Preparing for the inevitable: Strategically navigating negative publicity in the contemporary business landscape
In corso di stampa Hettiarachchi Maha Hettiarachchige, Asheen Heranga; Cabiddu, Francesca; Moi, Ludovica
I microfondamenti delle Phygital Dynamic Capabilities: il caso Webidoo Store
2024-01-01 Moi, Ludovica; Pusceddu, Gianluca; Cabiddu, Francesca
Online integrated marketing communication strategies of international brands: standardization vs. adaptation approaches
2024-01-01 Rashkova, Yanina; Moi, Ludovica; Marku, Elona; Cabiddu, Francesca
Phygital Capabilities: Microfoundations and Dynamic Interplay
2024-01-01 Moi, Ludovica; Pusceddu, Gianluca; Cabiddu, Francesca
Addressing the societal challenges in organizations: the conceptualization of mindfulness capability for social justice
2023-01-01 Rashkova, Yanina; Moi, Ludovica; Cabiddu, Francesca
Customer engagement in the tourism industry at the time of COVID-19: an exploratory study
2023-01-01 Cabiddu, Francesca; Moi, Ludovica; Pusceddu, Gianluca
Do they see eye to eye? Managing customer experience in phygital high-tech retail
2023-01-01 Pusceddu, Gianluca; Moi, Ludovica; Cabiddu, Francesca
How emotions impact the interactive value formation process during problematic social media interactions
2023-01-01 Frau, Moreno; Cabiddu, Francesca; Frigau, Luca; Tomczyk, Przemysław; Mola, Francesco
Le politiche pubbliche a sostegno della crisi da COVID-19 nel settore turistico: un’analisi esplorativa
2023-01-01 Reginato, Elisabetta; Cabiddu, Francesca; Modica, Patrizia
The next frontier of digital business model innovation
2023-01-01 Moi, Ludovica; Rashkova, Yanina; Cabiddu, Francesca
Value Co-creation or Value Co-destruction? the Role of Negative Emotions in Consumer-Firm Interaction in the Social Media Platform
2023-01-01 Frau, Moreno; Frigau, Luca; Cabiddu, Francesca; Mola, Francesco
Digital communication strategies during the pandemic crisis: lessons from Amazon company
2022-01-01 Moi, Ludovica; Serpi, Simone; Cabiddu, Francesca
Digital transformation through the lens of digital data handling: an exploratory analysis of agri-food SMEs
2022-01-01 Frau, Moreno; Moi, Ludovica; Cabiddu, Francesca
Infusing Mindfulness for Social Justice: New Perspectives for Sustainable Human Resource Management
2022-01-01 Rashkova, Y.; Moi, L.; Cabiddu, F.
Managing the different stages of unexpected events: an exploratory analysis of tourism family businesses
2022-01-01 Pusceddu, Gianluca; Moi, Ludovica; Cabiddu, Francesca
Navigating a global pandemic crisis through marketing agility: evidence from Italian B2B firms
2022-01-01 Moi, L.; Cabiddu, F.
Panificio Ferreli
2022-01-01 Floris, Michela; Cabiddu, Francesca
Pensiero divergente e performance dei social media influencer: quale ruolo per la creatività?
2022-01-01 Loi, Michela; Marras, Giammarco; Cabiddu, Francesca
The intersection between SMEs' business strategies and the phases of unexpected events: a systematic review of the literature
2022-01-01 Pusceddu, Gianluca; Moi, Ludovica; Cabiddu, Francesca
Time to clean up food production? Digital technologies, nature-driven agility, and the role of managers and customers
2022-01-01 Frau, Moreno; Moi, Ludovica; Cabiddu, Francesca; Keszey, Tamara