Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 270.344
NA - Nord America 7.319
AS - Asia 1.993
AF - Africa 195
SA - Sud America 106
OC - Oceania 37
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 11
Totale 280.005
Nazione #
IT - Italia 267.284
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.196
CN - Cina 1.142
UA - Ucraina 854
SE - Svezia 730
DE - Germania 407
SG - Singapore 347
GB - Regno Unito 293
FI - Finlandia 237
FR - Francia 158
VN - Vietnam 107
CA - Canada 97
IN - India 68
ES - Italia 65
TR - Turchia 56
DZ - Algeria 50
NL - Olanda 50
KR - Corea 41
IR - Iran 40
IE - Irlanda 39
TN - Tunisia 38
CL - Cile 35
BE - Belgio 34
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 33
BR - Brasile 30
ID - Indonesia 30
PH - Filippine 30
AU - Australia 29
HK - Hong Kong 24
NG - Nigeria 22
JP - Giappone 18
KE - Kenya 18
RU - Federazione Russa 18
CH - Svizzera 17
MX - Messico 17
GR - Grecia 15
IL - Israele 14
PK - Pakistan 14
PL - Polonia 14
AT - Austria 13
NO - Norvegia 13
RO - Romania 13
HR - Croazia 12
MY - Malesia 12
TH - Thailandia 12
ZA - Sudafrica 12
AR - Argentina 11
EG - Egitto 10
EU - Europa 10
TW - Taiwan 10
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 8
MA - Marocco 8
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 8
PE - Perù 8
PY - Paraguay 8
AL - Albania 7
BG - Bulgaria 7
ET - Etiopia 7
GH - Ghana 7
CO - Colombia 6
LT - Lituania 6
PT - Portogallo 6
DK - Danimarca 5
GT - Guatemala 5
CI - Costa d'Avorio 4
LK - Sri Lanka 4
NA - Namibia 4
BO - Bolivia 3
DJ - Gibuti 3
EC - Ecuador 3
HU - Ungheria 3
JO - Giordania 3
RS - Serbia 3
AM - Armenia 2
BJ - Benin 2
BZ - Belize 2
CD - Congo 2
CR - Costa Rica 2
IS - Islanda 2
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 2
LB - Libano 2
LV - Lettonia 2
LY - Libia 2
TZ - Tanzania 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BT - Bhutan 1
BW - Botswana 1
EE - Estonia 1
GE - Georgia 1
GY - Guiana 1
KW - Kuwait 1
MD - Moldavia 1
QA - Qatar 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
SN - Senegal 1
TG - Togo 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 280.003
Città #
Cagliari 260.028
Uta 5.840
Chandler 846
Boardman 609
Fairfield 517
Nyköping 511
Woodbridge 499
Ashburn 484
Jacksonville 444
Ann Arbor 419
Wilmington 302
Dearborn 301
Houston 265
Seattle 189
Singapore 188
Los Angeles 180
Nanjing 169
Beijing 160
Shanghai 158
Cambridge 154
Santa Clara 153
Boston 126
Helsinki 113
Dong Ket 102
Redwood City 75
Milan 71
Guangzhou 61
Rome 61
Shenyang 55
Sassari 54
Toronto 46
Hebei 44
Nanchang 42
San Diego 37
Changsha 34
Jiaxing 33
Munich 33
Portland 31
Tianjin 31
Washington 29
Mountain View 26
Jinan 24
New York 24
Norwalk 24
Brno 22
Brussels 20
Orange 20
Zhengzhou 20
Dublin 19
Florence 19
Kocaeli 19
Santiago 19
Hefei 18
Quartu Sant'elena 18
Assèmini 17
Atlanta 17
Barcelona 17
Naples 17
Ningbo 17
Paris 17
Turin 17
Bari 16
London 16
Auburn Hills 15
Seoul 15
Nairobi 14
Selargius 14
Verona 14
Gangnam-gu 13
Kunming 13
Sumirago 13
Sìnnai 13
Hangzhou 12
Napoli 12
Ottawa 12
Bologna 11
Edinburgh 11
Jakarta 11
Madrid 11
Nottingham 11
Siena 11
Wuhan 11
Monserrato 10
Montreal 10
Pune 10
Amsterdam 9
Chicago 9
Frankfurt am Main 9
Hong Kong 9
Manchester 9
Taizhou 9
Tehran 9
Casalecchio di Reno 8
Fernando De La Mora 8
Guidonia 8
Hill 8
Kolkata 8
Ludhiana 8
Manila 8
Oslo 8
Totale 274.331
Nome #
Approccio multi-scala per la definizione delle caratteristiche idrogeologiche degli acquiferi fessurati 13.246
Impact of biogeochemical barriers on the fate of zinc (Zn) in the metal-polluted Iglesiente and Arburese mine districts (SW-Sardinia, Italy) 11.892
The Landslide Susceptibility Map of Sardinia- Italy: a new tool for risk management 7.784
Application of hydrologic-tracer techniques to the Casargiu adit and Rio Irvi (SW-Sardinia, Italy): Using enhanced natural attenuation to reduce extreme metal loads 4.866
Hydrogeological characterisation of the Flumendosa plain 4.509
Coupling Hydrogeochemical Data And Structural Modelling To Enhance Understanding Of Groundwater Circulation Controlled By Faults In Northern Sardinia (Italy) 4.482
Integrating remote sensing data for the assessments of coastal cliffs hazard: MAREGOT project 4.395
Calibrating and processing SAR images from Sentinel-1 for the purpose of soil moisture extraction 4.351
Can be geogenic radon potential indirectly inferred 3.698
Measurements of Indoor Radon Levels and Gamma Dose Rates 3.643
Coupling 3D hydrogeological modelling and geochemical mapping for an innovative approach to support management of aquifers 3.371
3D hydrogeological modelling supported by geochemical mapping as an innovative approach for management of aquifers applied to the Nurra district (Sardinia, Italy) 3.356
Effect of textural and hydrological properties of the soil on the residence time of infiltration water and in promoting denitrification processes in the unsaturated zone 3.278
Thermal Remote Sensing from UAVs: A Review on Methods in Coastal Cliffs Prone to Landslides 3.071
Nitrate occurrence in groundwater hosted in hard-rock aquifers: estimating background values at a regional scale 3.052
Effective monitoring network design for evaluation of nitrate contamination in the Southern Campidano Aquifer 2.999
Three-dimensional hydrogeological reconstruction based on geological depositional model: A case study from the coastal plain of Arborea (Sardinia, Italy) 2.991
Geological criteria to the 3D delimitation of groundwater bodies (GWB) in the hydrographic district of Sardinia 2.939
La Geomatica a supporto dell'analisi critica della metodologia PAI in Sardegna. 2.917
Environmental effects on the aquatic system and metal discharge to the Mediterranean Sea from a near-neutral zinc-ferrous sulfate mine drainage 2.913
Microborings in foraminiferi bentonici di un’area marina costiera altamente industrializzata: possibile correlazione tra infestazione microbica e inquinamento ambientale? 2.909
Isotopic tools applied to the hydrogeochemical characterization and the identification of contamination sources in the Oued Biskra watershed (Algeria) 2.835
3D hydrogeological modelling supporting studies on the sources of manganese, sulphate and trichloromethane in groundwater at Portoscuso (Sardinia, Italy) 2.792
Dinamics of rare earth elements in water-soil systems: the case study of the Pineta San Vitale (Ravenna, Italy) 2.756
Natural radioactivity and radon exhalation rate of Sardinian dimension stones 2.750
Hydrogeological and multi-isotopic approach to define nitrate pollution and denitrification processes in a coastal aquifer (Sardinia, Italy) 2.733
Electrical Resistivity Tomography for the identification of the alluvium-Triassic boundary in Medenine Region (SE Tunisia) 2.650
Origin of manganese, sulphates and trichloromethane in groundwater at Portoscuso (Sardinia-Italy) 2.617
Groundwater numerical model of the Biskra inféro-flux aquifer (NE Algeria) 2.595
Design of artificial aquifer recharge systems in dry region of Maghreb (Norh Africa) 2.564
Design of Artificial Aquifer Recharge Systems in semi-arid regions of Maghreb (North Africa) 2.556
Source and fate of nitrate in contaminated groundwater systems: Assessing spatial and temporal variations by hydrogeochemistry and multiple stable isotope tools 2.550
A methodological approach for the identification of sulphate sources in the Portoscuso area (south-western Sardinia) 2.464
Geological and hydrogeological features controlling mechanisms of fluoride enrichment in groundwater in the East African Rift System 2.457
Enargite oxidation: a review 2.444
Natural attenuation can lead to environmental resilience in mine environment 2.443
Assessment methodology of permeability in a granitic aquifer in a pilot basin in the south of Sardinia (Italy) 2.442
Integrated geological approach to assess rocky coasts prone to landslide 2.385
Hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical modelling in the freatic aquifer of the Cixerri plain (Sardinia, Italy) 2.360
An interdisciplinary approach for groundwater management in area contaminated by fluoride in East African Rift System 2.342
Improving land cover mapping: A mobile application based on esa sentinel 2 imagery 2.325
Multidisciplinary geophysical surveys for 3D hydrogeological conceptual model reconstruction in areas contaminated by fluoride in Nakuru area, East African Rift System (Kenya) 2.319
An interdisciplinary methodology to design integrated and innovative MAR systems in arid and semi-arid regions. Two case studies in Algeria and in Tunisia 2.299
Using groundwater age data to understand Nitrate contamination in a coastal aquifer 2.277
Impact on streams and sea water of a near-neutral drainage from a flooded mine in Sardinia, Italy 2.232
Arsenic contamination in the Baccu Locci mine watershed (Sardinia, Italy) after remediation 2.210
Environmental isotopes (N, S, C, O, D) applied to the hydrogeochemical characterization of the Oum Zessar watershed (Tunisia) 2.181
Comparison of pre- and post-remediation stream water chemistry in the arsenic-contaminated Baccu Locci mine watershed (Italy): preliminary data 2.113
Inquadramento idrogeologico della Sardegna e relative problematiche 2.109
Modellistica geologica e idrogeologica tridimensionale per la valutazione quali-quantitativa delle risorse idriche sotterranee 2.071
Stream water chemistry in the arsenic-contaminated Baccu Locci mine watershed (Sardinia, Italy) after remediation 2.063
Environmental impact of a near-neutral mine drainage on surface waters and dissolved metal load to the Mediterranean Sea 2.046
Determination of Arsenic Speciation in Complex Environmental Samples by the Combined Use of TEM and XPS 2.044
Preliminary characterization of slope stability in a small basin in the South-West of Sardinia (Italy) 1.965
From acid-rock drainage to acid-mine drainage: extreme contamination in waters at the Furtei Au-mine (Sardinia, Italy) 1.952
Testing indirect methods to infer hydraulic conductivity in streambed sediments: preliminary results 1.898
RENDICONTI Online della Società Geologica Italiana Vol. 47 - Marzo 2019 Special section FLOWPATH 2017 1.734
Flowpath 2017 – National Meeting on Hydrogeology, Cagliari, 14-16 June 2017 1.726
Geotechnical characterization of secondary raw materials for road constructions 1.657
Geochemistry, stable isotopes and statistic tools to estimate threshold and source of nitrate in groundwater (Sardinia, Italy) 1.636
Legacy of Cyanide and ARD at a Low-Scale Gold Mine (Furtei, Italy) 1.609
Impact of the Furtei gold mine (Italy) on aquatic systems 1.595
Dissoluzione dell’enargite in ambiente acido: dati preliminari 1.554
Defining wave action influence on hard rocky cliff stability 1.545
Hydrogeochemistry, rare earth elements and stable isotopes geochemistry of surface and ground-waters in the Ravenna coastal area 1.529
Targeting the measures for limiting nitrate pollution in groundwater by evaluation of transit time along the unsaturated zone. 1.520
Oxidation of enargite: a review 1.477
Evaluating the Feasibility of a Managed Aquifer Recharge System in a Coastal Aquifer: First Results of Natural Recharge and Streamflow Simulations Using a Multi-Model Approach 1.373
Using Large Databases of Groundwater Chemistry in the Northern Midwest USA: The Effects of Geologic and Anthropogenic Factors 1.356
Chemical state of arsenic and copper in enargite: evidences from EPR and X-ray absorption spectroscopies, and SQUID magnetometry 1.315
Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from three polluted areas in Southern Sardinia (Italy): A review 1.296
Hydrogeological Assessment of Sardinia and Related Issues 1.289
A coupled hydrogeological and multi-isotopic approach to investigate saltwater intrusion in a coastal groundwater (Sardinia, Italy) 1.252
A Methodological Approach For The Effective Infiltration Assessment In A Coastal Groundwater 1.191
Laser-Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS): setting operating conditions and instrumental performance 1.178
Le acque sotterranee: uso sostenibile di una risorsa invisibile 1.165
The use of stable pore water isotopes in the study of nitrate leaching 1.112
Estimation of Transit Time Along the Unsaturated Zone in the Protection of Groundwater Resources 1.110
Drainage at abandoned mine sites: natural attenuation of contaminants in different seasons 1.107
Monitoring of physical-chemical parameter depth profile to assess sea water intrusion phenomena in a coastal multi-layer aquifer 1.075
Pisolithic ferricretes around the Cretaceous-Palaeocene boundary in southern Sardinia (Italy) as palaeoenvironmental proxies 1.060
Long-Term Annual Average Aquifer Recharge assessment for the island of Sardinia (Italy) 1.054
Groundwater age tracer challenges: a case study from the Muravera plain, Italy 1.053
Enargite by XPS 1.049
Caratterizzazione analitica XPS di enargite naturale e sintetica 1.046
Conference Proceedings Book 1.045
An infrared thermography approach to evaluate the strength of a rock cliff 1.029
Arsenic in mining environments: evidences from Sardinia (Italy) 995
Quantitative X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of enargite (Cu3AsS4) surface 988
Release of toxic elements from rocks and mine wastes at the Furtei gold mine (Sardinia, Italy) 987
Processes ruling kinetics of metal sulfide reactions studied by surface techniques 983
A multi-disciplinary approach to characterize groundwater systems in coastal areas: the case studies of the Muravera Plain (Sardinia, Italy) 948
The Chemical state of Arsenic in Minerals of Environmental Interest – An XPS and XAES Study 946
Methodology for identifying groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDE) and allowing the groundwater status assessment accordingly in Sardinia. 934
Innovative methodological approach for the modeling of seawater intrusion in the coastal plain of Muravera (Sardinia, Italy) 918
Hydrogeochemistry, rare earth elements and stable-isotope geochemistry of surface and groundwaters in the Ravenna coastal area 894
Benthic foraminifera response and geochemical characterization of the coastal environment surrounding the polluted industrial area of Portovesme (South-Western Sardinia, Italy) 890
Seasonal variability of harmful components in different aqueous fractions in natural waters 878
Totale 233.958
Categoria #
all - tutte 327.247
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 327.247

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202010.710 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.201 1.232 877 1.069 938 1.393
2020/202153.812 1.719 1.786 2.414 15.086 10.629 5.728 4.527 3.031 1.640 2.863 2.459 1.930
2021/202212.283 1.394 806 668 968 886 854 666 586 1.131 1.230 1.537 1.557
2022/202319.486 1.598 2.664 2.353 1.655 1.613 1.939 1.118 1.486 1.246 1.278 1.783 753
2023/202422.038 1.244 821 924 1.343 2.120 3.721 3.049 1.609 1.053 1.743 2.319 2.092
2024/202595.518 24.020 36.337 12.428 5.157 12.443 2.522 2.611 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 280.557