Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 210.773
NA - Nord America 7.893
AS - Asia 1.961
SA - Sud America 142
OC - Oceania 131
AF - Africa 66
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 7
Totale 220.973
Nazione #
IT - Italia 208.302
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.803
CN - Cina 948
UA - Ucraina 704
SE - Svezia 661
SG - Singapore 319
GB - Regno Unito 279
DE - Germania 251
FI - Finlandia 190
VN - Vietnam 168
AU - Australia 121
FR - Francia 109
JP - Giappone 88
TR - Turchia 80
IN - India 73
BR - Brasile 72
CA - Canada 61
KR - Corea 56
HK - Hong Kong 55
BE - Belgio 38
NL - Olanda 33
TW - Taiwan 32
PE - Perù 31
IR - Iran 29
EG - Egitto 27
MX - Messico 25
RU - Federazione Russa 24
NO - Norvegia 20
CO - Colombia 18
ES - Italia 18
RO - Romania 18
CH - Svizzera 17
ID - Indonesia 17
PK - Pakistan 17
AT - Austria 16
TH - Thailandia 15
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 13
MY - Malesia 13
JO - Giordania 11
PH - Filippine 11
AR - Argentina 10
IE - Irlanda 10
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 10
PT - Portogallo 10
CL - Cile 9
IL - Israele 9
MU - Mauritius 9
NG - Nigeria 8
PL - Polonia 8
RS - Serbia 8
BG - Bulgaria 7
ZA - Sudafrica 7
ET - Etiopia 6
EU - Europa 6
GR - Grecia 6
HR - Croazia 6
SA - Arabia Saudita 6
DK - Danimarca 4
OM - Oman 4
SI - Slovenia 4
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 4
GT - Guatemala 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
BY - Bielorussia 2
CI - Costa d'Avorio 2
EE - Estonia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
KE - Kenya 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
UG - Uganda 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AL - Albania 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EC - Ecuador 1
IQ - Iraq 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
ME - Montenegro 1
MZ - Mozambico 1
TZ - Tanzania 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 220.973
Città #
Cagliari 201.529
Uta 5.317
Fairfield 863
Woodbridge 659
Chandler 651
Ashburn 562
Houston 541
Boardman 532
Nyköping 459
Wilmington 418
Seattle 364
Ann Arbor 359
Cambridge 347
Jacksonville 344
Dearborn 324
Dong Ket 164
Nanjing 150
Shanghai 147
Singapore 142
Santa Clara 133
Boston 124
Rome 124
Milan 123
Beijing 101
Helsinki 92
San Diego 74
Adachi 58
New York 57
Redwood City 56
Los Angeles 47
Washington 39
Nanchang 37
Hebei 35
Melbourne 35
Guangzhou 32
Jinan 32
London 32
Sassari 32
Verona 32
Tianjin 31
Hefei 30
Jiaxing 30
Shenyang 29
Toronto 29
Istanbul 28
Brisbane 27
Brussels 27
Lima 27
Changsha 26
Orange 26
Turin 26
Atlanta 25
Phoenix 25
Bologna 24
Naples 24
Mountain View 21
Padova 21
Norwalk 20
Florence 19
Genoa 19
Pune 19
Oslo 18
San Mateo 18
Wuhan 18
Zhengzhou 18
Kunming 16
Sydney 16
Adelaide 15
Central 15
Hangzhou 15
Dongducheon-si 14
Villacidro 14
Ankara 13
Bangkok 13
Ningbo 13
Seoul 13
Taipei 13
Tokyo 13
Vienna 13
Reggio Calabria 12
Amman 11
Auburn Hills 11
Bogotá 11
Hong Kong 11
Mumbai 11
Munich 11
Palermo 11
Redmond 11
Bari 10
Falls Church 9
Kuala Lumpur 9
Las Vegas 9
Liverpool 9
Antalya 8
Belgrade 8
Bursa 8
Guadalajara 8
Lviv 8
Nuoro 8
Rio de Janeiro 8
Totale 216.190
Nome #
Metabolomics: Which role in asphyxia and sepsis? 4.323
Patients with carotid atherosclerosis who underwent or did not undergo carotid endarterectomy: outcome on mood, cognition and quality of life 3.886
Relationship between job burnout, psychosocial factors and health care-associated infections in critical care units 3.883
Rare disease: a focus on metabolomics 3.836
Distinctive metabolomic fingerprint in scleroderma patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension 3.779
Can urine metabolomics be helpful in differentiating neuropathic and nociceptive pain? A proof-of-concept study 3.770
Association between burnout and sense of coherence among speech and language therapists: an exploratory study in Italy 3.621
Pattern of hepatitis A virus epidemiology in nursing students and adherence to preventive measures at two training wards of a university hospital 3.584
Healthcare-associated respiratory infections in intensive care unit can be reduced by a hand hygiene program: A multicenter study 3.050
Metabolomics profiling reveals different patterns in an animal model of asphyxial and dysrhythmic cardiac arrest 3.022
Randomized Evidence for Reduction of Perioperative Mortality: An Updated Consensus Process 2.873
Prolonged severe anemia and transfusion refusal following abdominal surgery. A case report and short literature review 2.851
Long-term, prolonged-release oral tapentadol for treatment of refractory chronic low back pain: a single-center, observational study 2.845
The role of collective affective commitment in the relationship between work–family conflict and emotional exhaustion among nurses: a multilevel modeling approach 2.804
Sportomics: Metabolomics applied to sports. The new revolution? 2.788
Risk for depression, burnout and low quality of life among personnel of a university hospital in Italy is a consequence of the impact one economic crisis in the welfare system? 2.724
Outcome of cardiac surgery in patients with low preoperative ejection fraction 2.723
Metabolomics network characterization of resuscitation after normocapnic hypoxia in a newborn piglet model supports the hypothesis that room air is better 2.715
Compassion fatigue, watching patients suffering and emotional display rules among hospice professionals: a daily diary study 2.711
Use of the screening suggested by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and of a newly-derived tool for the detection of unhealthy alcohol drinkers among surgical patients 2.673
Nurses well-being in intensive care units: study of factors promoting team commitment 2.580
Preoperative intra-aortic balloon pump to reduce mortality in coronary artery bypass graft: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials 2.574
Measuring Burnout Among University Students: Factorial Validity, Invariance, and Latent Profiles of the Italian Version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory Student Survey (MBI-SS) 2.550
Controlling catheter-related bloodstream infections through a multi-centre educational programme for intensive care units 2.526
Depression and cerebrovascular disease: could vortioxetine represent a valid treatment option? 2.525
Acquired factor VIII inhibitor and subsequent development of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: a case report and review of the literature 2.479
Metabolomics and Pain 2.426
Olanzapine-associated portal and superior mesenteric vein thrombosis 2.379
Cultural adaptation and psychometric validation of the Caring Efficacy scale in a sample of Italian nurses 2.343
BEEP-Bodily and emotional perception of pain. A questionnaire to measure reaction to pain in chronic pain disorders 2.333
Patient verbal abuse, emotional exhaustion, and affective commitment among healthcare workers: A moderated mediation model of peer support 2.296
Hypericum scruglii Bacch., Brullo & Salmeri, is it a possible natural resource against Fibromyalgia? 2.285
Vasopressin in hemorrhagic shock: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized animal trials 2.269
Is targeted opioid therapy within sight? 2.263
Additive effect on survival of anaesthetic cardiac protection and remote ischemic preconditioning in cardiac surgery: A Bayesian network meta-analysis of randomized trials 2.235
GCMS-based metabolomics analysis of urines in hypoxic neonatal piglets 2.174
General anesthesia and neurotoxicity on the developing brain 2.112
A metabolomics approach in asphyxial cardiac arrest 2.043
A systematic review of the effects of adding neostigmine to local anesthetics for neuraxial administration in obstetric anesthesia and analgesia 2.042
Prospective study on prevalence, intensity, type, and therapy of acute pain in a second-level urban emergency department 2.042
Cardiac surgery in 260 octogenarians: a case series 2.022
Efficacy of two brief cognitive-behavioural rehabilitation programmes for chronic neck pain: results of a randomized controlled pilot study 2.013
Nitric Oxide in Cardiac Surgery: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials 2.006
Mortality in multicenter critical care trials: An analysis of interventions with a significant effect 2.002
Non-adrenergic vasopressors in patients with or at risk for vasodilatory shock. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials 1.975
Fentanyl Buccal Tablet: A New Breakthrough Pain Medication in Early Management of Severe Vaso-Occlusive Crisis in Sickle Cell Disease 1.956
Stress among university students: factorial structure and measurement invariance of the Italian version of the Effort-Reward Imbalance student questionnaire 1.955
COVID-19 and medical liability: Italy denies the shield to its heroes 1.946
Sorveglianza delle infezioni nosocomiali nelle Unità di Terapia Intensiva. Risultati di un monitoraggio nelle unità dei presidi dell’Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Cagliari, nel quadriennio 2007-2010 1.902
Is the quickness of resuscitation after hypoxia influenced by the oxygen concentration? Metabolomics in piglets resuscitated with different oxygen concentrations 1.898
Kounis Syndrome: An analysis of spontaneous reports from international pharmacovigilance database 1.800
Burnout and workload among healthcare workers: the moderating role of job control 1.779
Postural counseling represents a novel option in pain management of fibromyalgia patients 1.765
Fear of the back. Are we justified to refrain from neuraxial anesthesia? 1.731
Reducing mortality in acute kidney injury patients: Systematic review and international web-based surveY 1.710
Linezolid-induced thrombocytopenia in impaired renal function: is it time for a dose adjustment? A case report and review of literature 1.655
Physiological response to lipid peroxidation in ischemia and reperfusion during carotid endarterectomy 1.648
Non-fatal thrombin base hemostatic pulmonary embolism in laparoscopic surgery. A case report 1.547
Pituitary apoplexy after laparoscopic surgery: A case report 1.511
Randomized Evidence for Reduction of Perioperative Mortality 1.494
Metabolomics and psychological features in fibromyalgia and electromagnetic sensitivity 1.443
L'anziano in terapia intensiva: ammissione, gestione, outcomes e rapporto costi/benefici 1.404
Clinical management of acute and chronic pain in patients with sickle cell disease 1.394
Active elderly and health—can moderate exercise improve health and wellbeing in older adults? Protocol for a randomized controlled trial 1.391
Editorial – Musculoskeletal pain: Which role for tapentadol? 1.388
Continuous infusion versus intermittent administration of meropenem in critically ill patients (MERCY): A multicenter randomized double-blind trial. Rationale and design 1.386
Worldwide opinion on multicenter randomized interventions showing mortality reduction in critically Ill patients: A democracy-based medicine approach 1.379
Oppiacei nel dolore neuropatico 1.308
Diabete mellito e anestesia 1.308
Prediction of fluid responsiveness in ventilated critically ill patients 1.271
Neurolesioni del simpatico 1.266
Coma of unknown origin and hepatic failure: a case report 1.251
Acute nephrotoxicity of NSAID from the foetus to the adult 1.246
Greater occipital nerve block for surgical resection of major infiltrating lesions of the posterior scalp 1.240
Tapentadol prolonged release in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain: an innovative pharmacological option 1.220
Fungal infections in pediatric intensive care units 1.217
Equianalgesia, opioid switch and opioid association in different clinical settings: a narrative review 1.211
Fisiopatologia, clinica e diagnosi delle CRPS 1.188
Novel insights on the management of pain: highlights from the 'Science of Relief' meeting 1.175
The authors reply 1.162
Basic guide to chronic pain assessment: from neurophysiology to bedside 1.144
Dolore neuropatico: dalla tassonomia alle nuove conoscenze 1.119
Comparison of the tolerability profile of controlled release oral morphine and oxycodone for cancer pain treatment. An open label randomized controlled trial 1.090
COVID-19 Case Fatality Ratio of Latino America Countries with Temperate Climate Partially Follows European and Oceania Trends According to Seasonal Change 1.086
Nurses’ behavior regarding pain treatment in an emergency department: A single-center observational study 1.075
Fear of the COVID-19 and medical liability. Insights from a series of 130 consecutives medico-legal claims evaluated in a single institution during SARS-CoV-2-related pandemic 1.073
Dealing With COVID-19 Patients: A Moderated Mediation Model of Exposure to Patients' Death and Mental Health of Italian Health Care Workers 1.032
Worries, Preparedness, and Perceived Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Nurses' Mental Health 1.018
Bone fractures in patients using tapentadol or oxycodone: an exploratory US claims database study 1.013
Urapidil vs clonidina nel trattamento dell’ipertensione arteriosa postoperatoria 995
Clinical practice recommendations on the management of perioperative cardiac arrest: A report from the PERIOPCA Consortium 928
Moderate exercise improves cognitive function in healthy elderly people: results of a randomized controlled trial 920
The kidney in post-asphyctic syndrome: state of the art. 907
Ossicodone a rilascio controllato e dolore cronico da cancro 893
Anaesthetic drugs and survival: a Bayesian network meta-analysis of randomized trials in cardiac surgery 861
Experiences, Emotions, and Health Consequences among COVID-19 Survivors after Intensive Care Unit Hospitalization 848
Buprenorfina transdermica e le sfide terapeutiche 806
Metabolomics and Microbiomics: New Potential Strategies in Chronic Pain Syndrome 804
Trattamento dell’ipertensione arteriosa postendoarteriectomia carotidea (CEA) 802
Impiego delle amine nella nefropotezione: stato dell’arte 802
Totale 192.316
Categoria #
all - tutte 269.384
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 269.384

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202030.648 0 0 0 0 11.926 9.119 4.971 1.053 679 798 699 1.403
2020/202153.849 1.630 2.155 2.268 13.230 9.736 6.379 4.310 3.590 1.908 3.216 3.288 2.139
2021/202215.258 1.472 1.081 690 977 1.234 1.128 662 745 1.562 1.577 2.225 1.905
2022/202320.908 1.822 2.729 2.700 1.855 1.869 2.330 903 1.794 1.207 1.177 1.615 907
2023/202420.920 1.130 844 759 1.372 1.930 3.574 3.021 1.506 960 1.496 2.217 2.111
2024/202527.414 7.003 8.935 4.851 4.966 1.659 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 221.541