Some characterizations of the complex projective space via Ehrhart polynomials
2024-01-01 Loi, Andrea; Zuddas, Fabio
On canonical radial Kahler metrics
2023-01-01 Loi, A.; Salis, F.; Zuddas, F.
Kähler–Ricci solitons induced by infinite-dimensional complex space forms
2022-01-01 Loi, A.; Salis, F.; Zuddas, F.
Many closed K-magnetic geodesics on S^2
2022-01-01 Musina, R.; Zuddas, F.
Extremal Kähler Metrics Induced by Finite or Infinite-Dimensional Complex Space Forms
2021-01-01 Loi, A.; Salis, F.; Zuddas, F.
Ricci flat Calabi's metric is not projectively induced
2021-01-01 Loi, Andrea; Zedda, Michela; Zuddas, Fabio
A characterization of complex space forms via Laplace operators
2020-01-01 Loi, A.; Salis, F.; Zuddas, F.
Cohomogeneity one Kaehler and Kaehler-Einstein manifolds with one singular orbit II
2020-01-01 Alekseevsky, D.; Zuddas, F.
Finite TYCZ expansions and cscK metrics
2020-01-01 Loi, A.; Mossa, R.; Zuddas, F.
Partially regular and cscK metrics
2020-01-01 Loi, A.; Zuddas, F.
Bochner Coordinates on Flag Manifolds
2019-01-01 Loi, Andrea; Mossa, Roberto; Zuddas, Fabio
Embedded loops in the hyperbolic plane with prescribed, almost constant curvature
2019-01-01 Musina, R.; Zuddas, F.
On the third coefficient of TYZ expansion for radial scalar flat metrics
2018-01-01 Loi, Andrea; Salis, Filippo; Zuddas, Fabio
Two conjectures on Ricci-flat Kähler metrics
2018-01-01 Loi, Andrea; Salis, Filippo; Zuddas, Fabio
Cohomogeneity one Kähler and Kähler-Einstein manifolds with one singular orbit I
2017-01-01 Alekseevsky, Dmitri; Zuddas, Fabio
The log-term of the Bergman kernel of the disc bundle over a homogeneous Hodge manifold
2017-01-01 Loi, Andrea; Mossa, Roberto; Zuddas, Fabio
On the Gromov width of homogeneous Kähler manifolds
2016-01-01 Loi, Andrea; Zuddas, Fabio
Some remarks on the symplectic and Kaehler geometry of toric varieties
2016-01-01 Loi, Andrea; Arezzo, C; Zuddas, Fabio
Symplectic capacities of hermitian symmetric spaces of compact and noncompact type
2015-01-01 Loi, A.; Mossa, R.; Zuddas, F.
Some remarks on the Gromov width of homogeneous Hodge manifolds
2014-01-01 Loi, A.; Mossa, R.; Zuddas, F.