Balancing Demand and Supply in Music Labour Markets. The Shifting Role of Italian Music Conservatories
2024-01-01 Casula, Clementina
Digital transformations, entrepreneurship and culture in Sardinia's traditional sector of sheep and goat farming
2024-01-01 Casula, Clementina; Melis, Giuseppe
Sisters of Stradivari. Le diseguaglianze di genere nella liuteria artistica
2024-01-01 Casula, Clementina
Beata M. Kowalczyk, Transnational Musicians. Precariousness, Ethnicity and Gender in the Creative Industry, Routledge, London and New York, 2021, ISBN 978-0-367-41850-2, 192 pages, £ 36.99 (Paperback) and £ 33.29 (eBook).
2023-01-01 Casula, Clementina
Class and Gender Inequalities in the Recruitment of Classical Musicians: Reflections on the Case of Italian Music Conservatoires
2023-01-01 Casula, Clementina
Giovani e creatività
2023-01-01 Casula, Clementina
Il sistema di produzione artistico e culturale di Cagliari: dalla prova pandemica agli orizzonti futuri
2023-01-01 Zurru, Marco; Casula, Clementina; Podda, Antonello
Lotte simboliche nel campo intellettuale. La parodia cinematografica del sociologo nell'Italia del miracolo economico
2023-01-01 Casula, Clementina
Winds of Change? Gender Segregation in Music Education and Production in Italy
2023-01-01 Casula, Clementina
Framing the socially invisible: a transdisciplinary gender analysis of two documentary films on jazz
2022-01-01 Casula, C.; Cosci, M.
L'isola dei festival jazz. Distinzione identitaria, isomorfismo organizzativo e professionalizzazione nella produzione di jazz in Sardegna
2022-01-01 Casula, Clementina
To be assertive or not to be assertive: that is the question! Students' reactions to sexual harassment in academia
2022-01-01 Cabras, Cristina; Sechi, Cristina; Agus, Mirian; Cois, Ester; Casula, Clementina; Raffo, Luigi; Mosca, Oriana
Boosting gender equality through music production. A case study on two Italian female brass bands
2021-01-01 Casula, Clementina
Il ruolo della regolazione istituzionale nell’intersezione tra aging, genere e generazione
2021-01-01 Casula, Clementina
Local broadcast journalists and the trap of professional heterogeneity
2021-01-01 Casula, Clementina
The network of the cultural and creative system in the City of Cagliari
2021-01-01 Podda, Antonello; Zurru, MARCO LUCIANO; Casula, Clementina
Artistic work in pandemic times
2020-01-01 Casula, Clementina; Bertolini, Sonia; Perrenoud, Marc; Bataille, Pierre
From atypical to paradigmatic? Artistic work in contemporary capitalist societies
2020-01-01 Casula, Clementina; Bertolini, Sonia; Bataille, Pierre; Perrenoud, Marc
From atypical to paradigmatic? The relevance of the study of artistic work for the sociology of work
2020-01-01 Casula, Clementina; Bertolini, Sonia; Perrenoud, Marc; Bataille, Pierre
Innovazione artistica e turismo culturale. La programmazione del Festival Internazionale di Musica Contemporanea nella rinascita post-bellica della Biennale di Venezia (1946-1951)
2020-01-01 Casula, Clementina; DAL MOLIN, Paolo