beta-caryophyllene prevents endocannabinoid system activation during transient common carotid artery occlusion and reperfusion 3.420
Effect of the neuropeptides vasoactive intestinal peptide, peptide histidine methionine and substance P on human major salivary gland secretion 3.396
Preventive effects of resveratrol on endocannabinoid system and synaptic protein modifications in rat cerebral cortex challenged by bilateral common carotid artery occlusion and reperfusion 3.391
Case report of sudden death after a gunshot wound to the C2 vertebral bone without direct spinal cord injury: Histopathological analysis of spinal-medullary junction 3.306
The human cuneate nucleus contains discrete subregions whose neurochemical features match those of the relay nuclei for nociceptive information 3.297
Calcitonine Gene-Related Peptide in dorsal root ganglia and skin of a rat model of Bortezomib-induced neuropathy 3.190
The rat dorsal column nuclei contain a region homologous to the human Locus K 3.172
Effect of acute administration of Pistacia lentiscus L. essential oil on rat cerebral cortex following transient bilateral common carotid artery occlusion 3.149
Neurochemistry of scalp arteries innervation from patients suffering with chronic migraine 3.058
null 3.029
Locus K: a novel territory of the human dorsal column nuclei 3.011
Locus K: cuneate subnuclear regions in human dorsal column nuclei with neurochemical, cyto- and myeloarchitectural features of protopathic sensory nuclei 3.002
TRPV1, CGRP and SP in scalp arteries of patients suffering from chronic migraine 3.001
Locus K: cuneate subnuclear regions in human dorsal column nuclei with neurochemical, cyto- and myeloarchitectural features of protopathic sensory nuclei 2.936
Imidazoline receptor 2 is an effective target for neuropathic pain in a murine model of bortezomib-induced peripheral neuropathy 2.888
Resveratrol Regulates BDNF, trkB, PSA-NCAM, and Arc Expression in the Rat Cerebral Cortex after Bilateral Common Carotid Artery Occlusion and Reperfusion 2.885
Locus K: novel denomination for cuneate subnuclear regions in the human dorsal column nuclei with neurochemical, cyto- and myeloarchitectural features of the protopathic sensory nuclei 2.880
Effect of acute stress on the expression of BDNF, trkB, and PSA-NCAM in the hippocampus of the roman rats: A genetic model of vulnerability/resistance to stress-induced depression 2.861
Expression of TRPV1 and CGRP in spinal primary afferent neurons in a rat model of bortezomib-induced peripheral neuropathy treated with analgesics 2.851
Expression of TRPV1 and CGRP in spinal primary afferent neurons in a rat model of Bortezomib-induced peripheral neuropathy treated with analgesics 2.824
Effect of acute administration of dietary Pistacia lentiscus L. essential oil on the ischemia-reperfusion-induced changes in rat frontal cortex and plasma 2.799
Further studies on the Lymantria dispar feromonal gland and terminal abdominal ganglion: fine structure and neurochemistry 2.754
Study of the calcitonin gene-related peptide-positive intraepidermal nerve fibers in a rat model of bortezomib-induced peripheral neuropathy 2.750
Polysialylated-neural cell adhesion molecole (PSA-NCAM) in the human nervous system at prenatal, postnatal, and adult ages 2.727
The rat dorsal column nuclei contain a region homologous to the human Locus K 2.696
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and polysialylated-neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM): codistribution in the human brainstem precerebellar nuclei from prenatal to adult age. 2.516
Altered sexual behavior in dopamine transporter (DAT) knockout male rats: a behavioral, neurochemical and intracerebral microdialysis study 2.413
null 2.372
Discovery Of Novel Subregions Of The Human Cuneate Nucleus Whose Neurochemical Features Match Those Of Nociceptive Sensory Nuclei 2.268
null 2.228
null 2.227
TRPV1-, CGRP and SP-immunoreactive innervation o scalp arteries in patiens suffering from chronic migraine 2.205
Expression of TRPV1, CGRP and substance P in spinal primary afferent neurons in a rat model of bortezomib-induced peripheral neuropathy 2.188
Further studies on the histology and chemical neuroanatomy of the human cuneate nucleus 2.104
Tyrosine-hydroxylase, dopamine β-hydroxylase and choline acetyltransferase-like immunoreactive fibres in the human major sublingual gland 2.061
TRPV1-, CGRP- and SP-immunoreactive innarvation of scalp arteries in patients suffering with chronic migraine 1.974
Neurochemical characterization Of Bortezomib-Induced peripheral neuropathy: Expression Of Trpv1, CGRP and Substance P in the rat DRG and spinal cord 1.785
AMPA-type glutamate receptor subunits 2/3 in the human trigeminal sensory ganglion and subnucleus caudalis from prenatal ages to adulthood 1.692
Immunohistochemical localization of GDNF in the human hippocampal formation from prenatal life to adulthood. 1.645
Prevention of ischemia/reperfusion-induced lipid peroxidation by Pistacia lentiscus L. polyphenol-enriched essential oils in the rat frontal cortex 1.526
The human nucleus cuneatus contains discrete territories that share neurochemical features with the relay nuclei for nociceptive information 1.455
Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor-like immunoreactivity in human trigeminal ganglion and nucleus 1.444
Transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1) and neuropeptides in the dorsal root ganglia and spinal cord in a rat model of Bortezomib-induced neuropathy 1.239
Neurochemical characterization of bortezomib-induced peripheral neuropathy: expression of TRPV1, CGRP and substance P in the rat DRG and dorsal horn of spinal cord 1.227
Neurturin, persephin, and artemin in the human pre- and full-term newborn and adult hippocampus and fascia dentata 1.221
The terminal abdominal ganglion and pheromonal gland of the gypsy moth Lymantria dispar: a morphofunctional study 1.187
Studio multidisciplinare sui meccanismi di richiamo sessuale nella femmina del lepidottero infestante L. dispar, finalizzato al controllo delle popolazioni 1.094
Red nucleus structure and function: from anatomy to clinical neurosciences 1.072
Neurochemistry and hodology of the terminal abdominal ganglion of the gypsy moth Lymantria dispar 1.071
Polysialylated-neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) in the human trigeminal ganglion and brainstem at prenatal and adult ages 1.060
Morphofunctional study on the pheromonal secretion in the gipsy moth Lymantria Dispar 1.032
The pheromonal gland of Lymantria dispar: morphology and evidence for its innervation 1.030
The pheromonal gland of the gipsy moth Lymantria Dispar 1.028
Discrete subregions of the human nucleus cuneatus share neurochemical features with the protopathic nuclei 983
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and polysialylated-neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) in the human brainstem precerebellar nuclei from prenatal to adult age 983
Polyphenol-enriched essential oils prevent cerebral ischemia/reperfusion-induced lipid peroxidation in the rat frontal cortex 952
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and polysialylated-neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) in the human brainstem precerebellar nuclei from prenatal to adult age. 940
Transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1 (TRPV1) in the human trigeminal ganglion and spinal nucleus from prenatal life to old age 919
null 898
null 866
Cannabinoids: an Effective Treatment for Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neurotoxicity? 853
Tissue distribution of Ret, GFRalpha-1, GFRalpha-2 and GFRalpha-3 receptors in the human brainstem at fetal, neonatal and adult age 842
TRPV1-Like Immunoreactivity in the Human Locus K, a Distinct Subregion of the Cuneate Nucleus 836
Evidence for enduring cardiac and multiorgan toxicity after repeated exposure to the synthetic cannabinoid JWH-018 in male rats 818
Morphological changes induced by neuropeptide in vitro stimulation of rat and human salivary glands 764
Morphological changes induced by neuropeptide in vitro stimulation of human salivary glands 759
null 754
null 736
Transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1 (TRPV1) in the human trigeminal system and arteries of the scalp 704
The density of hepatic autonomic innervation differs between compensatory and direct hyperplasia rat models 704
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the human brainstem from prenatal age to adulthood. 703
GDNF family ligand receptor components Ret and GFRalpha-1 in the human trigeminal ganglion and sensory nuclei 699
PSA-NCAM in the human trigeminal sensory ganglion and nucleus at perinatal and adult age 698
Binge-like administration of alcohol mixed to energy drinks to male adolescent rats severely impacts on mesocortical dopaminergic function in adulthood: A behavioral, neurochemical and electrophysiological study 669
Characterization of neuronal subpopulations sensitive to the trophins of the GDNF family in the human trigeminal sensory system 663
Transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1 (TRPV1) in the human trigeminal system and arteries of the scalp 661
Does the human nucleus cuneatus contain a gelatinous subnucleus? 642
PSA-NCAM in the human trigeminal sensory ganglion and nucleus at perinatal and adult age 634
Influenza dell’acqua in distribuzionenegli stabilimenti lattiero-caseari sulla contaminazione dei prodotti finiti 632
Morphological changes induced by neuropeptide in vitro stimulation of the rat parotid gland 628
PSA-NCAM in the human Nervous System at perinatal and adult age. 626
PSA-NCAM in the human brainstem 625
Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Beta-Caryophyllene Mediated by the Involvement of TRPV1, BDNF and trkB in the Rat Cerebral Cortex after Hypoperfusion/Reperfusion 624
Transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1 (TRPV1) in the human trigeminal ganglion and spinal nucleus. 610
Immunoreactivity to BDNF and PSA-NCAM in human brainstem precerebellar nuclei from prenatal to adult life 606
Effect of administration of Pistacia Lentiscus L. essential oil on rat cerebral cortex and plasma following transient carotid artery occlusion/reperfusion presentation 603
Neuronal trophism and plasticity: morphological studies in the human nervous system and future experimental investigations 594
Neurotrophin-like immunoreactivity in the human pre-term newborn, infant and adult cerebellum 589
Totale 383.652
Categoria #
all - tutte 434.504
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 434.504

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202033.279 0 0 0 0 13.586 9.160 4.964 1.159 831 1.137 954 1.488
2020/202156.246 1.854 2.179 2.806 14.885 10.839 6.534 4.769 3.065 1.822 2.908 2.709 1.876
2021/202211.926 1.510 1.315 795 969 1.157 846 872 672 885 828 945 1.132
2022/202316.718 1.511 2.314 1.864 1.330 1.220 1.740 963 1.124 1.101 1.308 1.557 686
2023/202415.699 901 592 597 809 1.722 2.655 2.441 1.137 802 938 1.556 1.549
2024/2025209.956 4.242 68.949 130.407 3.472 2.886 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 401.656